>Netherlands are worth only 6% of EU GDP
Imagine being so insignificant
>Netherlands are worth only 6% of EU GDP
Imagine being so insignificant
Why is Italy so high on that list?
Maybe because we have valuable companies
>He fell for the poor Italy meme
big population and decent economy
Wow Italy is so big, they have everything!
>below India
>barely above Brazil
look at the difference in territory and population
coping poorfag
at least they have prostitutes
Because Italy isn't a meme like Spain or Greece
And yet we have to pay to keep your economy going every single time.
Can someone explain the big fight between Netherlands and Italy? Whats Corona bonds and why does Italy need them? Why is Netherlands vetoing it, even though they are smaller and poorer? Can't Italy tell Netherlands to fuck off?
Why is germany genuinely so high? You rarely hear anything happening there
please do
Netherlands = white people that manage their money good
Italians = swarthy black negroes asking for gibs
Simple as
+1 they sell the cheap pizza for the favela really good
Anything under the US is poor
big population and strong economy
Can I get a brief breakdown on EU gibs between countries from a eupoor? Germany and all the higher countries on that list give €€€€ to all the slavs?
Doesn't Italy need gibs right now? Considering the whole corona thing? Why is Netherlands of all countries trying to block the gibs?
Are white people really so heartless?
Here you go
Italy wants all EU countries to share debt and pay them back together becuse they have a lot of debt, Netherlands doesn't want it because they have little debt
I think I need to learn more about the EU in general and how it works. I dont want to make any judgement against Netherlands if I dont understand the whole picture. I know that EU is not like the USA (no "real" federal government, more of a coalition?). But I am scared for Italy if Italy can't get the help they need. I really hope things work out. Italy just happened to be first, it could as easily have been Netherlands.
based Poland
Daily reminder
Explain the differences between those two for a drunk brainlet.
Total eu gibberinos vs eu gibs divided by total population
based Lithuania
Luxembourg however is utterly disgusting and should be nuked.
While it looks like Poland is getting a lot of more money than other countries that's because Poland has a much larger population than countries such as Greece or Hungary, when you look at the amount of money each citizen gets from the EU Polish people are even getting less money than the average citizen of Hungary or Greece.
Technically Italy can get the money anyway, but they'll pay a lot of interest for that
BASED Luxembourg.
it's not just about this pandemic, Italy already had lots of debt before
that's why the Netherlands and Germany refuse sharing debt
and it's not like other countries aren't hit by the crisis
and the EU and other member state do provide support, both material and monetary
>I'm taxed 180 Euros a year just so L*Xemburgians can get a free Lamborghini at 16
Ok, now do per capita :)
Then immigrate to the Grand Duchy
It looks like a comfy country
who cares about per capita?
It's irrelevant in geopolitical matters.
t. nazi
OK I trust you. Dont want to be retard American telling you about your Union. I just know that a lot of Italians feel hurt and scared right now. So I hope it gets better and its not so bad.
>>Luxembourg is the seat of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, the Court of Auditors and the European Investment Bank (EIB). In addition, the General Secretariat of the European Parliament and some Commission services are based in Luxembourg.
that's not how it works
parasitic fuck, drink bleach and die
>b-but muh p-per c-capita
you're not providing anywhere near enough support you nazis
Not one (1) eurobond, Waluigi
you can read about it just like me, just don't get your info from Yas Forums or Breitbart pls
explain it then
you will end up giving gibs and you know it
you need to give enough gibs for our economy to fully recover to the way it was before
your government better give up the goods because im about to get fired (legit) and i plan to take a 6-8 months break on unemployment benefits
>explain it then
meant for
as far as i can tell, what eurobonds mean is that we would get a loan that we have to give back, but if we go bankrupt, you guys pay. this lowers the risk of the loan not getting paid back and as a consequence interests are lower, but you guys lose nothing as we'd no doubt pay our debts, really the only reason the dutch are refusing eurobonds is that they're nazis (as are germans)
>as we'd no doubt pay our debts
actually we always do. by loaning more money to pay every overdue debt, but we do
Not ONE eurobond, Jorge
look it up, we owe a lot to the ECB and every time a debt is overdue, we loan money from them again to return it so it starts over (there's no interest) lmao
>just don't get your info from Yas Forums
B-b-b-but this is where I get all my international info....thats why its called Yas Forums, right?
>muh nazis
fuck off, you can go bankrupt for all I care
yeah well we'll see about that
t. nation that has defaulted the most in history
ok nazi
Virtually every party in our parliament is against it, it'll be political suicide to even agree to it, we WILL veto anything
in recent history we've never defaulted, and if we did its your fault for not giving enough gibs
shit man
well idgaf you'll give money one way or another lmao
by the way good luck coming to spain as a dutch now, the media is shit talking your country 24/7 jfl
>ever going to spain
Only lowlifes do that. Please beat them up.
actually most tourists i meet are cool desu
No coronabonds, Jorge :^)
Climate change will render the only function of your country (as a vacation spot) useless lmao
>Climate change will render the only function of your country (as a vacation spot) useless lmao
jokes on you, that means we'll ask for more gibs
We'll form our own union with the northern European, we'll call it: European Union, but with money
lmao that legit cracked me up ngl
seriously though, you, or someone else idk, said it'd be political suicide to agree to euro bonds over there. do the general public even know what they are? and do people there hate italians and spanish? bc i know spanish people living there and they dont seem to have any problems tb h
>let's balkanize even more!
lmao, you'll just become an amerifat colony
The EU is quite literally your only hope at not fading into irrelevant servitude.
>lmao, you'll just become an amerifat colony
we kinda are, trump made the need for an european army very obvious, but with countries as cooperative as the netherlands i guess its never gonna happen
god i can just smell the anger from your post
keep going
Yeah, the general public does know what eurobonds are, but no one actually hates the Italians and Spanish here,the Dutch people here are probably just as bored as you guys are and I noticed that there is one Dutch guy that creates all the corona shitposting threads. If anything, it's just a few populistic boomers that are genuinely angry but most of us are 'just' agreeing with our minister. How's the situation in Spain?