This is a picture of my eye. Are such eyes common in your country?

This is a picture of my eye. Are such eyes common in your country?

Attached: E08EBABD-F0B6-4576-9FDE-12291FFCA0C3.jpg (778x653, 84.23K)

Picture of other eye for reference.

Attached: 9353B695-F7EC-40FF-8F5D-90E62E27838D.jpg (914x546, 77.3K)

Actually... yeah they're pretty common

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rate my eye

Attached: eye.png (1264x1886, 1.9M)

Good one, Zhang

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 187.94K)

Attached: 11947.jpg (503x638, 54.28K)

Nice :)


Attached: 20200112_092152.jpg (308x302, 54.93K)

Attached: 2pacelle.jpg (480x360, 8.22K)

Yes, too common sadly.

Attached: eyes.png (593x487, 318.79K)

I don't like how greasy the skin under your eye looks, I feel like I could take some off and use it to shine my shoe

This is my shit colored eye that people usually hate

Attached: 2020-03-14 16.14.30.jpg (396x241, 64.77K)

What do you mean "people usually hate"? I have a hard time believing people have told you that in person.

Based Chinaman

Nice eyes

Attached: (1080x2244, 1.13M)

Thanks, nice picture.
What do you use that mask for?

I posted it in a thread and everyone made fun of it


Yeah we have quite a bit of adopted South Koreans. Almost all of them are great of them are great but some of them end up alcoholics.

No need to take Yas Forums so seriously :)

For hiding my identity in the intrenet

post nose and mouth so we can make your face

Not really but it's changing

Comrades this Is no time for blowing cover.

We have to defend our honorable chairmen on every thread now virus is out. GO GO GO. Defend our nation on website

>We have to defend our honorable chairmen on every thread now virus is out. GO GO GO. Defend our nation on website
Are you that Cambodian user living in France?

Attached: 3256095900000578-3499370-image-m-41_1458332991048.jpg (634x634, 65.74K)

No I'm french, parents are viets

Do Maghrebs bully you?

Yes I was bullied at school, I was an easy target, never fighting back and a peaceful person. They always stayed in group and target lonesome people mostly white and asian.


Attached: 54534545435.jpg (480x360, 18.98K)

Are you a nerd or something? If you're an introvert then you deserve to be bullied


Attached: pH9Br7Cvza4.jpg (1202x428, 125.6K)

I like Japanese, Chines, Korean woman's
I still got my standard, today Europeans woman's are changing mostly in west of Europe

Attached: P1033772.jpg (5184x2920, 1.69M)

Nice try Chink. I'm pretty sure you have advanced eye recognition software over there.

Lol I never asked anybody to share their eye.
Wow I didn't know white people had monolids.

I am introvert but bullying stopped once I fighted back, introverts doesn't deserve bullying, being a pussy does however

Not exactly, no


Attached: IMG_20191215_213955.jpg (733x563, 166.19K)

How is it in Ecuador?


Would also fug if I correctly surmised that you are a female

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.gif (512x512, 469.28K)

Thats clearly a dude my dude.

Attached: 6b8c70082f8c16342c0d25fca3ccfc76.jpg (1365x2048, 438.12K)

You cute ;)

Attached: image.jpg (613x288, 27.97K)

Oh come on asian men aren't that feminine. Are they?

Attached: giphy (6).gif (200x198, 407.7K)


eye thread?

Attached: 20200205_131641.jpg (2200x716, 535.79K)


I would fuck you faggot.

Do you like gaijin eyes?

Attached: 40F98704-83AE-45E6-A205-75B3D29A9D98.jpg (598x426, 42.42K)

be my bf

>Are such eyes common in your country?
Not at all. I'd say ess than 0.1% of people have these type of eyes

I like the chiseled features rather than gaijinsan eyes

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You want my contact nippon-chan?

guess race

Attached: WP_20180209_12_32_53_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 253.7K)

what do you think of my eyes jap-chan


delete this

Eyes become more masculine with SEA peeps.

You look like a Lovecraftian horror


You are cute desune :)

Whats not gonna be subtle is my cock ramming into you harder then the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Attached: slap the dirty little jap.jpg (415x515, 48.88K)

My eye

Attached: IMG_20200117_211218431_MP~2.jpg (1672x1210, 171.03K)

I'll accsept your derision cause I'm East Asian
But you don't have the right to make a fun of that Russian
Because you..