>americans have no cul-
Americans have no cul-
I am watching x-men series captured from pirate bay service for free, is it ok for american cultural comrades?
Where is he? It's been 5 minutes
take my dick to the old town road
vaqueros are mexicans.
Maybe he's dead...
im scared, this isnt like him
I already wanted to fuck my sister
look here, son
Saying vaqueros are spanish is like saying Samba is Portuguese
But the cowboy hat is American
stop appropriating my culture
> be american
> the only part of your country that ever had something resembling a culture was mexican
why are sharts like this
Cattle ranching in Mexico was it's own thing, because Spain is a little country with a different climate and those"Spaniards" are our ancestors anyway not yours
Mindset hat
Cowboys are Mexican
¿Cuántas cabezas de ganado tenían los aztecas, mixtecas y demás pueblos precolombinos?
La cultura vaquera llegó a tu continente desde España, pancho. Otra cosa es que evolucionara y se diferenciara con el tiempo.
>and those"Spaniards" are our ancestors anyway not yours
imagine believing this meme
Pero no estamos hablando de manolos folla ovejas, y el punto justamente es que los gringos no fueron a aprender a España, por 300 años aqui se desarrollo una cultura particular y reconocída de ganaderia que incluso el rey de Hawaii pidio que les enseñarán el manejo del ganado.
dumb post
>los aztecas, mixtecas y demás pueblos precolombinos
esos no son mexicanos
cuando haz visto un vaquero en españa?
The canadian obsessed with the small pastel horse show
Yee-haw, Lee Goldson barneyfag
>Cowboy hats
>Not Latino
reddit post
Get fucking killed