After this Sea Shepherd never dared to come back to Norway KEK

After this Sea Shepherd never dared to come back to Norway KEK
KEK never seen them since (1994), but they have been to Japan etc. LMAO.
Because they are afraid if they come back to Norway we will dissolve their entire organisation.

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They were lucky they were not sunk.

based coast guard

>tell them that the president is gonna looks like a complete asshole when they sink this ship

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It's weird they never came back though. They must have signed some secret deal to 'never return to Norway ever again'

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i dont like whaling but those fuckers got what they deserved

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Foreigners come to Norway to eat whale burgers because it's illegal where they live.

I wish we could put all the whaler scum against the wall

We are not going to be told by any other nation... because we have THE best fisheries management in the entire world.

Explain why we need whales
Some animals preserve the gentle balance of the ecosystem
But we don't even need a single fucking whale

So how is the taste?

Based retard

Whales are ecological heritage of the world. The right of future generations to experience these magnificent creatures outweighs your right to eat whale sausage.

Based Norway

>call me retarded
>doesn't explain why we need whales
Oooh you saved them all user :) thank you so much for defending the whales

Like beef... reindeer or moose (it's a mammal).
Really good if well made.

>The right of future generations to experience these magnificent creatures outweighs your right to eat whale sausage

We have the best fisheries management in the entire world. We know what works and what doesn't. Too many Minke whales will also mean less Mackerel and Herring etc.

>ecological heritage
If Germans were so concerned with heritage they wouldn't have flattened Europe into the EU
>the right of future generations
I have never seen a tasmanian devil, a dodo bird, or a passenger pigeon. I don't feel robbed that I never got to see one, and as interesting as they are, nobody really misses them.
Seeing as how all the ecosystems they belonged to are still chugging along just fine, it looks like nature doesn't miss them either.

never get tired of watching this video. even though I'm against whaling.

based Norway making both Germs and Mutts mad.

We don't need people who have watched 'Free Willy' to tell us how to manage our fisheries.

Then you will get the world you deserve, only populated by humans and cattle and worms. All the wonders of nature will be gone

I'm against killing endangered species, and really want to save tigers etc.
But the whales we fish are NOT endangered AT ALL.

It's retarded that people are against whaling but don't care about cows etc. STFU
It's meat, and humans eat it.


If Germans were so concerned with wonder they wouldn't have flattened Europe into the EU
Tell me, German
I want to plant an apple tree in my yard. In America, I go outside, dig a hole, and put the seedling in.
How much paperwork would I have to fill out in Berlin before the city considers letting me grow a tree on my own property? Feel free to answer in how tall the stack of forms is, in centimeters.

I don't really see what this has to do with protecting endangered species.
It seems to me that you are dodging the question by making ad hominem attacks against me due to my flag

We should Rainbow Warrior'd those german NGO boats.

Don't worry, I know
People hear the word "whale" and freak out because they are so cute and cuddly (???), but hear the word "insect" and their eyes fill with murderlust. Nevermind that bees pollinate everything, and mosquitos are crucial for cocoa pollination in many countries, and that only large intercontinental whales are threatened and the others are as common as driftwood.
Notice how the coastal fishing countries (Portugal, Norway, Canada) are fine with whale meat, while near-landlocked Germany throws autistic fit and fills pants with poop. Very telling ;)

>making ad hominem attacks against me due to my flag

whaling has been outlawed here m8.

it used to be a big industry in the Azores.


Answer the question

>invites millions of Nafris to Europe
>huuuur preserving muh heritage

kill yourself