Why are they so sexually perverted/degenerate? It’s like they’re all coomers except they actually have sex

why are they so sexually perverted/degenerate? It’s like they’re all coomers except they actually have sex.

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Because we think that pleasure is a good thing, instead of something to be denied.

>except they actually have sex
you wished

because our women still don't know about the existence of BBC (except for colombia and other caribbean countries), so they still want to have sex with small dickers like me

Every latinx I know and everyone I’ve heard of has a lot of sex.
> pleasure is a good thing,
> instead of something to be denied.
It should be enjoyed in the confines of a relationship and women should not be twerking on live daytime Tv. We aren’t animals.

Please dont lump El Salvador in with sudaca negro reggaetoneros

Subtle way to include us while ignoring countries with actual afro-mixed populations like brazil and Venezuela. Colombia is much more unmixed, Blacks are very blacks and the rest of the population don't have much African input. Race mixing is still not huge here like it is in America or Brazil

Im 6’2’’ with a big dick, deep voice, and a full beard and I don’t have sex. It’s all about attitude and confidence.

>we aren't animals
Sure, mister plant

jkajkjkakjajkakj here is the decadent suburban white boi will be replaced by the black and mexican

>Every latinx I know and everyone I’ve heard of has a lot of sex.
Ever heard about "lying"? They don't actually have more sex than a regular wyboi. they just bluff

>Race mixing is still not huge here like it is in America or Brazil
Sure, mister mutt

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Colombia's inland is basically west Virginia, probably more mountainous and isolated even. The average person there doesn't have over 3% african ancestry. Our regions have kept isolated for centuries and it was only until recently that people have had the opportunity to travel between different regions of the country since our infrastructure was shit. Most blacks have kept to the coasts, and the only mutt place in colombia is the caribbean coast. The inland is mostly pred euro mestizo and the pacific is pred african unmixed. About 3/4 of the population lives inland

Man is only better than beast if he behaves civilly in a way that is conducive to society’s prosperity. If you want to fuck like animals, then sure, you’re an animal.

>why are they so sexually perverted/degenerate
America has no room to talk

We merely invented degeneracy. You mastered it. Refined it. Adopted it.

>It should be enjoyed in the confines of a relationship and women should not be twerking on live daytime Tv. We aren’t animals.
Yes, we are animals
Having sex doesn't make your society any less prosper. Victorian puritanism is something very new.

Your notions of "degeneracy" are nothing less than pure brainwashing

Not even close. You guys eat burgers.

We don't produce incest-theme porn and we don't even have a word for cuckoldism in our language.
Americans are hypocrites.

Bro wtf? There are Brazilian pornos where they literally show their government ID to prove they’re related. There are infinite shemale pornos from Brazil. 2 girls one cup is literally Brazilians
See above

>Having sex doesn't make your society any less prosper. Victorian puritanism is something very new.
Wrong. Humans have always had a sense of shame.

I never heard anything about that
Wtf is wrong with you? Why are you searching for incest porn?

Yes, and we have it too.
The american concept of shame is laughable pathetic though. It creates a society of inhuman perverts.

You’ve never heard of 2 girls 1 cup? Is this bait?

Ok gringo

Shame is what makes us human and not just intelligent apes.

Eres un tonto o solamente gringo? Quieres morrir pendejo?

soy solamente gringo, se que ustedes brasilianos les gusta matar pero no quiero morir hoy

A tú ni te sabes hablar español bueno. Tienes que aprender a hablar tetón los USA son el nuevo México.

si quieres morir, ve a detroir, baltimor, new orleans o una ciudad de esas. no teines que salir de eeuu

no he hablado español por 2 años
Brasil es peor que nuestras comunidades negras

Shut the fuck up.

No le hagan Bully a 0n. Tiene problemas.


>There are Brazilian pornos where they literally show their government ID to prove they’re related.
For educational purposes of course.

>We merely invented degeneracy. You mastered it. Refined it. Adopted it.
Not really, if anything we are trying hard to not adopting it, we don't allow gays to marry here and still heavily discriminate them, drug usage is far lower than America's, people aren't as sexually open as in America, families maintain close relationships, hookers are sometimes beaten by mob patrols, secularity isn't as common as in your country, etc

Yes, we all have a concept of shame.
But what you think about shame is purely the madness of hypocritical protestants
I did, one video doesn't change what I said.

