Say something bad about Japan

You don't have to hesitate. I'd like to know what's wrong with Japan.

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What is right with Japan?

something like you exist

Davido needs to shut up.

i hate japan


for not giving me a qt japense jomon wife

Wrong, Anime is shit. Currently watching The Expanse.

Tell me what you hate about Japan.

japan sucks

the way everyone walks in unison with the same clothing on being completely emotionless when they are going to work

do not reply to swedes

Are sushi girls delicious?

There's literally NOTHING wrong with Japan. It's simply the most PERFECT civilisation to EVER exist, LITERALLY!!!!!!!!

There are no Jomon people in Japan. All Japanese are Yayoi people.

Your fanbase is worse than anal cancer.

I haven't been to Japan so I can't say anything about that. Japanese language however could use some spacing... I don't know if three alphabets are really necessary (I'm considering kanji as an alphabet here)

I'm wracking my brain really hard but I can't really find any real fault with japan

I found out that you are a racist and hate Japan for no reason.

Don't Americans wear suits?

Your men and women cheat, fornicate, and masturbate a lot.

Do you really think so?

i have a salty copypasta if youre interested

What I love the most about Japan is that they're fucking perverts

idk i live in cali so i haven't seen something like that before lol

Finland is a Russian territory.

culture of constant apology and humiliation isn't something i appreciate.

There are many homophones in Japanese, so it's hard to understand them without kanji.

Well in all seriousness yes Japan is probably the peak level of human civilisation ever reached. But it isn't perfect. Lots of suicide, economic and social pressure, judgemental conformist society, too crowded and cramped, but other than that it's pretty damn good.

Have you ever been to Japan?

Quite obviously japan is a dystopian country with a fake smile plastered over its face. Women are treated like shit, and the "honor" system is ridiculous. Imagine not reporting the crimes just because of "muh honor", I bet the crime rate is twice of the official one, just because of the honor bullshit.

it was a joke im sorry
op obviously wanted to hear reasons so i thought it would be funny to just say japan sucks without explaining why
please forgive me

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anime and high soy consumption

It's better than Islamic polygamy or marrying a young girl.

l've never been to Japan or met a Japanese person

but I've seen them in japanese movies

are you bored of adidas squatitng

I'm curious, so let me see.

I love japan ever since I was a kid. I love their aesthetic that sticks with every era. I love their language. I love their food. I love their empire. I love their modern world. The only thing I hate about japan is that it too will one day be crushed under the foot of globalism. Whether by the chinese empire or the western assimilation. It will die in time.

If you’re unable to handle criticism, don’t create threads asking for it. Japanese are quite thin skinned, ready to play uno-reverse card as soon as you say anything remotely bad about their country.

I find japanese inferiority complex mixed with ultra-nationalism really pathetic. For example all those TV shows where paid gaijin actors praise japanese taxi door, snow, eggs and water like they are magically unique to Japan. Or shit like Japs unironically believing Japan is the only country in the world with four seasons. Japs are people who hate foreigners yet demand praise from them at the same time. It's pure cringe.
Or japanese nationalists denying or glorifying war crimes depending on situation.

How can Asians be racist to each other?

Please use trad characters and adopt spaces.

Polygamy is fairer. You don't use the women just for sex. You feed them and their kids.

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Eel enema girl videos are nice

I'm not saying to ban kanji altogether, but 5000 of them are overkill

Shouldn't the context give it away most of the time? Even if we don't consider the written aspect, people can understand homophones when they're spoken aloud.

Terrible Justice system, terrible work culture, one of the highest suicide rates in the world...

It's not good for words to be both homophones and homographs at the same time as that will cause a huge confusion. I can't think of an example now, but there are times where you can't figure out easily the word from only the context.

I love Japan but these are the few that I don't really like
ruthless bureaucracy
almost no room for personal growth in most people's lives
"conform or die" culture, a lot of people are stuck in their own minds as a result
highly lonely society that have probably developed the most advanced coping system in the world

shit politics and people
good people 10%
normal people 30%
bad people 60%


Why are 60% of people bad? What is bad for you?

I can confirm. huge language problem
If I didn't find Yas Forums an boards with Anime, manga, hentai jpg. Japan didn't exist for me.
I just don't know if I should be thankful or hate Japan for this.
I'm probably only degenerate.
>Japanese killed loot....I mean loooooot of Chinese people for no reason
But if I should say something nice about Japan it would be probably that women's have tight pussy, nice and soft which I like.

They don't know what desserts are. I went to an authentic Japanese restaurant and the only Japanese desserts were mochi with red bean paste and other flavourless crap. Have they ever heard about sugar, cream, cocoa, fruit?

i mean brits committed quite alot of warcrimes themselves not barring the rampant sexual abuse during the occupation of Japan by the British Commonwealth Occupation Force.

Its not like you balding Japanophile numales ever give that a moment's recognition in your twitterblogs but hey you live in a narrative right


Literal cannibalism during WW2.

both are based
try again

Japanese generally have small dicks
Also they arent diverse enough

you are too slow in implementing state mandated gfs

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Worship the evil ethnic group

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>Japanese generally have small dicks
>Also they arent diverse enough

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>what is considered fashion in Japan with the masks are now worn all over the world
Fuck you guys.


Idols culture is fucking creepy
And old people

For the rest Japan look aesthetic, I can easily see why art is one of the key features of yours

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The gossip culture. Working there has taught me that it is abso-fucking-lutely pointless to learn Japanese because of the minefield that is Jap gossip. Add in that they are fucking pbsessed with it and you get pure cancer. Everyone is watching literally everything they themselves and others do and say. One misstep and you have hell to pay. Being a gaikoku there to try and be productive while all of the native workers are traipsing around trying to play politics to make themselves look good is bad enough. Backstabbing, rumor, and clout-chasing is about the best you can expect ehen trying to manage Jap scientists and somehow you're the bad guy when you tell them to shut the fuck up and deliver on the promised objectives of a project. I can't imagine the dystopian nature of being a native Jap that had to put up with that day in and day out.