
come on then

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Other urls found in this thread:


1st for the buthurt janny

ava thats not FUCKING normal you slag

Want to start doing discord lad, where should I start?

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>he doesn't listen to fugazi the art-punk band
state of you

/brit/ is a Catholic general, protestants are NOT welcome

apparently /vp/ released a pokemon romhack
might indulge myself

While the fundamental nature of Janus is debated, in most modern scholars' view the god's functions may be seen as being organized around a single principle: presiding over all beginnings and transitions, whether abstract or concrete, sacred or profane.

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coronachan has dark hair

sister posted this on facebook

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This is, from my experience having observed Scottish specimens, their invitation to begin fisticuffs.

If God gave us a choice then why did you choose to be an ugly little manlet that nobody loves?

Cant be doing with this lockdown nonsense any longer

sverigetråden has a new thread despite their old one being on page 7
this is clear evidence of favouritism and unjust, unfair and relentless abuse from the custodial towards /brit/

Good evening

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If quarantine has changed your lifestyle in any way, you are a normie

bit uncalled for mate

Great Britain is a Protestant country you runt.

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I did 20 years. lmao @ ur life


the soul and the body are not the same thing
god gave us choice what to do with our body not what body we would get
not exactly hard to answer that one mate

5th of may for you little runts
sad how you lot just accept it as well

are you reading the thread from earlier lol?

What would your average British person's reaction be after seeing this image?

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good evening

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yes I know that lmao, I’m arguing hypothetically that if everything the bible says about Jesus is true when why did god choose to present himself in the Roman world rather than now or in the future when his message could be spread FAR more easily?

can see her bumhole

but necessary

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imagine thinking britain is a christian country at all

never faced discrimination for being catholic in my life

White Anglo-Saxon PROTESTANT

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haha maybe

aaaah yes hmm

haha yeah imagine that its not like theres a church on every corner

True Britons reject all forms of invasive forms of beliefs including Christianity

>second guessing the thoughts or plans of a transcendental omnipotent being

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Mad to think that there was another revolutionary JC who preached love and kindness, but was betrayed by his followers and crucified in the spring. He too will rise and millions will follow his example and teachings.

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The confederacy is a Christian country

number one. "Great Britain" is not a country

whose side do you take?


you mean those cold empty buildings no one ever goes to? yeah I’ve seen a couple of ‘em

imagine taking hold of diane abbotts fat pancakes and punting her right up the sloppy quim
imagine thumbing her mouth and yanking her wig off

Get her to do a USS Essex cosplay

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reckon gods a mouse and all those weirdos that own snakes are fucked

barnet's done in

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what do you believe
even back when romans were here their gods were mixed with ours like lenus mars

well, lads? which are you?

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just seems more logical, could god not see that showing himself at that time would cause people to question his existence at all 2000 years down the line?
Seems pretty stupid of him

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Any 2009 man in?


>god gave us choice what to do with our body
so you chose to be ugly and short then?

Recommend me a film lads

Attached: 71483927149823.gif (540x603, 1.66M)

*teleports to 2025*
*votes for Keir Starmer*
*teleports back*

glad hes gone now so i can stop having any attachment to labour and commit to the WPB like the third-party fruitcake i was always meant to be

priests live in them


business idea: use pics from a /soc/ slag and gather up paypigs
Wonder if onlyfans would work if I just uploaded old obscure amateur porn vids that look somewhat like whichever /soc/ slag I use

I don't eat them because they're shite

wud it not be more logical to reveal himself at day 1 human so jesus would be known throughout all time and we would not have the awkwardness of working out what happened to people before christ?

very unsettling image

The Nigger

isn't the taller one the brother of *THE* Hanneth Montaneth

Need a pizza

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Who would win in a fight between Keir Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn

>invasive forms
There's no gods but God. Them Celtic spirits are fallen angels holding sway over whichever parts they can grab

are you illiterate? why would you cut my sentence in half and misread the meaning

I personally would categorise them as alternative but I understand people can become very particular about this type of thing
I doubt most bands actually label themselves in such distinct categories


What do I believe in you ask?

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73,758 cases so far
8,958 deaths
344 have recovered

Reckon people just got on with stuff

fuck off vf

lots of holes in the bible i reckon

do you lads reckon this pic of me is cute enough to send to the proto gf?

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that’s called alcoholism

>73,758 cases so far

Based preacher of the real JC, son of Gregg

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Pergolesi's Stabat Mater is sublime


Seen it many times

the crazy thing is most people dying now contracted the illness 4 weeks ago.
The worst thing is the length of time it takes to kill or not kill you - basically crippling our health service

poor lad never had a chance

wow this is literally me

The Police? My favourite album? Why it's Zenyattà Mondatta of course.

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bit shit desu

registered cases you simpleton

Yes, and the shorter one is the brother of the actor who played her best friend in the show

the bible is a very complicated set of books that even within itself does not claim consistency perhaps nowhere more obvious than 4 conflicting lives of jesus

noooo not the heckin elderinos! not the comorbid chonkers

what do you like? any genre or mood you are in?

getting really defensive now arent we, perhaps I'll let you cool down xx


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hard to be a god
just dont like stupid people, sorry.

brown eyes

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Pretty Baby

funny how all these end of the world crazy people have gone silent because of the coronavirus

can't stop listening to that cherrybonbon song

damn you guy who posted it many times

>I doubt most bands actually label themselves in such distinct categories
Yeah I agree especially fugazi doubt they cared much

hey guys check out my website

not sure what you mean


full moon

half moon

total eclipse

Out of business I'd imagine

don’t click virus

W2C similar bomber jacket?

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looks cool

what about mine


Ahahaha where's your foreskin gone?

malwarebytes about to blow its fucking brains out over this link

cant find it mate are you sure thats the right address

norton is going haywire at this one

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Boss Nigger (1973)

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The Passion of Christ

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never been to Freetown, Liberia
shame that

In your mom's pussy

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user he was a poor heroin addict, it's not supposed to be nice clothing

hahaha YES

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somehow knew what this was going to be before I expanded it

>>just dont like stupid people, sorry.
>posts in /brit/
>believes in God

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top man?

atheists be like "this ape is my granddad"

really need to visit a urologist but don't really want to

is there anything more cringey than music? imagine only wearing a certain type of clothes because of music. bloody pathetic. me? never liked music and never will.

Anything not mainstream desu

Looks good

Sounds boring

Good shout, been meaning to watch this

check out my website lads:



who said i believe in god
i agree that posting in brit is a very stupid thing to do though as it means interacting with people like you

squealing at this image and I'm not sure why

niggers be like "mukka mukka mup mofo jungle axe up mo didda my nigga"

Do you like bananas?

atheists be like "yeah the world just popped into existence one day for no reason - so what?"

still proper fucking hate yanks

not as into music as I used to be

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what does wearing certain clothes have to do with liking music

got a lump on the bottom of my left bollock but i dont want to go the doctors and get corona

>bloody pathetic me
Yeah I can tell

atheists be like "richard dawkins is an intellectual"

aah yes whereas catholics be like "yeah some great big bearded lad made this world pop into existence one day for no reason - so what?"

but where did god come from?

>I’m gonna live forever and ever and ever!

Yes it did


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How are Russia's numbers so low yet they have supposedly performed over a million tests.

penile adhesion

>the world just popped into existence one day
literally what the bible says you moron


having a gander

salvador humvee

him and ricky gervais are the reason i believe in god

they shut the border with china basically straight away

god shop

dawkins has never done a psychedelic

are you the lad whose bollock swole up to the size of a pepsi can the other day