Caveat: I'm Indian and I'm not trying be racist at all but I love white people. They are smart, liberal, good looking and polite.
I wish more people of my country were like that.
Caveat: I'm Indian and I'm not trying be racist at all but I love white people. They are smart, liberal, good looking and polite.
I wish more people of my country were like that.
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Watch some Jerry Stpringer and realize its not fake and its an accurate representation of the majority of white Americans
White people are subhuman scum.
I know it's not fake. They are genuinely good people.
I generally have high opinion of Japanese folks too, excpept the xenophobia. I guess youre the exception.
White people would be even nicer to Indians, but Indians that come here need to learn the importance of deodorant. The stink from your food follows you around and sticks to the walls of the building you walk into.
This is objectively true and I have to make an effort to make my mom turn on the fans during cooking and not to leave clothes out when she does.
I agree my man. Indians are not used to deodorant usage. They'll get there in a few years.
We're the meanest coldest people in the world and its why all school shootings are justified
How can u like monsters who killed Gandhi?
Why are you spamming this shit? Embarrassing as fuck bro.
Yeah, actually that makes a lot of sense. I always get the sense Americans don't really care about each other. Like the concept of your nationhood is solely linked to a physical flag and dirt under your feet, but not the people.
proxy/expat looking to embarrass you, haven't you learned from the brazil and argentinian BBC spammers?
Not again. Stop it you schizo.
>I love white people bro
>they're the polite
Gandhi was killed by a brown Hindu nationalist. White folks are innocent.
You know what else is embarrassing? Indians and their regressive shit. Learn to use a deodrant Pajeet.
Then you haven't seen what real mean looks like. White people are are like cuddly rabbits compared to most Indian folks
America is not a place, it's a people
Nope, I'm a born and brought up dyed in the wool South Indian Keralite. I even posted proof yesterday. Pajeets on this board are salty that I'm calling out on their shit
Indians should be shamed into behaving nicely.
White people were barbarians before enlightenment when we were a lot more cultured but they went ahead of us post-enlightenment. Now they are way ahead of us culturally. We are still stuck in old fuedal ways.
>they're liberal
>Amn't OLMEC
>very liberal such as shooting women and children during peaceful protest
>America is not a place, it's a people
With Americans, it really is
>they're innocent
Let's be real, muslim rulers have done the same. Hindus did it buddhists too. Pretty much every ruler crushed dissent.
Good people are everywhere. You just say that white people are nicer because they grew up in better environments and had better education. They are less likely to mess with you in any way. I'm sure if an Indian grew up in the same conditions, he/she too would be polite. Looks are not something you can control.
In any case, I guess you have a MASSIVE inferiority complex.
>Actually giving such a long and serious reply to a schizo spammer
I agree with all you are saying. First gen Indians are usually cunts. Like they won't smile at you or be nice in public like huites and shit.
Oh I agree. It's not a race thing obviously but a cultural thing that was influnenced by the environment and institutions. The latter two things are what white people excel at.
Were you guys able to doxx me yesterday. I gave so much info on me voluntarily. Indians being good at computers is a false stereotype after all eh?
Caveat: I'm Indian and I'm not trying be speciest at all but I love amphibians. They are smart, liberal, good looking and polite.
I wish more people of my country were like that.
based and frogpilled
Shut the fuck up, mallu
Go suck a white dick mallu nigger. Don't ever come to India.
>Not a race thing
>Environment and Institutions
Then praise their governments retard. Why suck up to white people? People everywhere have to capacity to be good and evil. Also our population is a big hurdle in achieving the same standard of governance. Just cuz some whites acted nice to you out of courtesy doesn't mean that they're angels. Maybe it's cuz you're Christian and all your religious figures and imagery are depicted as white people. Wait until you have to face real racism. And don't act like India doesn't have it's own unique and rich culture.
Get a grip you fucking imbecile.
sage and hide fellas
kys mallu mutt, you're not worth anything at this point. Might as well die as a cringe-tier copypasta.
putting deodorant when you smell just make it worse. you need to learn proper way to shower
>Amerishart giving tips on how to smell good
Opinion discarded
I'm already in India mate
Then praise their governments retard. Why suck up to white people?
I'm praising their instittuitonal setup, not race. Indian Ameicans are white essentially.
> People everywhere have to capacity to be good and evil.
I agree
>Also our population is a big hurdle in achieving the same standard of governance.
The bottleneck is not population but our governance. Allocating public goods efficiently is not possible when governmnt is protectionist and engage in central planning. Indian is reeling under Nehruvian socialist inertia. We need to get rid of it.
