/Desi/ Culture discussion

Hey a bunch of cunts on the last desi thread jewed the conversation. Let's discuss our culture instead of autistic shit.

I'll start, I fucking love qawwali and the whole mystery of Tasawuff. NFAK and the Sabri niggas are based and calm the soul. Ignore the islamic rhetoric and you have some beautiful soul music.

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Are you really descended from Brahmins?

I am one. I was born in Delhi, dad's parents from Eastern UP, moms directly from there. Moved to the best nation on earth when I was 7. I self-assimilated quickly so my ideology became very Western obviously.

I tried to use indiachan today but the entire site is larping incels posting cringe

I generally like Indian people. My good buddy is Tamil and my boss is Punjabi. What are the stereotypes about these regions? Is caste based off ethnicity?

Never been on there, never will be. Indians need to calm out and forget about religion to truly be superior than the west or on par. Because once they put their religious and regional difference aside. Only then can the nation propel itself to 1st world status. Pakistan as well needs to forget about Islam and care about it's people. But politicians are gay, money>international status

do you speak indian languages? I'm lucky to speak telugu fluently I guess even nobody else speaks it here

I wouldn't say because caste is in every indian group muslims, they just converted to escape it. Also stereotypes are that South Indians are uber-darkies that hate the North and think their food is superior. North Easterners are basically gooks. Northwesterners rich cunts that drink too much and cause gang violence and emigrate to Canada and the UK. Gujaratis because they are literally GuJEWratis and they dealt with all the diamond and gold trade, in fact richest people in East Africa TODAY are gujaratis. Hindi/Urdu speakers are lazy and rely on gibs and being the thing dragging India back. But they are the ones that have the most babies, so because of this they are the ones that matter to the government cause they are the vote bank.

I speak Hindustani (Hindi and Urdu) and Sanskrit. I can read and write in both hindi and urdu cause i taught the second one to myself. It is really easy I was a kid when I did it.

know any other indians or UP bhaiyas in your locality or city?

Where I live in the US? Unfortunately only some and they are all Buniya niggers or Muslim. That's the town I went to high school in. University is far more diverse a lot of upper class(money not caste) people at uni from UP. I am more closer to Delhi than UP cause that's where my dad's parents migrated to. All the delhi niggers I know are hindu poojabis

what are second gen migrants like, do they despise the homeland or larp as muh heritage fags?

Most of my old locality were Tamilian or Telegu niggers. Funny thing is I have more in common with the Afghans I knew than the Tamilians.

I grew up here, and I dislike India because of obvious reasons, but I can't deny my heritage even though I am living in the best nation to grace the planet.

I hear ya, southies might as well be from a different continent

All my Indian friends here say that they hate India much like

whats the last time you visited india?

Mallu cause once you see the other side, you notice the terrible quality of your's. I was an uber-indo patriot as a little bitch of a child, but around 9 or 10, I stopped because I saw the wretched reality.

Yeah totally, I can understand more persian with my knowledge of the Hindustani language, than telegu or tamil. But telegu and tamil are a different lang family entirely so it makes sense.

2016, was finally gonna go in June with my family cause I really miss my extended family, but chinks caused a world wide epidemic. My mom and dad both went in the middle at different times of these four years, and they said the nation has rapidly developed. I'd like to see that to believe it.

>muh heritage
Stfu you are american nothing more. Why are you disporafags so fucking cringy?

why are all brahmins called chatterjee?

chatterjee is a bengali brahmin lastname

Where did you get this from? Just search up Chatterjee last name on google and you'll get your answer. It's only Bengali Brahmins.

But I don't like my heritage where did I say it was a good thing to be Indian or say I was proud of it?

There's something rather unpleasant and disingenuous about you OP

which state do you like the most other than your own??
for me its West Bengal

Wut my name lmao? I am average looking at uni based on my face. I am a massive cunt cause I was fat as a child so I had good amount of nutrients so I kept growing for some reason. But I just wanna discuss the richness of our now broken culture.

Which state you from fren? I really like Himachal Pradesh, it is clean and not destroyed yet.

Gujjew here

Em babu? Born in Australia na? Do you have a cousin called Harsha?

Stop giving your shitty takes on a country like you know anything when you aren't even a citizen.

>mfw that fag is getting confused on who is mallu and not and begins to call everyone mallu

A lot of the country side is not "destroyed" yet. You just need to avoid the usual tourist traps. I like Odisha and Arunachal Pradesh apart from mine. What parts of India have you been to user?

Northies call everything south of Maharashtra mallu. They have started lumping Marathis as south Indians to these days

dude are you actual 6ft 5 ? Cause i swear to god i saw you on some threads saying who had kids with multiple women and stuff to whitoids but that might have been some other american pajeet

some of these fags keep calling guys behind newzeland flag and Canada mallu after one autist had a melt down and triggered everyone yesterday

What dumb takes did I make desu... I am sorry if they were mean fren. But I am allowed to criticize the nation I was birthed in.

Isn't Odisha really poor tho? But probably the country side is really nice. And all the 7 sisters except for Assam are based. I have been to Haryana, Delhi (union territory I know but it has a very high population), Gujarat, Bihar(train passed through lmao), Punjab, UP, Uttarakhand, Himachal, J&K, and MP.

>who had
you had

Ah okay. Mallus have been doing a lot of cringey shit lately. There was that Syrian Christian mallu who was bootlicking the whitebois. Why do our people lack self awareness?

user no, if I speak of my height, I usually attach this moniker/name in the post. I don't really like white women but I don't dislike them either. Yes I am 6'5 and I would never brag about fucking women that's gross and virginesque except in the right comedic situation.
A lot of the time that New Zealander with the weird English admits hes a Mallu tho.
I was under the impression they all called southerners madrassis. Not Mallus.

interesting, what were you doing in Gujarat??

