leaf me alone edition
/leaf/ canada general
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northern ontario should be its own province
Cape Breton should be its own province
Hello anons from canada
hello friend, what is life like in Unknown?
here have a canadian song about an american ship sinking on lake superior the best lake 2bh
It would take maybe a month for it to collapse. Guys here can hardly manage a city let alone a province. Plus tourism is the only thing making any money
fact: canadians are the most powerful musicians in the world
it's collapsing either way
Hamilton , ON , should be its own province
>calls it a song
>its actually a dirge
to put all crackheads in one ghetto
Can't deny that
>2 shrimp tempura in my bento
I choose to believe there is meaning to this.
I'm craving lobster crackers. What about you guys?
so ontario doesn't have to be associated with it
Had some garlic fingers tonight so my cravings are sorted for the next few days
Nachos with a mix of aged white cheddar, mozzarella topped with kalamata olives, heirloom tomatoes, green onions with a side of guacamole and tomatillo salsa
i'm hungry for some cookies, might do some late nite baking to satisfy myself
Did u guys apply for your neetbux yet?
Between various coronabux and tax returns I have several thousand dollars coming in yeah
Sounds nice. What kind of cookies do you have in mind?
That sounds pretty great too.
peanut butter and choco chip
haven't baked anything in quite a while tho so i hope they turn out good lol
Peanut butter is easily one of my favourites. Hope it turns out for ya
thanks user
Blessed. I really hope I get my job back tho
wish I wasn't a student
I want some neetbux too
dont think this thread will survive the night
I'll keep watch over it
hey it's happened before
we could also just invite some euros lol
Brampton? More like BRAAAPton amirite?
what if we just maintained the closed borders even after the wu flu passes
what the mandem saying tn?
Didn't you at least have a part time job that you got laid off from/hours reduced?
no, I'm taking 7 courses
no time for a job
fuck my life. i worked as a cashier at loblaws but quit in September to focus on uni. wouldn’t get cerb bux either way reeee
what uni? im at utm will be done 4th year sunday then 2 months of summer school to finish. do you get pass fail them?
need monolingual quebec gf
sadly they are going extinct
Where are they even? Everything north of QC?
uottawa, we get pass fail and also in arts courses the exam is optional
pretty sweet deal overall
This is my last semester, assuming I don't fail any courses which is unlikely.
Saguenay or Val-d'Or is your best bet
(they're all inbred tho)
Congrats bro you got any plans once this lock down shit is over? I really wish i went to ottawa instead of commuting to uni desu. How did you like it?
it's incredible how gross the GTA really is
Chicoutimi is an awesome city really friendly even if your friend is shit
Le libanais est pas encore là :(?
lets make sure he never comes
You realize that your ancestors also left their homeland to find a better life in Canada, right?
It was alright, some of the profs were pretty shitty but most were alright (I'm in the compsci program). I don't know if anyone will be hiring when I graduate, I heard that some people got their summer coops cancelled so it doesn't look so good. I'll probably just neet it up while working on side projects until it blows over and people are hiring again.
>yfw that guy is First Nations
>You realize that your ancestors also left their homeland to find a better life in Canada, right?
dont know if this is ontario or manitoba
cant tell them apart
yea lot of my friends got their internships cancelled. Keep applying on linkedin and external job boards eventually youll get something
I'd be perfectly happy to halt the flow of GTA tax dollars to the north, but what would the northerners get out of this?
love how gta scum act like the territories and other small provinces do not survive without their money the only thing they have. otherwise they are just rootless consumerists scumbags.
i mean they dont just a fact. how would north separation benefit?
hes not wrong though
you survive off of gibs from toronto
What's everyone drinking tonight? Steam Whistle Juice Caboose reporting in (nice little 6.8% beer from St. Thomas, Ontario)