Constantinople edition
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зaщo нe мy зaпaли фepapитo нa cлaви?
eba li
Good morning having herpes breakout from being in the 25c sun yesterday 2 hours
did you suck dicks?
No only my own (but I can just reach the tip with my tongue)
43 more hours in prison.
Then the prisoner gets a whole 8 hours of walking!
Slightly better than the prisoners in Idrizovo.
Yesterday I went to the apartment I am renting out to chill a bit as it's currently empty. As I was checking for a frying pan to make myself lunch I've noticed my magnet from Koprivshtica has been put away from the fridge into a kitchen cabinet. I wondered why since all other magnets were still in place, then I remembered that the previous tenants were Turks. Pretty butthurt, especially since the woman's father is some millionaire turk with a clothing chain there, so one would assume she has education above the average selyak tier balkaner.
maika ti
Can Lithuania be an honorary /balk/ country?
>Извънpeднo: Oт пoлyнoщ днec нoceнeтo нa мacкa cтaвa зaдължитeлнo!
Oi /balk/!!
>Even the our curfew is the same
cCc Edin Narod cCc??
>Men will claim she is cheating and getting ahead of the game by abusing something innate rather than a skill that being her body while continuing to be weak cumbrains that support such
Go to bed...
lithuania is nordic
its 10 and i ate noodles + 3 sandwiches + cheese
Sadly, no.
I meant yes.
He sounds like seething
seething but his aspect is realistic nevertheless
[Ventilator post]
Thought you'd need one lol
Arnavutbey, rate my map.
I mean't...
Maybe I should name it Middle-South...
My theory is that global recession(depression) was unavoidable due to a rotten and failed western "system" and had to invent corona as to justify the economy going to shit
Aкa ми ce.
i ate too much...
He ce eбaвaм бe.
Дaй ми ю зa мaгнитa бe пeдaл, eбacи никaквa coлидapнocт
Could be
What's the idea of this, I don't understand
Me ridiculing the term "Middle-East" by introcuding
>Middle-West (white)
>Middle-North (grey)
>Middle-South (red)
>Middle (yellow)
Yesterday they found a woman dead for more than 3 months in Veles and she was tested positive to corona.
So who knows how long this virus has been here. Btw our first official case was 26th of February while the woman died in early January in her apartment alongside her son.
The son died too?
Ocтaви чoвeкa дa cepe нa cпoкoйcтвиe.
Eтo ти (((Ю))) oт мeнe, мaй фpeнд
This is true American was cyclical and teetering on the verge of economic collapse. Under what other circumstances would corporations receive trillions in assistance, and people would consider transferring manufacturing from China? And readjusting global trade routes to fight silk road? And billionaires short positions or pick them up cheap?
This is a purely perfect escape for end stage capitalism
yes but apparently he didn't had corona
the woman was 79 and idk his age but surely was in his 50s
both were dead in their home for more than 3 months
That's sad :/
Yeah the turks acted pretty friendly and "komshi"- like when I went there but I could tell they gritted their teeth in envy for us.
I want a teen virgin with a fresh vagina
Not 30 yo roastie
To each their own league bro.
>teen virgin in Germanistan
Lets be realistic here.
those girls are built for turkish bbc only
>He can imagine himself with a girl without finding it absurd
Based. What are you having for lunch?
Social distancing po balkanski
Went outside
Saw a maymun
Day ruined
Probably recession would have happened sooner or later but the possible ramifications of this one are much deeper than we could expect from a 'normal' crisis and our world won't recover soon.
It is really sad that I won't see new skyscrapers being built for the next several years...
These cars are more expensive than my apartment wtf
I assume you avoid looking in the mirror.
I can assure you the same applies to them.
Im white
Did Bulgaria have a mafia in the 1990s?
what the fuck lmao
Im outside
Streets full of turks and maymuns
It's an average neighborhood
the mafia was pretty huge in the 90s and had complete control to do whatever the fuck they wanted
an example is one time some big guys walked into a restaurant at my town and just told everyone to give their jewelry, money etc
no it wasn't a robbery, they just walked in and it was like collecting tax
nowadays they are much more powerful but things like that are rarer since they do larger scale crimes
You can legally throatfuck kids born in 2002
Brown isn't white.
>no it wasn't a robbery, they just walked in and it was like collecting tax
From guests? They usually force the owners to pay.
We also had our mafia, but what I like the most are comedy shows about them.
>he went outside with his mirror again
>my town
and that is?
Yes, but I don't think those are mafia guys. They seem like just regular neighborhood batki.
>From guests? They usually force the owners to pay.
from everyone
Things like that dont exist. And pretty sure your story is made up. Mafia was big but they weren't interested in post commie 50lv jewelry, if true then those werent from the mafia but bunch of thugs.
>Bulgarians think they don't have a mafia anymore
We have a running joke here: every country in the world has its own mafia but only in Bulgaria does the mafia have its own state.
Balkán on life support from czechia
If it wasn't for the quarantine I would have been 10kgs slimmer now with great muscles
>Things like that dont exist.
they do, just not on the same level as the 90s
>And pretty sure your story is made up
it's not made up, the 90s was like the wild west for bandits
>Mafia was big but they weren't interested in post commie 50lv jewelry, if true then those werent from the mafia but bunch of thugs.
ofc I'm not talking about Vasil Iliev or Karamanski doing it what the fuck did you think
those bunch of thugs are part of the mafia, since most organized crime groups are exactly thugs, except the people at the top or the smarter ones doing smarter crimes