I love my wife

I love my wife.
Do you love you gf/wife?

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I have no gf/wife and I have a suspicion you don't have either.

yes, but i can't see her because the fucking quarantine

she needs to lay off the burgers

a bbc would do her good

long girl is LONG

Do you live in Buenos Aires and she in Rosario?

I don't think you have a gf let alone a wife.

Do you take naps on her glorious buns?

*unzips dick*

Post more of your "wife"

She is taller than him

Again? let little mehmet a rest

how does a woman in a situation like that find satisfaction?


Yes I do. Been together 3 years but not married yet :)


Everything will be fine, m8.

I love my wife, m8.

She has bwc.

Only when I'm sleepy.

She's 10cm shorter than me, although I've been with girls taller than me.

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Are you portugese and your wife?
And how old are you snd she?

>She has bwc
Based Moortuguese dating a tranny.

>I've been with girls taller than me

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I want to fuck her fat bacalhau bunda.

kinda, but she lives in argentina and is either an attention seeker or has an abusive family

nah, we both live outside buenos aires, a few kilometers apart, but enough to be detained by the police.

sure, but it's been a month and i really miss her.

the president just announced at least another two week of quarantine.

>those portumilkers

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Portuguese, as portuguese girls are the best. 28 and 26, respectively.

170cm here, not difficult to date girls taller than me. Easier than getting smaller girls.

Stay safe, corona is killing you guys.

Have you been in contact with each other? That's what matters, if you like one another.

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>Portuguese, as portuguese girls are the best.


>this guy married at 28
>I'm 29 and haven't been with a girl in 6 years

yes, every day, but i miss to huge, touch and fuck her.

>getting married


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Show her butthole please

Does she sunbath in that little balcony that gets an hour of sunlight a day?

you're gonna give the poor guy nightmares.

i do but she doesn't want to give me rimjobs, might leave her soon because of that


Does she suck your dick?

What is a "rimjob"?

uh, hello? based department?

yes, what kind of girlfriend don't suck dick?

170cm and you found a wife?
People always say it's hard for short giys to find a gf/wife.

you don't wanna know.

shut up jew

Some women don't like it and don't want to do it.

how stupid are you shahar

large benis

gfs/wives arent real, they are all paid actors there to trick us into believing one could get a gf and be happy when in reality having a gf is impossible.
i have lifted for years, spent countless hours perfecting myself both physically and intellectually and yet i have found no evidence to suggest real women have any interest in having a bf or being a gf.
relationships are an illusion,a facade.the only meaningful relationship you can have on this earth is with your friends and yourself, not females.

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this is original picture, op posted photoshed one

well, i guess most women do it. doesn't seem to be something that bad.

i think eating pussy is much harder.

finally someone generates quality OC and it's overlooked to easily



Can you remove the disgusting rash from her bum too, I'm trying to.jerk-off here...?

Are you bad at eating pussy or something?

me on the right

Everyone that replied to this is a gay nigger.

yep, im definitely not that good.

Shit, did she tell you?

Incredibly based moishe

Nice wife. Hope she makes you happy

no. when i use my fingers i can stimulate her a lot, but when i use my tongue she doesn't seem to enjoy it that much.

Yes, my gf is actually sleeping next to me right now

My gf is 2 inches taller than me. She could destroy me with her legs too.

She seems extremely satisfied so far. Am actually about to go see her so she can cook me dinner

How tall are you and her ?