/ISR/-canadian chad edition

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official thread anime

is everyone still asleep ? my sleep schedule is royally fucked so i've been awake since the last one.
how are you guys doing in lockdown ? how are you passing the time ?

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It's 4 AM shahar

>starts a thread at 03:00 in the night
Based yisraeli
But I'll be heading for the bed now, layla tov /isr/

i dont get the people commenting on time, how is the hour relevant ? im bored at work and theres no /isr/ so why not ?

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I'm not firing anything at you tonight baruch, promise. Now go to bed

>im bored at work

Listen to the friendly Lebanese user, you need to sleep.

i cant sleep at work besides why are you guys worried about my sleep why are you guys awake ?

What are you working with?

I really shouldn't be awake.

specifics are classified but its defense industry related, im just here to make sure nothing breaks i watch tv and check up on some systems every hour. sometimes i get called and there's work to do even at night but its rare usually they do it during the day.
its just a comfy extra job i got at the place i work in regularly since i get paid like 200% for doing nights\weekends\holidays to basically do nothing

meant to reply to
why are you awake dude ? just binging tv\vidya or something ? i think sweden is like 1\2 hours difference from us

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>user in previous thread responded with my photos of the anime commercials from half a year ago

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i posted em in last thread but i saved em from thread before last
yea that shit was cool i remember talking about it on /isr/ a year ago

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אני גומררררררר

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I hate taking photos of Israel because it looks like ghetto trash compares to European citizens (if you ignore immigrant ghettos)

דמיין שאתה תייר שנוחת לראשונה בישראל, נוסע משדה התעופה צפונה בגהה והדבר הראשון שאתה רואה זה את בני ברק משמאלך

Tie barbed wire to heavy rock put around neck and jump into yarkon river

תקוף, תעשה קווומים

מה אתה עושה באמריקה אבי? אף אחד לא בא לעגלות במגיפה הזאת

we got nice parts and ugly parts same as any country, when you go abroad you only see the nice tourist areas but home you see the shit parts too so its a bias.
but yea those old 1980s\1970s buildings are architecturally atrocious , they only built them because they're dirt cheap and the country was broke.

besides at this pace europe is gonna be a slum in 10 years, paris already looks worse than south tel aviv

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אתה חושב שהוא מהאנשים שנופלים לשטות של למכור בעגלות בארה"ב?

אז מה מעשיך שם?

אני גר פה (אני הזה שגר באמריקה מהת'רד הקודם)

יש לי יתושה בחדר.
כבר הרגתי שתי יתושות.
התעוררתי בגלל השכנה ה thot שעשתה סרטוני טיקטוק ודיברה עם חברה שלה על איך שהיא מסכנה כי אי אפשר להיפגש עם היזיז וזה כבר חודש.

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רגע למה זה ציטט סתם?
טוב לא משנה.
פאק יתושות.
פאק כלבות שמעירות אותי ב3:30 כי הן רוצות תשומת לב של בנים מארהב

Gal Gadot is so fucking beautiful

she is ugly skeleton and now a national embarrassment with that video singing leftist song with celebrities.

Do you guys watch fauda? I finished season 3 was Alright

Watching mossad 101 now

is either of them any good ?

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who the fuck is this guy in op

dream bf of every /isr/ poster

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Fauda is SO bad don't waste your time it's very repetitive the mossad one on the other hand is very interesting i highly recommend it

fr who is he?

normies keep telling me fauda is good, is it leftist subtle propaganda or something ?
mentally ill leaf, hence the thread name (i think previous thread was named scizo leaf)

iesh arbe niknakim be ze thread

o iesh arbe niknakim et hathread ??

what are you fucking faggot?

flavia or sum shit yeah found her through searching feet on youtube


WTF is Sasa doing here?

"ж" cлoвo

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You realize there's no longer a left in Israel...
But to answer your question, no. It got criticism from overseas for being too racist (against Arabs, because apparently that's the only racism that matters for SJWs in eurape)

how do you know my gf ?

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kjakjakjkja yes only starting to learn twice a week lessons mfk

Дaвнo в eвpeйcкoй aвтoнoмнoй oблacти живёшь? Caм oткyдa-тo из CHГ? Или poдилcя и выpoc тaм в pyccкoязычнoй eвpeйcкoй ceмьe? Paccкaзывaй кopoчe, интepecнo жe.

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It doesn't have any propaganda behind it it's just so focused on Doron (the main star) and his personal life that it missed the chance to provide scenes with strong messages behind them just mediocre and kinda boring

اريد انيك

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Is that like the laugh in Argentinian espanol

my russian is trash so i barely understand what you wrote and writing myself would probably take an hour(i only know it from friends and one ex), there is oblast with a lot of jews in russia still ? even after ussr is kill ?
also how is corona in bydlo land ? you seem to be doing well compared to everyone else

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Because she is a meme here

thoughts on marrying a jewish girl?

Not a problem at all, the family is the problem?



I want to work with the IMI
wat do i do ?

A very good idea. I also aspire to do this.

i can't wait until i have a functional grasp of hebrew
i want that more than i want my law degree

i'd like to one day, seems like a nice life

how old are you ? got a degree ? what did you do in the army ?
my experience is working for IAI, i had a technical army job and had some excellence reward from the squadron commander (מצטיין טייסת) and written recommendations from some guys in the army (nothing meaningful but their titles looked impressive and they said i did a good job) and all that worked will in the job interview, i started as a student job and i quit recently but i can get a job there pretty much guaranteed when i finish my degree,
one thing you should know about military industry is the security clearance to get into a job takes a long ass time like half a year so if you have a student job or worked there in the past you have a huge advantage over dudes coming without sec clearance since theyd often take a little less qualified person they dont have to wait a long ass time for. so the best way to work there is apply for some student job there when you're in uni, do a good job and get written recommendation from your boss.

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>thoughts on marrying a jewish girl?
Fine but I won't do that probably because I really want to piss off the religiontards who shove their noses in other people's business and go "NOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CANNOT MIX WITH GENTILEESSSSSSS" (imagine a soyjak face attached) and they get especially mad when it's Jewish guy non Jewish woman because the kids won't be Jewish

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who cares about that shit senpai i have a russian friends with non jewish moms and all they had to do is that conversion course in the army, its like a few weeks where you can avoid army work and they say the girls there fuck like crazy and are slutty af
also you stay in some hostel thing in jerusalem on the army's dime

Replying to the wrong post or you didn't understand my post?

nah im just saying its not a big deal, like the kids can still marry in israel and everything

Oh I don't care I just want to piss off religious tards who tell me what I can and can't eat and what I can do and when, some of them even try to destroy relationships with foreign women to "save" Jewish men.
If I get with a foreigner I could move out of here too, temperatures are awful.