is he based or cringe ?
Is he based or cringe ?
>we managed to get mes with little condition approved by Germany
>we won’t use it it was just for other countries that want it
>2 weeks after. Germany: fuck you conte, no Eurobond
>4 weeks after: Mes isn’t that bad after all boys
He looks better than Salvini.
Pretty based ngl
more based than s*lvini
He might be based but I don't think he's redpilled.
I hope that answer your question
Memes apart Renzi was quite nice
>Memes apart Renzi was quite nice
Un certo rospo toscano, mmmmh?
the virgin polentoid
The chad terrone
polentone university dropout vs southern university professor
too easy
He's basically the autopilot
ha la raccomandazione di Padre Pio e del Papa.
why doesn't italy want to use mes?
because of what you did with greece, it clearly doesnt help but ruin your country, you dont have to be a genius
>Memes apart Renzi was quite nice
I heard the new help package doesn't have the same austerity measures as for greece
It turned into a buzzword and everyone is scared of it
What do you mean based? Based off what?
He looks smooth and apparently his main role is being a mediator between the manchildren that make up Italian politics which he is doing well
His experience as a professor turned out to be pretty useful when he scolds opposition politicians on simulcast
Taller than you Boudewijn
Bonucci and Chielini are memes from the early 2000s, how those niggas are still around is beyond me.
The future is blonde Dutch boys
yeah, they will be implemented with time. lol we are not dumb
Who is he? Is he right or left?
>Who is he?
Our PM
femoids are so shallow that they will follow a man for his looks, not his ideas or his competence.
Absolutely based
Renzi was nice back when he was at the government. Now he's just ridiculously trying to get attention from the media since his party is at 2%
Salvini is actually vulgar and tasteless though.
>Is he right or left?
he's based AND cute
he made Salvini go cry to Mattarella, so i would say based
Wait, the same guy he wanted to impeach?
>omg how can those WOMEN not like my epic le redpill caveman?????