Let's settle wich country is the most NPC one with this thread

let's settle wich country is the most NPC one with this thread

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sperg here, I cant literally look with my eyes, I get lost on my thoughts so much that I find easier to use a mental image of the streets when walking than using my eyes, sometimes I crash on things

great start

one except i can picture the tree the apple is attached to and the background of the scene as well

no, it's no good because people always think i'm high

I'm confused. There are seriously people who can't visualize things? Like when I say "imagine you're on a beach" they just can't? Or am I misunderstanding?

that's exactly it.

Ok well I can imagine stuff pretty well and I'm Chinese.
I have heard women have worse spatial intuition than men. Like they cannot rotate geometric figures in their head.

why havent you become a sissy boy if i had a tiny cock i would not see another way out other than suicide


I can picture stuff in my mind but its not like a crisp picture, it has texture, smell and weight but it like the room is filled with black smoke.

so you can't picture an apple on a table in a cabin at night with the fireplace lit and raining outside?

I can but its not like seeing it in real life.


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same for me

>sperg here, I cant literally look with my eyes, I get lost on my thoughts so much that I find easier to use a mental image of the streets when walking than using my eyes, sometimes I crash on things

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who doesnt?

1, different types of apples, different settings and lightings etc, but some details are imprecise.
For example if you asked me to imagine 10 m&ms set on a table on a row, I could do it, but then if you asked me to name their colors in order, I'd have to decide on some of them instead of just looking.

Holy based

what you mean you guys have thoughts and are sentient?

Its so clear i fap only to my imagination

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I've always been dreaming up all kinds of scenes, landscapes, cities and battles in my head, detailed with bright colors and sound. Then, if it inspires me enough, I might draw it and incorporate it to my mega project

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Sounds based. What is your mega project?

Over the years I've been adding stuff to a sort of alien universe I created in my head when I was little. It has inspired me to make drawings, music and short stories. I've been writing a sort of personal wikipedia for this world to use for when I finally start writing a book about it, which is my big dream

does this extend to audio memory as well?
fk I can't imagine how crippling it would be to have this

I have various dreams that I had years ago.that were very vivid and I couldn't tell if it was reality or fiction

I have nearly identical real dreams, I can imagine things very precisely, however it seems I am not creative at all. I cannot imagine dumb shit only copy real life.

I have a shit creativity too but somehow my brain manages to process a fucking saga in my dreams all night long.

200 iq post

same, the realism is near perfect and its easy af, what are these user's doing wrong? Does Yas Forums really attract visually-impaired verbal autists

I've had dreams like that before too and it's really cool but also really spooky. Felt like visions or something. What were they about?

Ikr, and those fantasies, cant find ones from porn.

I dont know about you, but in Finland its very usual since we are basicly europe last Hunter Gatherers. Our visual thinking is europes best and spatial ranked as worlds best.

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truly ascended, god bless you sperg

I suppose 3 or 4 by default, but if I consciously think of the colour then I can 'see' that too.
I associate apples with green (Granny Smith) more than red desu.


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I think I actually have this. I don't actually see anything, I can just imagine what it looks like and recall images without actually seeing it (or is that what it's like for everyone?). Do you guys actually see real images when you close your eyes? It's very hard to explain.

Before people ask me if i have an internal voice as well, I do. A very good one. So not entirely an NPC.

What are your dreams like?

dangerously based

My dreams feel very real, which is strange considering I don't even really see them. The best way to explain it is like a memory, one that feels like it actually happened.
When my dreams are about normal everyday stuff, I actually get mixed up between what happens in reality and what happens in my dreams.
When I have fucked up dreams, they are also very vivid, but the problem is that they usually leave my memory very quickly once I wake up.
My dreams actually follow certain plotlines as well, one dream may be the sequel to another dream. Very weird stuff. It's like I'm living another life when I'm dreaming.

Of course not, nobody actually sees stuff with closed eyes unless they're high af

Actually, I take back the memory part in the first sentence. It's somewhat like that but still very different. I don't know how to explain it.

Yup, that's what dreams are like

I'm not sure about the 'nobody actually sees stuff with closed eyes'. Apparently people can actually do this.

But what I mean is that I can't really visualise it either. Maybe at best an outline of the shape, but I can't visualise actual objects.

>I don't even really see them
You mean you really don't see any kind of images when you sleep? When you recall something, can you visualize in your head an image of that thing that already happened?
>one dream may be the sequel to another dream
I used to have these too, I learned to lucid dream when I was a kid because I had so many re-occuring dreams that I eventually learned to recognize when I was sleeping.

I can visualise objects but they're more like AI versions of them like picrel and my actual vision doesn't change

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>You mean you really don't see any kind of images when you sleep?
Sorry, I have no idea how to answer this. I don't really know if I do or don't. Closest thing it is like is a memory.
>When you recall something, can you visualize in your head an image of that thing that already happened?
Well, if you asked me to visualise my mother's face, I couldn't. I still know what she looks like though, but I can't visualise it. (actually I am bad at telling faces apart, this may be related)
If you asked me to visualise an apple I could imagine the outline of an apple. Like someone who can't draw drew an apple. Not an actual apple. No colour, I can't turn or move the object or anything like that. This may have something to do with the fact that I am not good at drawing, especially in 3d. I pretty much can only draw stick figures.
Right now, I am visualising a ball bouncing on my table, no features or anything liek that, but it is bouncing in a very simple way.

>I used to have these too, I learned to lucid dream when I was a kid because I had so many re-occuring dreams that I eventually learned to recognize when I was sleeping.
I don't know if I can lucid dream, I don't think I can interact with my dreams. It's like playback or watching something happen.

I guess I am not completely incapable of visualising imagery, but just extremely bad at it to the point of it being useless.

lol based


So would you fail this test? You have to tell if they're the same object or not.

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How are you suposed to see stuff with your eyes closed?

I kind of do the same but I don't see it I just know where things are.
I can visualize things I know or have seen in detail but only if I want to, usually I don't bother because it's not necessary.
Can't visualize things I haven't seen beyond level 2.

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I could do the 2d shape just through visualising it flipping and rotating. It was fine.

3d shape was actually very hard. I tried to visualise the whole 3d object but that was really hard and didn't help much. So I focused on matching up each of 'pieces' of the object and that was easy. Once I solved it I was able to visualise the whole object.

If you can visualize those things, I don't think you're a five. Probably more like a four or a three.

I visualize many things, but at varying levels of detail. If I recall or create imaginary scene the initial space is fuzzy, but then details get added as I take attention to things. I can visualize, rotate and cast shadows to void-floating letters "fuck u". When I think or solve physics, compsci and math related problems I usually visualize the vector fields and mappings geometrically. When I draw I strangely enough don't do this, I just get into a flow and draw what I'm thinking about, the canvas turns into my mind's eye.

Didn't read

>sometimes I crash on things
like big bunda amirite

i member jerking off to an imagination of my teachers or hot female classmates when I was like 13-14
good times

yes i remember some asian's reddit post about it
complete bug npc

>there are living people who consider themselves as humans who have no inner monologue and can't visualize things in their heads
Holocaust 2.0 for these animals when? I'm literally unable to shut off my inner voice unless i'm drunk and i often jerk off to a mix of memories of previous sexual encounters and women i want to fuck now.

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This doesn’t seem real to be quite honest. #aphantasiapride