I know someone from Karala who is speaks malaylam. he is really stupid.
is that normal for that state?

I was like 5 and my dad said we'll go see Dwarka for your birthday. So we went to Ahmedabad, Surat, and Porbandar. In my memory they were all very clean for Indian cities. I hear Surat is one of the cleanest ones now. Would like to take a roadtrip all across India just alone and see the nation and roundtrip back to grandparents house and enjoy life before the detriment of actual adulthood comes.

everything about you. your name, your thoughts you express, the way you speak, the things you choose to speak about. i know you are young but you are what is called a net negative

ehh migth have been someone else but i swear to god i saw some american Indian bragging about being tall asf and having kids with multiple women and shit on here
i talked to him a bit and he seems to have been mostly trying to piss off northies but he has issues for sure too

*Would like to take a roadtrip across India alone after Uni is over

I've noticed the state has a lot of people attempting to be white, some are fairly intelligent, some are VERY intelligent. But some are retards tho.

Dwarka isnt clean though, god that place stinks
maybe they have cleaned it though havent been there in 10 odd years

Why does Islamabad feel so much more developed than Bangalore Indians are so proud of?

lmao are you the trivandrum superfuckers guy from the previous thread? that was funny lol cheers

Not Dwarka, the cities I mentioned. Dwarka is some shitty island. And by the basis of it all the cleaning happened after I moved. So the last ten years have been detrimental to India.

well after the plague, the suratis got some sense and cleaned their shithole up

>attempting to be white
bullshit, we are not the ones talking about Aryan theory and being related to whites and shit. Some of the richer smarter ones try to get into that upper society and act some way but certain people of all Indian groups do that though. How exactly are we trying to act white besides that one faggot ?

>wake up
>kungflu still exists

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good morning fellow afghanibro

it's called chinese plague reddit

Unironically all the Mallus I know listen to shitty music and attempt to be wiggers who are like shitty whites. Not that dude, ones I know in person. I think it's mostly the Syriac Christian ones. But they're cool and nice people, never had a problem with a single Mallu, Telegu, or Tamil.

India is getting more based by the year, hopefully by mid 40's I can proudly declare that I am Indian.

Sup Afghan baradar.

he doesn't do that.
not me.
he is not very smart.

sup bros

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>attempt to be wiggers
So they listen to hip-hop and speak ebonics??

Thank you fuck gooks

Like I said attempt. But I only know a couple like that, they'll grow out of it. No matter what they're nice people.

It's not as densely populated. So the beaches and nature tend be relatively pristine. Why don't you do a tour of the southern cone and the north east next time you are here? I took a Swedish and polish anons around Andhra Pradesh back in 2014. India is dope but you have to set your expectations for cleanliness super low.

Hope Allah cleanses this chinks off the planet

shithole thread

All mallus are try hards. Nobody takes them seriously, they are the goofie commies of the south and it pisses them off.

I love India.
I wish my own country can keep its regional identities better.


I definitely will, already asked my dad to go to Bhutan, because my mom hates experiencing new shit so me and dad are down to do it. I'll experience all the himalayan culture. Somewhere I really wanna visit is Pakistan, my dad actually gave me this idea and I'd really love to go.

he isn't that.
just he doesn't have any common sense and cant do simple things.

Yeah true, but culture discussion user. Don't Jew the conversation again.

Yeah pre-Islam Indonesia was based.

Is Bali the only place left with hindus??

street shitting, cow cum drinking and raping little girls is not culture, pooinloojesh

this app really is bullshit kek

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fuck off you mallu sperg, go unleash yours insecurity and inferior complex somewhere else

Now I'm sure its location biased

It is, I got 80 percent Portuguese and Spanish, 10 percent kike, and 10 percent American? Lmao

India is a shithole and raping little girls is the job of muzzies. I hope a mass genocide/jailing happens to cunts who do that. I wanted this thread to be about South Asian music, food, traditions, colors, flags, and etc. But you jewed it my guy.

It isn't my brother and dad got similar but my mom got like 70 percent Indian lmao. My paternal grandmother got like 80 percent scandinavian even though she's darker than all of us. It's not location based, it's just random.

ende sahodran avan oru baingara pottan aane. avan pattinette vaisa matram ayi. ee pottan tendi onnum arinyuda.

i dreamed i got cucked by my ex gf in a club
what does this mean freudbros..

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Cope and seethe, poo niggers

How about post-Islam? Rather unfair I guess, since it started gaining foothold at the same time Europeans were starting to do the same.

Arguably yes. Although there are some of those whose animist belief they call Kaharingan in Borneo. To circumvent the law, they identify with Hinduism.

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Speak human language not snake tongue

It means you should take up nofap. I started 5 years ago and you have no idea how great it is. Obviously like every now and then I crack but it really changes your life.

it just means you still havent let her go
Just forget about her man, find someone better
or maybe you just have cuck fetish


I mean your muslims are like more hindu than ours. You guys have hindu names, your mosques are South Indian hindu architecture, your language is very sanskrit.

i'm gonna start nofap today bro..
this is the worst i've been after a breakup, because i'm stuck at home..
hard to forget someone when all you do is sit at home

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Pop open a couple bottles, watch movies, exercise, and learn as much as you can about any interesting topic.

Hindu names are declining though. My family already has Arabic names for generations.
Sanskrit is pretty much still held in esteem, although largely centered in Java. At least average people know the language exists despite never bother to learn it.

hows the government, does it suppress hinduism or is pretty chill about other religions??