Heroes of the Storm -edition
have a good easter everyone
if agape exists may all of us share it
Just paid a Swedish model money to wank off to her feet and have her make fun of me on Skype lads
haha the irony :)
dutch guy
do you do it like a truck?
Still baffled that some stupid fucking yank got his views on religion from wikipedia
While the Hebrew Bible would imply that, historically, Jewish worship was always monotheistic, this is not the case. The archaeological record of the Levant during biblical times (i.e., Bronze Age/Iron Age II)[5][6] shows that the Israelites were polytheistic.
WTF....my sunday school teacher lied to me
>dogshit clogwog edition
Post pic
all religion is "dude trust me". same with atheism
do homealone on an easter sunday for a laugh
you going to bed?
Which one?
well it's faith isn't it. some things are beyond "facts and logic"
have faith. i do.
might just eat a few sheep
Based game
Based Zagara set
>all religion is "dude trust me". same with atheism
Yh so lads
I know a gyaldem from my uni days n the yh and a lad
They’re both proper sesh heads and they’re both good looking tbf
So she’s sleeps around yeah and was always with a guy at a rave
There was one time where she saw her current fwb with a girl and she started getting mad as fuck then became a crying mess
So she necked another guy who looked beta as fuck at let’s say 1am but then was with another guy 3:30am and the beta guy was just holding her hand watching looking ashamed (seriously do people do this to themselves what the fuck?)
Yeah anyways the point is she slept around did a lot of drugs and lived with a good looking lad who is now her boyfriend
My question is do you think it’d bother him that the girl she’s with is an absolute sesh head who’s slept around an absolute fuck load, he’s prob heard her banging a lad in her room or do you think he ignores it because she’s pretty?
Idk how I’d be if I was him
Most critics of polytheism normally miss the point desu, given that every polytheistic religion arranges their Gods hierarchically with some "prime mover" figure at the top and the lowest-level deities at the bottom. It's not that dissimilar to Christians and saints desu
shut the fuck up lmao
do DMT
got a feeling arnie will be the first big 80s action star to croak
No it's not - Christians and other theists have been publishing irrefutable philosophical arguments for the existence of God for hundreds of years. You just choose not to engage with them (probably because you're a midwit)
>do DMT
Yh so lads
I know a gyaldem from my uni days n the yh and a lad
They’re both proper sesh heads and they’re both good looking tbf
So she’s sleeps around yeah and was always with a guy at a rave
There was one time where she saw her current fwb with a girl and she started getting mad as fuck then became a crying mess
So she necked another guy who looked beta as fuck at let’s say 1am but then was with another guy 3:30am and the beta guy was just holding her hand watching looking ashamed (seriously do people do this to themselves what the fuck?)
Yeah anyways the point is she slept around did a lot of drugs and lived with a good looking lad who is now her boyfriend
My question is do you think it’d bother him that the girl she’s with is an absolute sesh head who’s slept around an absolute fuck load, he’s prob heard her banging a lad in her room or do you think he ignores it because she’s pretty?
Idk how I’d be if I was him
not a single letter
Yahweh is the small god who everyone prayed to and grew bigger and became the ultimate God of gods. All other gods are inferior to Him now.
>Your brother Billy, whatever happened there
8d chess
>a few crisps on the side of the plate
HATE this desu - I didn't pay £8 for a fucking sandwich just for you to put half a packet of fucking Walker's on there
>Christians and other theists have been publishing irrefutable philosophical arguments for the existence of God for hundreds of years
all bollocks
tony blair is more powerful than jesus
>philosophical arguments
theres a good pic of tim with his mouth open and thats begging for a golfball
going to brush my teeth
Yahweh was originally El
All three of my wanks today were to cartoons.
Found her on some femdom website and thought it was someone catfishing but actually was her lol
Try disproving the Aristotelian proof then sweaty xx
+8,681 for the UK whoops
do you want more crisps or none at all?
remember to report this for spam lads
So, I heard they decided to officially extend the lockdown deadline. For how long though? Did they say?
bit older than jesus isn't he, not much of a christian he was
sorry but stonehenge has not stood for 18000 years lmaoooooo
None at all, I want a proper side-dish. Maybe some decent coleslaw or a proper salad, not bloody crisps
No one is a Christian because of Aristotle or Aquinas
>The deity most commonly worshiped alongside Yahweh was Asherah, venerated as Yahweh's consort[22] or mother
...hold on dis shit interesting...lets keep reading
>He lived in a tent on a mountain from whose base originated all the fresh waters of the world, with the goddess Asherah as his consort.
DA FUCK? I thought God lived in heaven!!!
>Asherah functioned as a goddess and consort of Yahweh and was worshiped as the queen of heaven, for whose festival the Hebrews baked small cakes. Asherah was patronized by female royals such as Queen Mother Maacah (1 Kings 15:13). B
Damn....my pastor lied.