>Brasil es peor que nuestras comunidades negras
no, y tienes que practicar tu español para que no lo pierdas, postea en /lat/ y practicas


>except they actually have sex.
Haha y-yeah I've totally had that

And the mestizos are not considered mixed in your book? If you mean that the race mixing that spanish immigrants had with amerindians created a race on itself, and that race barely breeds with black colombians, than that makes some sense. But in the end you are already a mutt in some way.

>Ni sabes como hablar español bueno. Tienes que aprender a hablar porque los estados unidos es el nuevo Mexico
Fixed your Spanish my BR friend.

>There are Brazilian pornos where they literally show their government ID to prove they’re related
ngl that's pretty based. south america is unparalleled when it comes to pushing boundaries.
brb gonna wank to some colombian trannies

They weren't colonized by a bunch of sexually repressed puritans.

Come on man. Share some of your porn with us.
Just not the tranny one, I know you're obsessed with it but normal people would rather not see it.

May you please explain why on Earth you use the "latinx" term? Only the most leftist of trannies use that. Either them or those who sympathize with them and would kill you for being male. I'm clarifying it because maybe you think it's normal to use 'x's in the Spanish language when it's not.

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>is fine with incest
>but has a problem with trannies
Americans are the most pathetic creatures on Earth

Yeah, following that logic even germans are mutts, so yeah, I'll say yes just for the sake of ending this argument

I set my iPhone to autocorrect latino and latina to latinx a while ago back when that meme was hot. Haven’t gotten around to changing that back.

No sé hablar esta lengua fea. Que estás diciendo? Dios mios...

it's never been a meme. The term is virtually non-existent outside of the usa

Homie, you're not either european or amerindian, that leaves you with the option of being a new world mutt. But I understand what you meant.

Haha congratulaciones tetudito. No preciso estrictamente seguir las reglas de la gramática. Lo importante es que yo sepa me comunicar-me con los otros.

Entonces como se llamon los Latinos? ¿Ustedes usan 'latinos' para referirse a toda la gente latina?
¿Oh te llamas un sudaca para separte de los Méxicos y los moriscos de españa?

Somos "Latinos"
No "Lxtxnxs"

JAJAJA JODER. No sabes hablar so lo sabe cagar pela bueca. JAJA

I just want to see if it's real I don't want to fap to it. And looking at this I really don't want to look at it at all.
Plus there's a huge difference between a mentally ill man dressed as a woman and two women who are related. Both gross but the sisters are more normal. Stop fapping to trannies please.

por la nacionalidad. Nadie se va a referir a un peruano como latino, simplemente peruano, lo mismo con cualquier pais.

los unicos que dicen latinos son los chicanos en LOS

En verdad, yo no se como usar accentos cuando escribo español pero para hablar no tengo problemas. Lo importante es saber comunicarte como usted dice y ahi no tienes problemas

They’re not sisters they’re mother and daughter. The daughter sucks on her mother’s titties for like 5 minutes then they eat each other’s pussies and assholes for like 40 minutes.

Probably fake

To be fair, the reason the meme began is because the English language isn't as gender centric as Spanish is. Hence why latin America wouldn't use it because its already how their language functions. Still its a dumb meme

It’s because the neutral gender is male and that’s sexist

kjakjkjajka eso me parece genial en los medios progres de eeuu empezaron a escribir latinx en vez de latino

imaginate ser una """"mexicana"""" hija de inmigrantes, tirar 60 mil dolares a la basura para estudiar una de esas carreras falopa de sociales que hay en eeuu y usar los 4 anios de alcohol y garche sin condon para ensenarle a tus companeros en una redaccion millenial que se dedica a llorar sin parar que tiene que escribir latinx porque es inclusivo

es espectacular

wtf is wrong with americans?

Because it makes white women horny as hell


Deberia aver sido mas claro, si se tienen que referir a un grupo usan latino o hispano o puramente su nacionalidad?
Si algien les pregunte que raza son como contestan?


es como que se vuelven blanquitos sin aguante de suburbio yanki pero morochos y que comen comida rica

ay lmao what a dumb whore

The saddest part of all is they probably did it for like $500
That's just fucked up.

nacionalidad, aca no se habla de raza a menos que se trate de negros o chinos porque son los unicos que no son chilenos

More like 50$

Pero si vas a otro pais como USA o China y te preguntan tu raza como contestas?


Brazilians confirmed for sex worshipping pagans

Actual spanish speaking people don't use latinx.

this sets the coomers on damage control

thats just a poor attempt at sidestepping an explanation

No, that's what retarded puritanical proddies have been saying since they invented their religion