Mexico is white

Our entire culture is European.
We speak spanish
We are catholic
We have European buildings
Our food is mostly European

Deal with ti you fucking indios, if you have Spain so much, then stop eating Mexican food, stop speaking spanish and go back to the hills and form your own backwater shitholes communities.

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Other urls found in this thread:

anti-racism is a codeword for anti-mexican

>Our entire culture is European.
only like half of it
>We speak spanish
>We are catholic
>We have European buildings
Colonial european, and only up to 1950
>Our food is mostly European
It mostly comes from the indians though

based and redpilled

Mexico is a mestizo country &
I neither hate spain nor the natives

>We speak spanish

i never had mexican food in my life

That building is property of the Spanish Empire.

I'm surprise my hungry friend.

Mexico is cool. I would like to live there c:

kill yourself you chicano nigger
So mexican?

This. About time someone admits it it's hilarious seeing latin americans who are all whiter than Spaniards and have nothing but Iberian culture, clothes, cuisine and language muh heritage about your two percent indio an African heritage to larp as Aztecs or africans. Latin America is 100% Western, Iberian and white.

Yeah nah, you ain't white and you where made not white on purpose. Accept your destiny, you will replace and erase the white race.

By force, if necessary

Attached: Christophercolumbussolidussnake.jpg (1298x1002, 152.74K)

Mexicans are the only white people left on this planet

Wait wait... are we white now?

Attached: confused.gif (320x212, 1020.1K)

>current year
>wanting to be european
you're late to the party bro, nowadays not even europeans want to be european, this is the age of the BLACK MAN.

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Fuck off, non-whites.

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I dunno, he is your kid. You did a pretty shitty job at educating him.


No, he was an underage ho escaped home with his brothers while our house was on fire.

Excuse you? The Viceroyalty of New Spain was novohispanic; therefore Mexican.
If all hispanic-america merged in an intercontinental empire Mexico would have a better claim to the crown, not your horse-faced inbred assburgos.

When I was 13, I tied up this girl that was 12 with a jumprope, then beat the fuck out of her. By the time I was done, her lip was split, her wrists were bleeding from the rope cuttin into them, one of her eyes was swollen shut, she was missing two teeth, her small tits will entirely black and blue, her pussy was bleeding, and I’m fairly sure that several bones in her feet were broken. When I let her down, she crumpled on the floor and went into a fetal position and just hugged her legs to her chest and sobbed quietly. I suddenly got very aroused seeing that, so I pulled out my dick (I has actually hit puberty 12, and was hairy, balls dropped and everything functioning) and started jerking off quietly. Eventually, I started to breathe harder, and she noticed what I was doing, and she just looked at me with this look of absolute horror on her face. It was at that moment that I climaxed and sprayed probably my biggest load of cum ever all over face and chest. Then, I picked up her torn shirt from the ground, wiped off my dick and tossed it to her. I told her to clean herself up and that if she ever told anyone, I would go to her house and kill her while she slept, and that if anyone asked who hurt her, she should say a bunch of highschool kids did it. When I think back on it, I think she was the first girl I ever loved. ...god I’m fucked up.>

don't listen to racists, whiteness is inclusive and multiethnic, multicultural

you are wrong. It looks like that on the surface but they don't think and act like europeans deep down inside. They are different.



Attached: AyyyElMeco.png (442x453, 422.85K)

>nowadays not even europeans want to be european

Attached: 06666.jpg (956x1241, 471.22K)

You can say that about other latam countries but mexico is mostly mestizo

Why are you so obsessed with being white? Just accept who you are you retarded faggot, this is literally your brain rotting on Yas Forums

I don't eat Mexican food
Its a below average cuisine only popular because of Burgers, If i has to choose latin cuisine its Peru

Mexico is not white but he is white

Latin America=Half Black, half CHADmerindian. Perfectly balanced mix that secures superior BULLish genetics for Latino males.
The power of the BBC plus the blessing of PACHAMAMA.

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Nope, we are white, it's just the sun that makes our skin browner.

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based russian coomer hopping to get a mexican qt girl

Kill yourself
We are 102% amerindian here in Chile, with a 2% margen of error.

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>t. juan o'higgins

Attached: ñ.png (1310x1200, 269.81K)

Sup faggot

Chadcano here

Attached: chadcano.png (719x960, 1.03M)

>all this overcompensating chicoños


OP is an olmec cuck

*and listen Depeche Mode together

I only jump rope

All the gyms are closed

t.olmec subhuman

Attached: 100% olmec phenotype (you).png (493x623, 476.99K)

Olmecs are chads

Attached: 1586343774063.jpg (840x1685, 479.58K)

>I only jump rope

Rename the country as Nueva España and put Bertin Osborne in charge of all that, these are our claims.

hey, tinder passport is free now (you can select cities from all over the world)
how about if you try and choose a random mexican city? personally i would not recommend the capital, everybody is ugly there

No, we are not white you dumb imbecile.

This should be the flag

Attached: Olmec.png (340x227, 14.6K)

Are you an olmec?

Attached: olmec phenotype.jpg (386x397, 104.7K)

Ah yes, beheading, the most beautiful European tradition

Did she like it?

Oh, and remember to kill yourself, subhuman monkey.


Attached: sicomosupuste.jpg (762x400, 72.88K)

Thanks for the colonial cities.

Attached: calle-tlalpan_dp1.jpg (530x330, 73.3K)

Si eres indio no eres Mexicano. Lamento que recién te enteres.


>Our food is mostly European
is it?
do europeans have things like chicharrones or churros?

I know you chicanos don't know anything about Mexico but come on retard.

Never used dating apps before but thanks, I'll keep it in mind!
Is there a difference between north/central/south parts of the country?
Here it is. North is kinda "white and autistic", south is "more brown and emotional" and central part is basically mix of these.

ambos son españoles

why do you deny your olmecness & larp as a mexica aztec, are you ashamed of your olmec roots?

Attached: olmec phenotype the most common in mexico (you).jpg (676x681, 375.73K)

Mexico was colonized by spain so therefore not huwh*te.

I wonder how my boy mexican andy is doing during this quarantine

God I wish that were me (the girl)

Yes, but the differences are more between more regions.
To generalize a little, the cities of Bajio are much more colonial.
In the Northeast the cities are much more gray but with a modern touch
In the center the cities are very similar to Mexico City but in a small version.
To the south the cities are very much like huge towns.
And to the Southeast the cities are white or colorful.