In this convenient, handy and universally adaptable form, religion can continue to exist as the immediate, that is, the sentimental form of men's relation to the alien, natural and social, forces which dominate them, so long as men remain under the control of these forces. However, we have seen repeatedly that in existing bourgeois society men are dominated by the economic conditions created by themselves, by the means of production which they themselves have produced, as if by an alien force. The actual basis of the religious reflective activity therefore continues to exist, and with it the religious reflection itself. And although bourgeois political economy has given a certain insight into the causal connection of this alien domination, this makes no essential difference. Bourgeois economics can neither prevent crises in general, nor protect the individual capitalists from losses, bad debts and bankruptcy, nor secure the individual workers against unemployment and destitution. It is still true that man proposes and God (that is, the alien domination of the capitalist mode of production) disposes. Mere knowledge, even if it went much further and deeper than that of bourgeois economic science, is not enough to bring social forces under the domination of society. What is above all necessary for this, is a social act. And when this act has been accomplished, when society, by taking possession of all means of production and using them on a planned basis, has freed itself and all its members from the bondage in which they are now held by these means of production which they themselves have produced but which confront them as an irresistible alien force, when therefore man no longer merely proposes, but also disposes — only then will the last alien force which is still reflected in religion vanish; and with it will also vanish the religious reflection itself, for the simple reason that then there will be nothing left to reflect.
The Universe is a dream within the mind of God
alri boys
alri guenon
they have extended it until liverpool win the premier league
so buckle in kid
These piercings are the future
Can't sleep omg
I am explicitly talking about British culture on an anime imageboard created for international culture you absolute mug
believe in god me but this joke in no way represents me or my personal idea of god
imagine putting lips to a wogs hoof
For me it's Cheese and Onion pringles
kek they’re showing the british clappening on tv again
Big bang was a singularity. When it exploded, it sent out anti-matter. Anti-matter = Time.
Space is expanding like paint on a canvas made of time. Time is not a constant. As space expands into the anti-matter, time slows. When the mass of the universe reaches critical mass, time stops. The Universe collapses in on itself taking all the matter with it, creating another big bang.
Why is there something instead of nothing? Because you can't have nothing without something, by definition. The Universe is infinite in time but not in space.
And their Son B'aal
what you're doing is being an attention seeking prat with your novella that you keep in notepad
You may recall that I said "Christians and other theists". If you really want a Christian thinker you could try to disprove Aquinas instead
What the devil are you on about? Aquinas is a "Church Father", i.e. one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Christianity. He was also directly inspired by Aristotle
Good bird tbf
How much did it cost
meeting up with a nigger tonight
Do brits really?
It's Spamming/Flooding
will let janny deal with you now
for me it’s corbynism
for me its egg chips and beans
Humans generate emotion, which is experienced by our consciousness, and therefore the collective consciousness of the universe. Without emotional experience, the universe is worthless. Therefore humans are not only valuable, but we are the most valuable assets the universe has, since the complexity of our emotions is the apex of the universe's existence.
we outdid you at your own thing...again
UK is a harmonious community while the USA is a wasteland
Baste, don't like fapping on Easter but I'm addicted at this point, fuck
An internal government report by a subcommittee on COVID-19 is predicting up to 150,000 deaths due to a mixture of suicide and people not seeking medical attention from other illnesses, as well as things like cancer patients not getting treated.
>Lockdown to save 20,000 old people
>Kills 150,000 other people
Well done everyone.
you’re literally seeking for my attention by being abusive and toxic
I’m posting about British culture
Who wants to know what drugs I’ve done while partaking in British culture
Has Corona and the fact it poses at least some threat to life made anyone else realise that they are in various ways quite a shitty person
Scared of the afterlife lads
so we are the universe's self-awareness?
last time i took acid i felt like i condensed the entire universe into my mind, and then i realised that my own, and everyone elses' consciousness is a universe, and the universe we are in is a consciousness
I’m saying no Christian really cares about their arguments, they just want the utterly unphilosophical claims of Jesus and use a smokescreen of bloated theological bickering to pretend Jesus’ claims are somehow rational by extension.
not sure why people reply to him
holy mother of cringe
i want to know
kitchen is gonnae be finished tomorrow lads what should I cook for my first non microwave meal?
Very cheeky Japan!
carnt bluddy believe we all just switch off when we die and thats it
look at the edge they arent walkers
It made me scared to be honest. I enjoy my life and don't want to die. It has helped me get a little bit healthier in that regard
nah just me
Don’t start things you know you can’t win
night lad
As a rule I try to be nice/fair to everybody
>try to disprove Aquinas instead
haven't read it, no need, it's bollocks
I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it
Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:
Various speeds
Rhino ket
Thc pills
Bath salts
NOS Cannisters
Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.
Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?
Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.
tl;dr: I fucking love drugs
>look at the edge they arent walkers
nice try, p-zombie
Jesus as a Dionysus and Hermes copycat:
>Scholars have long suspected that the Gospel of John may have also been influenced by symbolism associated with the cult of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine.
