Tfw third world and cant relate to any posts

>tfw third world and cant relate to any posts

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i had a thing to post to indian guys but now i cant remember it

im not a guy :/

good afternoon

i want to fuck you

Hey, wanna grab a coffee sometime? names Alain by the way

I want to fuck you SEX SEX SEX SEX

open bob

i want FUCK i want FUCK i want FUCK

fuck off

will you take 3 dicks this time?

in my mouth.
please? :(


Kill yourself chattisgarh tranny you fat tub of lard

Tf, I can feel your virginity through my screen...


bob and vage

>tfw third world
>see some dumb, sheltered, pampered firstworlder complaining about his life

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i wan put 2 metre pinus in vegana

welcome to 4chin newfag

it's literally a meme, settle down you illiterate subhuman.

>tfw no curly haired Argentina gf to help her move to the US

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hi anons :)

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Be my gf

hi inida
post timestamp

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Pls be my gf

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>thread about gf, having old car or unable to travel or some stupod shit
First worlders are like a mystery to me

Macedonia isn't that thirdie

The only barely liveable parts are few slavic areas of skopje, trust me this state is a shithole without future

As a first worlder who's been to a few parts of mexico, a poorer country, I don't think macedonia is that bad, even mexico is ok for most people

That feel when first world...

bobs and vegana?

who even says shit like this

Oh, I understood it already, also thank you for correcting me, I didn't add last letter in word "yours" and it became "your" instead, I wish you a long and quality life, user. :)

Mate you realize that Mexico is two times richer than us right, people here work for 200 euros a month and poverty is widespread everywhere
Theres no hope for this country

Is it wrong that i treat Indians with tons of pity

like who would want to be born looking as hideous as that?

Are Indians aware of how hideous they are from a genetic standpoint? I'm fairly wealthy and live in the bay area so I see pajeets a lot and just feel sorry and empathize with the idea of them having to wake up look in the mirror and see a pajeet staring back.

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Skype -> ngajf666
feel free to add me

post feet

And what's your battle plan so you can get out of there?

*North Macedonia kek

No idea, probably posing as a syrian to get into germany


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