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/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mason Morris
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeremiah Wilson
Alexander Rodriguez
Where did you get this picture of me taking my dog out for a walk?
Ryan Wilson
Nicholas Walker
>go to store
>everyones hauling beer likes its going out of style
ow right, tomorrow is easter sunday, shops are gonna be closed
Lucas Foster
Nolan Rogers
gotta drink to forget the loneliness of not being with your loving family and rolling eggs
Levi Scott
Nothing a bit of good work outdoors couldn't fix.
Camden Howard
bf just got yelled at by a neighbor for doing woodworking on a saturday. I was so embarrassed, it's a good thing he doesn't understand :(
Andrew Miller
Quick, call po-po on him !
>boomers going batshit insane
>gubmint has to open up gardening stores so they could buy seeds and work on their gardens
>mom calls me, """""asks"""" if I could dig up the garden
can't complain though, them home grown vegetables are top tier, might as well shovel for few hours
Luis Cooper
Can someone go to lgbt and create thread "WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST BBC EXPERIENCE LIKE?" for me?
Adam Smith
>working on Shabbat
He deserved it
Mason Murphy
>making jew work on shabba
roastoid confirmed for 1488 aryan blood skinhead nazi
Julian Sullivan
Wyatt Barnes
I need those watercolor pencil boxes m8
Jordan Adams
I hate myself so much
Elijah Gonzalez
Nathaniel Stewart
have you tried hating other people instead?
Logan Allen
Andrew Gutierrez
I'm a fucking NEET whose highlight of the day is drinking and shitposting on Yas Forums, there is nothing redeeming about my existence
quarantine, not enough people to hate around
Benjamin Nelson
motherfucking dubs town in here
Jacob Richardson
you forgot to check these
Jack Morgan
Gonna go dye my eggs for easter
Robert Jackson
Gf already did that
I. Bet don't even have a gf loser
Landon Wright
No, I don't. Why you gotta make me cry ? Why are you so cruel?
Bentley Nelson
check out my new deodorant, bros. i will get all the women with this
William Gutierrez
>t. Pr0 G4m3r
Thomas Peterson
thanks now I REALLY wanna vomit
Isaac Brooks
what do you guys think of pic related?
Thomas Cox
Adam Campbell
Michael Hill
based and redpilled
Eli Scott
Alexander Green
should start an onlyfans
Blake Butler
okay cu/ck/s you know what time it is?
Jack Anderson
Is being male star on onlyfans viable?
Julian Baker
morning tea?
Jack Bell
macaroni and minced meat time again
Xavier Wilson
nice and toasty now, while the pasta cooks
Daniel King
i wouldn't think so, at least not for vanilla content. i think to be a male you would have to fit some specific niche to make any money whereas any thot could probably make some money by doing the most bland things
Joshua Gonzalez
>just mince
let me show you the path
Easton Wright
I should just become a trap then
Caleb Brown
beat this shit like you beat yo wife
Nolan Green
no, you should instead just avoid degeneracy altogether
Chase Robinson
>8th grade english class
>class is reading plays, some of us are characters
>i get to be the main character
>i like this because it is fun and talking loudly for the class is boosting my confidence
>female student gets the part of the main character's girlfriend
>says out loudly "eww i don't want to be his girlfriend"
>whole class laughs at me
James Scott
probably should have added the meat before the egg ...
Sebastian Carter
nah, getting fucked by a big fat cock sounds more fun than giving a shit about degeneracy so no
Jayden Price
fuck off Zhang
Liam Phillips
last step
Ryder Murphy
It's all part of the plot, soon you'll impress her with your MC skills.
Justin Cook
a fucking work of art
and now it's time to start daytime drinking
Ian Phillips
this is an alcohol-free thread. please leave
Carter James
just steal pics from /s/
Aiden Williams
respect my culture
Jackson Roberts
solid meal user, you get my approval
Jason Bennett
Jace Fisher
as if that's a bad thing?
Daniel Clark
>cuckshed drops from 2 million to 1.6 million
big improvement
Hunter Watson
if only you knew how bad things really are
the average Sydney house is about 1 million, so a cuckshed is probably 500k
Grayson Robinson
Julian Turner
is that is arm or his neck sticking out his shoulder what the fuck?
Joseph Price
>he doesn't know
Noah Price
its a pole
Evan Martinez
John Watson
he fell from the window or balcony and landed on a pole