>The first instance of possible Dionysian influence is Jesus's miracle of turning water into wine at the Marriage at Cana in John 2:1-11.[16][84] The story bears some resemblance to a number of stories that were told about Dionysus.[86] In the Greek novel Leucippe and Clitophon by Achilles Tatius, a herdsman takes Dionysus into his home and offers him a meal,[89] but can only offer him the same thing to drink as his oxen.[89] Miraculously, Dionysus turns the drink into wine.[89]
>The Gospel of John also contains parallels with The Bacchae, a tragedy written by the Athenian playwright Euripides that was first performed in 405 BC .In both works, the deity is supported by a group of female followers.[91][94] Both works end with the violent death of one of the central figures;[94] In both works, the central figure is portrayed as an incarnate deity who arrives in a country where he should be known and worshipped,[91][93] but, because he is disguised as a mortal, the deity is not recognized and is instead persecuted by the ruling party.[91][93
>the god Hermes was sometimes shown as a kriophoros, a handsome, beardless youth bearing a ram or sheep over his shoulders. Early Christians adapted images of this kind as representations of Jesus in his role of as the "Good Shepherd".[138]
the very top is Ireland so I don't understand this joke
crazy how nature do dat
love carling
'ate the nhs
'ate the troops
'ate charity
Simple as.
Hello lads, just woke up
Your body goes into the ground and its energy is absorbed into the planet
never properly broke through with acid
it’s given a new perspective but it all felt very human
she wants a man with 2277 total level on osrs
For me? It's Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, the Communist Party of Vietnam, the People's Army of Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam.
all im saying is some nurses are bad people
you switched on didn't you?
250ug+ is when things start getting mental
have you seen these theyre very amusing youd like them
>I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it
>Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:
>Various speeds
>Rhino ket
>Thc pills
>Bath salts
>NOS Cannisters
>Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.
>Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?
>Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.
>tl;dr: I fucking love drugs
interesting. thanks for sharing
welcome to the filter Bugenhagen
Played Call of Duty with the lads for almost 10 hours yesterday
High dose of acid is genuinely like no other drug
Your mind can't even comprehend it really it goes beyond your scope of vision and mind
>Scared of the afterlife lads
No such thing. But non-existence is much scarier.
Might go out for a midnight walk. Anyone know if the police are still out patrolling at this time?
Granted the majority of believers (just like the majority of non-believers) are essentially ambivalent to the philosophical arguments. Nonetheless, the fact that the faith is supported by such strong arguments strengthens its ability to stand up to critics and persist throughout time
A mealy-mouthed reply
saving this image thanks for sharing
nothing scary about it, doesn't concern you
I see you've subscribed to Lachieism
just think of a good excuse like your dad was trying to molest you
mate acid aha wow the colours dude its like im really awake now man
get a life
Live a good life. If there are Gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are Gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no Gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones
50 lad, and even then she wasn't too pleased with that I imagine because of exchange rate and fact she makes enough as is probably
where can I find these corkers
Well if someone's acting a wanker then they've justified me doing so to them in kind but don't do it for no reason
feeling sexy lads x
>I want a proper side-dish. Maybe some decent coleslaw or a proper salad, not bloody crisps
Jesus is not supported by any of those arguments
Just played with a puppy
some irish lad makes them and posts them here
havent touched it in a couple of years. saw what i needed to say. when you get the message hang up the phone
>High dose of acid is genuinely like no other drug
>Your mind can't even comprehend it really it goes beyond your scope of vision and mind
>mate acid aha wow the colours dude its like im really awake now man
>get a life
I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it
Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:
Various speeds
Rhino ket
Thc pills
Bath salts
NOS Cannisters
Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.
Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?
Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.
tl;dr: I fucking love drugs
made my third eye wince
amer going out of his mind over a few crisps
he wants something more substantial like coleslaw
True, that's where faith starts to enter the picture. The Judaeo-Christian conceptualisation of God is supported by those arguments, however
Yeah I don’t think I’ve gone that far yet
I’ve mixed a low dose of acid with 25i-nBOME and got a decent reaction out of it
I’m not scared of bad trips or intense trips I just don’t think I’m ready yet
Ah yes
seems to work fine on lisicki
He doesn’t make them, they’re from some wacky Facebook page
Reverse image it
a well deserving hat indeed
russian janny is very sensitive lads be warned
ey up gromit lad where are the crackers
Not to mention most of his teachings were taken primarily from those of Rabbi Hillel the Elder and some from John the Baptist
Where are these raves and how do I get invited
I want to be a cool drughead man
right then shall i do acid or shrooms
mental how vietnam defeated france and america lads
the power of marxism-leninism
Same mate, although I'm maybe drinking a bit more at the weekend - well at least if I were to be be doing what I am now and just staying in. Still it gives me the fear a bit how part of it is potluck, and likewise my life was on the up before this
Ideally I do too, but I've done stuff in my past I regret and have cheated before and stuff. I could definitely be better and i hope this helps
I take your point, but I would say for example what is typically considered to be hell would be worse.
doing a think
why not read the bible and get high off your love for the lord god and his son jesus
*closes my eyes*
*gapes my mouth like a fucking retard*
tried that for years, not my cup of tea