>Just cuz some whites acted nice to you out of courtesy doesn't mean that they're angels.
They act nice because they were socialized that way. Indians aren't.
>Maybe it's cuz you're Christian and all your religious figures and imagery are depicted as white people.
I'm not Christian though. I'm agnostic
>Wait until you have to face real racism.
That's the thing though, I didn't. Western racism is an overblown thing. Indians are way more racist and casteist
>And don't act like India doesn't have it's own unique and rich culture.
Our culture used to be unique but since the enlightenment, Indian culture is just another feudal relic.
>Get a grip you fucking imbecile.
Learn to behave politely. You're proving my point
Choose what?
seethe harder pajeet
not gonna lie mate it's a bit weird you're sucking up to us this much
Hope you are having a good day, white master.
I like enlightenment values and western culture and I detest feudal Indian culture and values. I don't see the contradiction
White people are not superior. Western culture and institutions are just better, don't make this a race thing and act subservient, stand up for yourself cuck
I'll give you something though. Indian food is GOAT
Stop whoring out Indian women you fag
I'm convinced that OP is a master troll. Based
See, I'd much rather we live in a marxist late 19th century culture than what we have today. Hell even something like the 50's with less free markets would be nice.
Western culture has fallen by the wayside in the last 50 years, especially since the 80's.
>See, I'd much rather we live in a marxist late 19th century culture than what we have today.
ngl, that's cringe bro. Neoliberalism is the GOAT political ideology
>a bit
>Mallu mutt
>Calls people cringe.
Oh I'm laufin
>Neoliberalism is the GOAT political ideology
Cringist thing you said so far
sethin pajeethlets. o im lovin this
Ok I accept that India lags behind a lot in terms of education, sanitation, security and gender equality. And our government is by no means perfect. Casteism still exists. But it seems that you essentially hate everything about India and want to emulate Western culture. Our cultures are too different and we'll never be entirely like them.
You are being deluded into thinking that they're angels. I'm pretty sure that there are tribes all over the world that are extremely kind and nature loving. Why don't you look up to them? Honestly you sound like a pre-WW2 Japanese nationalist, trying to emulate Europe in everything.
tldr. Don't be a westaboo
k y s, subhuman poo
>Liking WASPs
Fuck off Chapo scum. India's post-1991 growth story is proof enough that Neoliberlaism is GOAT
whatever moves your boat shitskin ISIS recruit.
Neoliberalism has robbed people of meaningful lives, and nations of their soul. Created service based economies whilst industry has moved overseas. It has uprooted grounded modernistic foundations in favour of intangible postmodern bollocks.
Neoliberalism is one of the greatest threats of our time.
Honestly don't say we didn't warn you if India goes down that path.
How are you all not getting that this guy is a troll?
You are saying as if hindu buddhist were different people. Having infighting is not something out of place in ancient eras. Also you better not be talking about shunga supposed persecution of buddhist. That's a lie.
Jaliwalah bagh and the whole british rule was just barbaric. The point of british being as bad as muslim is laughable as well, because muslims for all their bad parts weren't actively trying to exploit a civilization back to stone ages.
You are only familiar with the global, internationally minded tourist ""white"". The minute you go visit any european or north american country you'll realize a good portion of them are ignorant, entitled and unaware of their prejudices if not downright racist. The further right leaning they are, the worse they get
>How are you all not getting that this guy is a troll?
Oh we do. we're just giving him (you)'s to make him feel special until he becomes a basement dwelling shitskin and decides to join ISIS to take revenge on us.
We want to put a bullet in this shitskin's head. SImple as.
A Neoliberal elitist filthy rich Mallu Westaboo.
This is a dangerous combination
>A Neoliberal elitist filthy rich Mallu Westaboo.
That's a LOT of shit that's going on over there kek.
Fuck I unironically like him now,
He seems to come from a really affluent family though. I wanna doxx this fucker so bad
backwater and racially minded people in any country lad, in group bias isn't something natural to overcome.
Neoliberalism is a meme buzzword used to cleanse the liberal ideology from it's support of fascist dictatorship throughout the 20th century.
Mate why are you on Yas Forums if you're so rich? Don't you have like portfolios to optimize or something?
how legal are firearms over in India?
Apparently there are people who unironically identify as neoliberals
They just don't have the word 'Normal' going for them
He probably is but a lot of so called 'neoliberals' unironically belive this bs
India has the strictest gun control laws in the whole world. It's the opposite of the US in that regard
Who the fuck identifies unironically as a neoliberal?
Mallu mutt Op apparently