Make an unpopular statement about Germany

Make an unpopular statement about Germany.

Attached: 1920px-Naval_Ensign_of_Germany.svg.png (1920x1152, 59.32K)

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Germans are nice. I like them.

(re)unification was a mistake

Attached: vb.png (300x300, 217.54K)

German sounds cool

Attached: 1562523397082.png (417x500, 159.87K)

Forcing Willy to abdicate was a huge mistake

East Germany was best Germany

Attached: 1573327200742.png (518x628, 242K)

More like gernotthatmany

Almost all of the Germans I met there were pretty OK.
The Turks, tho...

*East Germany was is Germany

Attached: schulden.png (600x820, 647.89K)

its time

Attached: e7AzvkOmgJQAz3L7.webm (576x1024, 2.5M)

most of you are actually nice irl

Germans are like Jews, nobody likes them.

Attached: pifke1.jpg (520x309, 29.51K)

You are german

he is not

Attached: pfennig.jpg (755x681, 193.3K)

keep dreaming you unicellular

Attached: Maedchen-in-Tracht.jpg (800x569, 85.08K)

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Yes my comrade

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their humour isn't bad

Ich verstehe ums verrecken nicht wieso es soviele Spasten hier in Bayern gibt die euch Untermenschen mögen. Ihr gehört alle an die Wand gestellt genauso wie die Schweizer.

Can't tell if south Germany, Switzerland or Austria.

let's go

it's only banter bro
calm down

Attached: Kampfgruppe Hartz.png (646x431, 24.36K)

Germany did nothing wrong

Your best president was Adolf


Attached: et1.png (311x350, 49.08K)

Your best president should have been Adolf

>Kampfgruppe Hartz

Attached: 0e87867826bb6037f6cbb40200c3b400.jpg (2048x1365, 530.04K)

Ihr habt es nicht einmal geschafft alle Juden an die Wand zu stellen, also probiert es gleich gar nicht mit uns, ihr Versager.

Attached: Loser_Salzkammergut.jpg (350x219, 14.24K)

Unsere panzerdivision is amazing, Im glad I played Ostalgie to discover it
Thats their song right? Not as cool as the former but very good too

Attached: 176d3d9600cc29694fe224405ef6f94d10685217.jpg (1389x1635, 1.15M)

they should be genocided. oh wait that's the popular one sorry HAHA

Mainstream German humor is bad. (Not that Mexico's is the greatest but it has its moments)

l like you, Genosse.

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the language is so damn frustrating to learn, I mean the plural endings macht mir Verruckt aaaaaaaah Negermensch hilf mir!

Germans tie with Parisians for most annoying Eurofags

*machen mich verrückt

The feeling is mutual comrade, I envy that you at least have some kind of past to be proud, Argentina doesnt have much, Im not advocating for nationalism but must be nice to have it

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it's called Class-conciousness not nationalism

Your engineering whilst good is really unreliable when actually used

Ein Großteil reicht aber auch schon bei euch. Ich wär schon zufrieden wenn 6 Millionen von euch krepieren würden.

Und wie willst du das anstellen? Du schaffst es nicht einmal zu einem date, du Wolldecke;

Attached: Bernd516001.jpg (1024x768, 278.13K)

>du Wolldecke
lol zeigs ihm

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Germany needs less immigrants
Holocaust Denial should be legal
2nd reich best reich

You need to pay reparations to Herero and Nama.


>du Wolldecke
Wtf das war unfair

Their food can actually be pretty nice

Fällt dir ein besseres Schimpfwort ein? Ich bin bereit dazuzulernen.
Tatsache ist, dass alle,insbesonders ihr Deutschen auf div. Brettern die große Lippe riskiert und im realen Leben seid ihr Oarschlaberln.

Attached: bernd_175004.jpg (650x492, 123.77K)


Der absolute Zustand der Österreichischen Nachkriegsaufbereitung

Attached: Ösis234.png (1673x54, 13.08K)

Du Hundsgrippe kost amoi dei goschn hoitn. Geh die eigrom

what's with the massive inferiority complex Austrians have towards Germany

Austrian nationalism is based on nothing more than dodging responsibility for war crimes

ihr widerlichen Scheißwessis seid zum kotzen

Das hört sich schon etwas besser an.
Trotzdem, eich Saupreissn kemma nua zum Kreereim brauchn!

Attached: am-besten-laesst-sich-der-meerrettich-frisch-oder-nach-dem-wasserbad-reiben.jpg (610x343, 101.36K)

Schleich die amoi du Saupreißngrippe mit daim Gschmatz

do red da Richtige;

Attached: fall_of_saigon.jpg (700x459, 142.29K)

I want to see what the world would be like with Germany as the #1 world power.

Germans are racist

Well we both could've been the world powers if the USA had joined us in WW1. You could've gotten Canade all for yourself with Havanna the Bermudas and a little bit of northern Mexico.


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they are way less cucked than england

wrong pic m8

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Is History taught in US history at school?
Germany lost the war.

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we're whiter

and Austria started it
thanks, btw

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gern geschehen;

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