
I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it

Guns I’ve shot whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:

Mini uzi
Various revolvers
Double barrelled shotgun
Colt 45
FN Scar
model 680

Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not shooting guns.

Any guns you recommend I do shoot partaking in British culture such as raves and that?

Also best gun is the classic AK, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally AK comedowns are a doddle.


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Other urls found in this thread:


that guy owes me his life savings aka nothing

>that one user who spent the entire previous edition seething about guns

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Bizarre post

made an epic post destroying leftypol right as the nu was made
woe is me.. *sniffs* and my allergies are bad haha

I don't subscribe to the "poley is lisicki" theory

you must feel personally attacked

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he's known as "London Paki" round these parts

how can one man be so based?

>Venus is blatantly visible all the time


Doing a listen and crying


How to fix Britain

1. End external immigration of my sperm (by destroying their sacks)
2. zero gravity bollock extermination
3. death penalty for my nards
4. conversion therapy for my testicles (from whole to smashed)
5. declare having intact scrotums illegal
6. nationalise the rail (so trains can drive over my sack)
7. nationalise energy (so I can dip my danglers into a million degree tokamak reactor)
8. introduce an immigrant tax post-brexit where immigrants must pay 5% to bash my soft testes
9. post-brexit tariff revenue income for the treasury to be put into heavy brown bags and dropped on my testicles
10. tax evading companies have their assets and operations seized by the state until they punch my eggs
11. pressure inside my ballbag to increase to 25%
12. end free schools and invest in a massive state school building (on top of my exposed bollocks)
13. national scrote bashing is mandatory
14. no intact male sex organs in education for anyone from nursery to university
15. massive infrastructure projects, Crossrail 2, HS3 and a London airport linking freight rail, sea and air so as to assault my gonads on all fronts
16. raise chokehold on my aching nards to start 15,000PSI
17. end emergency operations on hurt testicles
18. end inheritance (of healthy bollocks)
19. end the smoking ban so pub-goers can stub out their fag-ends on my tender gonads
20. 20% banker bonus for every CEO who flicks my sack
21. increase military spending to 10% of GDP so missiles can be laser-guided to my scrotum
22. Abolish the house in which my sack resides
23. reduce my healthy sperm count to 550 (then to zero with a hammer)
24. remove Sinn Fein from Parliament (but only after they blow my sack with a car bomb)
25. Abolish my testicles

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If you make a cracking post but someone’s already created a new thread should you post it again in the new thread? Seems a bit attention seeky and inauthentic

Dave reigns supreme. Long Live Davus Rex. His enemies are driven before him

How to fix gun mong psychopaths:

Have sex

Any yanks in? Have an important question

only make authentic posts me
made in china

Wh can’t we own guns like yanks can. The government treat us like children. All the taxes you pay them you’d think you’d be entitled to some rights. Where’s the men at

Did he bring a chicken and a fishing rod to downing street for her?

bagged myself another welsh toad

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>right to bear arms

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i am a us marine

No, you shouldn’t and yes it is

blaring boards of canada with a big zoot out in the garden with the 'scope lads
love living in the middle of nowhere

is that terry gilliam?

doesn't northern Ireland have good gun laws


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the real mikey doesn’t pay tax

Sometimes I think it's a sin
When I feel like I'm winning when I'm losing again

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*fires my cock in a 21 inch salute*

I don’t know. I’ve never been.

The thing with laws are they try and make life to cut and dry

Due South is on the Sony channel. I loved that show as a kid


sometimes I think I'm a fan
but then I'm not


How does it feel to know that a Russian created the GOAT gun? The one thing America is known for and a Russian did it better

Don’t have the courage nor insight necessary to examine myself as I truly am, explain to you the whos, whys and whats.

genuinely just shucked an oyster like a garden spider

Everyone in northern Ireland wants to kill each other
giving them guns would be like lighting a fire on an oil rig

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built a gaming PC but cbfd playing anything

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hows it going then lads

Mate I spent years studying jurisprudence and you succinctly put into words what I have spent entire dissertations on

at the point where it takes me 5 beers before I feel anything

this is off the chain

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alright boys

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>George Carlin told us about the Corona panic years ago
>708,422 views•14 Mar 2020

hmm yes quality viewing

Good Friday?

Gaddafi already gave them guns

shot more rounds than the entire russian army in 45 so they can suck my sack

hello idiotic english person

I assume you're talking about the AK-47? I honestly couldn't care less.


>Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom where personal protection is accepted as a legitimate reason to obtain and own a firearm and is the only part where handguns are permitted.
>Semi-automatic rifles are only permitted when chambered in . 22 calibre (with certain exceptions).

like islamic law?

i enjoy sharing media with the perusers of /brot/

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You are pretender. Like everyone else.

yay emmett
I missed you man

he didn't go anywhere

not a fan on that one on the right but like matt easton of schola gladiatoria distinctly

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Huh mental how the countries with more guns have more deaths
Almost like easy access to guns is a retarded fucking idea only teenage virgin psychopaths approve of

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hated yanks back then
hate yanks right now
will continue to hate yanks in the future

Literally every non Japanese asian I know hates the Japanese lol

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Only the good guys

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I did study Islamic law in my comparative law classes. Mad as a box of frogs they are