I'll live there one day
First world countries
Slovenia, Czechia, Estonia are first world
Poland maybe too
me on the right
Only Nordics, Switzerland and the Netherlands are first world
a second worlder lifting his fellow second worlders up to the first world ?
Poland has nice infrastructure and is pretty tidy but still far from countries like The Netherlands or Sweden. It's also only slightly richer than us.
pls let me in
t. Krakowski
>first wo
>First world
What's Chile?
You are welcome here, we first worlders are open and tolerant.
it's shit
Thanks master
its better than us
Sweden and Finland are third world, fucking revisionist Americans erasing our proud history because speaking in terms like Quality of Life would put them below ex Soviets
Italy is a shit don’t move here.
Move to Sweden it’s better.
This is the first world
>I'll live there one day
me too. unless i kill myself first which is far more likely
You're right, but 40 years ago we were even above first world in every capacity
Greece can't be first world
>Makes a bunch of cartoons you jack off to
>"They're first world"
Get a real job, english teacher-san.
Canada is full.
>pop density 4/sq km
nah m8
Germany has a higher GDP per capita and a higher HDI than Finland
see pic related
if Portugal and Greece are first world then so is Poland
Slovenia, Czechia and Estonia are first world without much doubt
We are full as far as violent South Americans need be concerned.
>first world
me too
germany is second world
hdi is a meme
Czechia is definitely first world, many parts of it look similar or better than here. For poland it really depends on how you define first world, there's still a lot of buildings that are in a terrible state, pollution is really bad and infrastructure in rural areas sucks (although it's getting a lot better due to euro gibs). However everyone has acces to 1st world living standards, crime is low and inequality isn't too bad.
What's wrong with living in the third world? It looks comfy ah to me.
hdi measures 3 categories
>mean years of schooling
>life expectancy
>Czechia is definitely first world
fuck off
Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, nor Israel are first world.
If your capital city looks like a run down concrete block with a million people huddled around in it, then it's not first world.
gdp per capita ppp
your country is first world now get over it and accept brown people
Jerusalem really does look like shit
Tel Aviv is fine tho
It depends on what parts of the 3rd world. It's obvious why living in south sudan or iraq is bad.
In developed 3rd world places (north africa, south america, south east asia), it's the low purchasing power, inequality, littering, shitty healthcare, crime (mostly in the americas), corruption and lack of opportunities. I think that's pretty much it
>gdp per capita ppp
the memiest meme of all memes
>first world
You're rich, stop denying it faggot
We are kicking everyone out now and the borders will be closed for years
>What's wrong with living in the third world?
You tell us
true, because there is literally no difference between making $1000 in Norway, Russia and India and the prices are the same everywhere
The US is a third world country
Me too. Germany or France.
isnt real, usa and greece isnt first world, dont know enough about taiwan
Yeah US is definetely not first world with their shitty healthcare, infrastructure and extremely high crime rate
Second world at best
>Estonia is not considered first world
>Greece is
you would know