Any questions about Scotland?

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Where is it?

Who the fuck is scot anywho

it's scary and mysterious or is it a tourist trap

independence from UK when?

where Caledonia was.
not sure. need to say his surname.
Scotland isn't a tourist trap and isn't scary, as long as you don't go to the reserves.

sometime within the next 1000 years.
people say that we should have voted out but I disagree. that means freedom is only worth a vote.
freedom is worth all you have.

What foods do you recommend in Scotland?

Who are the pillarmen of Scotland?

what's yer 'hing

Did he ever get down from the roof?

Connection with Ireland?

vindaloo and madras curries, preferably with lamb instead of chicken although chicken works too

Shortbread, Selkirk Bannock, Haggis (it isn't disgusting it just a big sausage) and the venison.
whats that?
Don't know what you are saying.
Yeah but it was only after he was glassed by joe on his way down.
me? no. Scotland? obviously.

this is also good if you do not want Scottish food.

any famous scottish people?
do you like scrooge mcduck?

Scrooge Mcduck is the classic scotsman.
a rich banker.
I know no famous Scottish people.

Is prince Charles a scot?
Why do scot women look like bunnies?

Obviously he isn't.
>Why do scot women look like bunnies?
What do you mean?

Do the people of Scotland feel any guilt for the many genocides they have caused?

The only genocide that Scotland did was in Ulster.

Grey Mane or Battle-Born?

the norse, gaels and countless atrocities across the empire.

whatever one that kills most English.

>the norse
So we have to let the people that conquered parts of Scotland own it without punishment?
The Scots did a genocide against the Scots? That makes no sense.
And we did 0 atrocities anywhere.

If I marry my gf (she's pregnant and yes, Scottish) should we buy a house here in Sweden or in Scotland?
What place offers the best life?
She's not sure, neither am I..

I say Sweden as the only job the bairn could have is, if it is a boy, as a tradesman or ,either boy or girl, a officeworker.

Hmm didn't think about that.

or maybe although probably not he could be a scientist sort of thing although that is similar to an officeworker and not much off it.

Why do you guys use that flag when you're not even independent and don't want to be

>I know no famous Scottish people.
Andy Murray? Sean Connery? James McAvoy?

Why did the 2014 referendum fail?

I meant personally.
Everyone knows who they are.

l am retard sorry

why did you vote to continue being cucked by the english

It’s a Limmy hing cunt

limmy should be alive.

my ancestor :)

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Modern Scots believe they're victims of English imperialism

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Yes. Executing nearly all of Scotland's native ruling class and exterminating them from their own cities wasn't imperialism.
My son...

what does irn-bru taste like?

Do you like Grounskeeper Willie?

no. skin to tanned.

Are Scots violent?


Are Scots and Northern Irish the same? Your accent sound similar

Genetically very similar due to long history of migration (both ways)

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basically everyone in Britain is the same genetically due to constant migrations.

I wan sex with scottish gerls

Send Scott gf?

Do you love Scottish idols?

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>The Scots did a genocide against the Scots? That makes no sense.
angloscots genocided most of the gaelic scots.
>And we did 0 atrocities anywhere.
the only reason the uk and the british empire exists is because scotland wanted to be a colonial power. Scots were overrepresented in all fields of soldiers, administration, officers etc.
That means all british atrocities were disproportionately committed by scots.

All scots are gaelic.
>dude, be forced into the military means you supporte exterminaution

ca. 1% of scots are gaelic.
no one in britain was forced into the military outside of outside of the two world wars.

they would literally kidknap people at the docks and force them onto the boat and then send it away so you had no choice but to fight.