When are we finally going to become one country?
When are we finally going to become one country?
Never, eu were a mistake and will be history in 10 years.
how was it a mistake ? you'd prefer sucking russia cock i guess.
He's Russian diaspora. Ignore him.
>When are we finally going to become one country?
Russia has a smaller GDP than ours. The threat is null
what happened to Montenegro?
>Russia has a smaller GDP than ours. The threat is null.
Based retard.
honkhonk retard
when all of europe is in it
jamais! Trop de langues, trop de différences! Aucune unité.
That’s why we need islamic immigration
>he thinks the EU had any effect on security against Russia
typical Pierre
ben voyons!
>Trop de langues, trop de différences
And that's a good thing
EU needs a dictator
i'd prefer to suck my own cock
All of EVROPA unified with direct rule from Wellington.
We shall lead EVROPA into a glorious new age in both hemispheres
>Muh if we are not united with other people we don't like or with who we share nothing besides the fact we live in a same continent, we couldn't compete with Russia, China, India and America and will be eaten by them.
First not being able to compete with them is not a problem. Even the EU is minor compared to them. Besides Russia is not a very great power, I don't know why you always include it.
Then, we won't be eaten by them. Are Swiss, Norwegian and Icelandish eaten by them?
Threadly reminder that only trumpcucks and paid putinbots shill against the EU.
After the formation of a European superstate by 2025, they will be put into re-education camps.
reminder you have no military and aren't building one
reminder it takes 4 decades to build a proper one
reminder you're a US protectorate and aren't doing anything real to change that
EU is functionally a German trade surplus scam and is going nowhere. If your political elite actually gave a fuck about making something more of it you wouldn't destabilize the continent with bums from iron age theocracies.
>t. paid putinbot
Germans are pootieboos and work with him, Poland warned about them invading Ukraine eventually years prior
If Germans cared about the rest of the continent they wouldn't let Russia destabilize it
Smolensk was hilarious af and I wish Putin made an annual tradition of it.
>t. paid putinbot
may be picrelated's fan, they tend to be bit putinbotish, but it's more complicated than that (as usual)
>t's more complicated than that
It isn't.
Institutionally we are already one
The only thing missing is a common army and a democratically elected lawmakers and Executive
The whole thing would have gone by much smoother if only for teensie tiny issue of Germans being evil
>teensie tiny issue of Germans being evil
uhm source?!
any history book
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elisium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligthum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng getheilt,
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
eines Freundes Freund zu seyn;
wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja – wer auch nur e i n e Seele
s e i n nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer’s nie gekonnt, der stehle
weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
I am pro US and even pro China than Russia. I'm still not sure which is worse, Ruskies or Krauts but they both want to fuck this place up, just in different ways.
Germany talks big but just sits there and does fuck all. Russia wants to expand their poverty blob through the Eurasian Union and invasions and basically do what the Krauts are doing but w/ even less pretense, they already do have a bloated military though. They don't demand we take in foreigners en masse so maybe we could at least outlive their bullshit, not so much with Krauts.
I'd sooner shake hands with chairman Ping Pong than get disintegrated. US or China are too far to absorb us. We have no threats beyond Germany and Russia in the region, picking any of those two wannabe powers is not rational.
Before moving to having a single army it's better to focus on a standardised equipment and joint projects
A common industrial policy is easier to achieve than a common political strategy
The common agrarian policy is a disaster already
How would a common industrial policy end up being any good?
>standardised equipment and joint projects
You mean like NATO?
It wouldn't. Brexit is especially worrying because now the EU lost the most important proponent for free trade. Germany and France are both very much pro-state interventionism.
>The common agrarian policy is a disaster already
How would it be any better if we didn't have the CAP? Agriculture in Europe isn't really sustainable unless you produce extra luxury food
>How would a common industrial policy end up being any good?
Airbus, ESA are already a big success
>not soon enough, brother
Add turkey, russia and some culling of various subhumans that live there(gypsies, albanians, muslims, arabs, frenchies, niggers, pajeets, asians) and you have a deal.
>You mean like NATO?
NATO is centred on the US though, and still standardisation isn't working that well
I'm talking about joint procurements and R&D, something the US would not approve and complained about already
>NATO is centred on the US though
>and still standardisation isn't working that well
True, it could be better. But if it were better, we'd have more people that it's just America shilling its own hardware.
>I'm talking about joint procurements and R&D, something the US would not approve and complained about already
Yes, because that would go so much better without America involved. Like the Eurofighter program, which France retreated from after it became clear there wouldn't be a carrier-friendly version and the Benelux never cared for because we're buying F-35s instead. Or maybe the Horizon class destroyer project, from which the Brits fucked off to design their own anti-air destroyer. Don't pretend these things constantly fall apart even without America involved.
So as soon as US corporations start losing money to European competitors they will try what they can to hamper the European industry
>Yes, because that would go so much better without America involved
I just want an alternative to the US. A standardised European defence industry would also increase our contribution to NATO
If you want to understand how Americans do business I'll have to remind you of a bit of European space history
First minutes, the so called "Symphonie Shock"
I guess it makes sense if you want a defense industry independent from America, but I doubt it would succeed. Not just because the cooperation would be incredibly different, but also because a lot of European countries would choose to keep cooperating with America nonetheless (like how the Benelux uses neither Eurofighters nor Rafales). Though some kind of European defense pact (independent from the EU itself preferably) would make sense, if possible. [spoiler]It would also require retarded countries in Europe to not fall for debt traps[/spoiler]
>you have no military and aren't building one
lol you can't be serious
I Dont think so Juan
He's not wrong though. Germany's "military" or whatever passes for it is in notoriously bad condition.
hopefully never and thus you shouldve already known eu shall be destroyed
i wish
Never. The EU is bound to fall, and i will fucking party when it does
actually I agree on that. Krauts don't give a fuck about anything if something benefits them enough, China is making some 1984 shit community, Russians drive on vodka and dreams about great Russia. US seems to be least mental out of them all, if you pale christian w/o oil at least.
Its only "notorious" because there have been large reform efforts in the last decade that brought a bunch of issues to light and international media loves pouncing on this meme. In reality the german military obviously has problems, but its in no worse condition than that of most other countries, or european countries.
This meme about the 2% is really fucking bizarre since people seem to forget that our 1,4% and the 2% of a country like Poland aren't anywhere near the same weight class.
On the other hand everything is more expensive in Germany several times, esp. manpower and you have 1/5th of the tanks we do or some crazy number.
You have something 3% of the main battle tanks Russians have who sit just on the other side of a flat plain from you. Who's keeping peace in Europe? Who will be doing it 30 years from now still? USA, Germany's not interested, would rather make deals with Russia and sell Ukrainians, Belorussians, Balts etc. down the river to make shekels while bullshiting about EU and jacking off to muh gross evropeum territorial size. Russian-tier imperial fixation.
To make an European state you'd have to make serious sacrifices and delineate a goal that'd be attractive to crushing majority of the populations invovled, including various world views. But neither the brussletards nor Germany or France ever bothered. Only people gushing about it are internationalists too insulated from any consequences to care or too dumb to recognize them.
Je suis convaincu que l'avenir de la Russie est pleinement européen. Nous croyons dans cette Europe qui va de Lisbonne à Vladivostok.
A truly JVPITERIAN comment
>jew metric designed by Americans to justify the American jew way of doing economics
macron is pretty based
>Letting Serbia, Albania, Turkey, Kosovo, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus into EU
cringe right winger
true, we dont need shitholes
we will only let serbia in but thats about it
Arent there still restrictions on the size/strength of your military?