/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/

Helping edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


the first is for the bed room
the second is for society
they live in a society

Second for fat mena chebs

free western women part 2 when?

what does cheb mean for you?

right after corona

meant for


why is j*nny like this?

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you know best. will it be safe to go out?

I'd wait an extra 2 weeks just to be safe

oh.. for us here in algeria it mean a singer of the Rai genre. Chaba is the female singer, they are usually thick.
ekteb Chaba Sabah in YouTube

wise, how would the streets smell?
perfume? love women

one way to find out....

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>من يبقى في بيته فهو شهيد
ما هذا الدين الجديد؟


You forgot this image user

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which user forgot that


>all women are the same!
>you can’t have standards in men and a fetish, that’s hypocritical!
peak incel stupidity.

one man, not many. many fetishes not one. deal?

women are all the same though just because you prefer to wear some dog mask doesn't make you different and unique.
"if you know how to talk to one girl, you know how to talk to all of them"

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>doesn't want a control freak
>but he must choke her from behind with a rope
طرفة العين تعال و انقذني من جنس النساء النجس

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my theory is that they're used to everyone being nice to them (easy mode) they want to experience something different so they like it rough. if everyone treated them like dirt no matter what, they'd like the idea of someone being nice

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soul got no gender.
souls put in a male body forget themselves. souls put in a female body too.
in bed both souls should drive their body as best as they can. to complete the mission. and be satisfied.
souls are alien to earth. they will all go back.
I think its the female body that likes to get choked and kissed. but think of it as a massage a firm grip not a tight choke that cuts air. female body also endures pain the male body can never imagine, like birth.
the male body thinks of neck touching as bad and lethal! male body like to grab all parts of female body and fuck, female body likes to run and get grabbed by male body and get fucked.
I read that in the design catalogue before coming to earth.

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rape is the answer

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wrong pic

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Why women are all like this! >:(

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your soul
your body

interesting but one thing that's more painful than giving birth is kidney stones and happens more often to guys iirc

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Just matched with a hijab girl lol.
Im going to turn her guilty pleasures into vices the BWC is too strong

fucking app removes my namefag

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pic related you got the golden one

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nigga you never show us pics

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because they go fucking hysterical and question me if im flirting with other girls (guilty as charged) and it sets me back

Hey, if the nudes are good ion care
Not like im going to love her

who are "they"

lmao and they complain about arab men doing this hahaha but in your case they're not even in Europe so it's even more pathetic

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”they” are about 10 diffrent girls

this one was gold

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and how would they know you posted a screencap on Yas Forums


Good question, how would they?
I dont think we are on the same page, what do you mean?

Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf

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The kidney stones... I fear them more than you. But the thing is when somebody endures them biology says his body is not healthy, while a somebody gives birth, biology says her body is healthy and life sends her a message saying "thank you for your service"

Prevent kidney stones by drinking water. If your urine is yellow all the time even on an empty stomach, that's not a good sign.

Do you remember the Chinese man who had 200 kidney stones extracted from him? I saw the operation.

>that webm
why there is a girl in a all boy room?
why is the door closed?
why is she older than them all?

The only good thing is that the kids didn't intervene or made a big deal out of it.
Shout out to the sandwich kid.


how much do you dead lift

No Idea, never tried


yea i know i put allot of salt in my food i should stop that too and no it wasn't a fail i just copied the niggas post lol

Wtf why are you rude?

because my life is miserable and i project self hate on others

jordcel reporting in

ردي بتويتر حصل على 57 لايك

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I also put allot of salt in the food to the point everybody points it out :/
but I have been decreasing it, it is not good.
Raises blood pressure and water retention.

To prevent kidney stones drink a big glass of water after each time you enter the toilet. It became a habit, to the point whenever I see a bottle of water I must drink a glass and move on.

Hey im not offended, i understand you life sucks and i need nudes and compliments from these women to feel validated

إبن شعبه

must the water come from the toilet bowel?
or can you go to the kitchen and drink there?
me too user, me too

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Hahahhahahahha, I should have said :
>drink a glass of water after each time you get out of the toilet.

If i get some nice teen nudes, ill share them with you fine gentlemen since you seem like a nice bunch.
(pic is me btw)

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ouai je bois déjà beaucoup d'eau peut être un verre de plus par jour ca serai idéal

us btw

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i don't judge you bro we all have our filthy kinks, i like to tongue asses

كس امك جاني :)

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