I'm thinking about living off the grid

2 hectares (5ac)
woods and almond trees
two story antique stone house
14km away from the beach

can you buy something like this in your cuntry for 25k?
(can probably even drop the price to 20k)

Attached: oSin título.jpg (1672x1788, 645.89K)

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House looks like it's not inhabitable desu
>can you buy something like this in your cuntry for 25k?


is land in patagonia chilena that cheap? you are are talking about some desert near a copper mine?

Looks comfy, but always the concern with off grid living is security. How do you plan to handle burglars?

The government gives a free hectare in the Far East. Maybe I'll use it someday


This ruin was recently sold for £250k

Attached: 0_GMP_DCM_210619LavenderCottage_17JPG.jpg (810x539, 136.98K)

It's for one man. A family can get a couple of hectares ofc

You can defitinely find relatively cheap land in patagonia but it's not as cheap as the central-south regions
This one is defitinely more expensive but its 95000m2, seaside and considerably close to society

is that realy true? or some meme one see in facebook like "iceland will pay you for moving in and fuck local women"?