Post your country's worst leader

Post your country's worst leader

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It's incredible how people are still falling for his hook-nosed tricks in 2020

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he tried to fix something that was already broken
blame w*lhelm

Why don't you like Simon?

Wilhelm II was bad but Hitler was much worse

>man whose New Deal saved us from the great depression and led us through WW2 is the worst leader

He's probably a Magasexua from Yas Forums.

Him and Lincoln were basically dictators


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>man whose New Deal saved us from the great depression.
>confiscated all the gold in the public's hand by force then once he got the gold raised the price of gold.
>Wanted the US to enter the war even though the public didn't.
>third term as president even though it's not allowed.

tell us about him

He fucked up everything

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>New Deal saved us from the great depression

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id argue Goebbels was worse. at least Hitler lasted enough to do some good things


either pinochet or allende lmao

Such as?
>inb4 Holocaust

Goebbles was never leader
>at least Hitler lasted enough to do some good things
no he didn't, the Nazi "economic miracle" is a meme

>third term as president even though it's not allowed
It wasn't banned until years later. It just was an informal tradition, a show of good faith that a president wasn't looking to make the office a lifetime career. Roosevelt wasn't even the first president to run for a third term, he was just the only one who won.

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didn't the head of the SPD read one of Hitler's pamphlets while he was running and say "we could have said this"(?).

And they were our two best presidents

He also ran for and won a forth term and everyone knew they had to stop others from trying to follow his abuse of power.

what are you talking about? Never heard of that
I just know of an incident where somebody read quotes of Hitler and from a politician of AfD (populists) and people couldn't tell the difference

>he was too popular

Decided to treat Jugoslavija as Greater Serbia and himself as some absolute monarch, while shitting on the economy.
Ultimately got just'd by some freedom fighters™.

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>confiscated all the gold
You mean offer the equivalent of ~$400 per 31 grams of gold during an economic depression. I'll agree that the gold standard was pretty fucking retarded, but this helped people more than anything.

Who fucking cares about a pretty gold necklace when you have no fucking food.

found the racist

I'm talking back in the 1930's, sorry should have mentioned this.

If he was the worst president why did he win the presidency 4 different times?

maybe regarding his economic promises he was similar to the SPD, it's how populists get support after all

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he said jesus wouldn't accept asylum seekers, rejected gay marriage despite his sister being a lesbian and ate a raw onion. absolute goose the bloke is!

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>stealing the publics gold unwillingly to prop up failing banking institutions and wallstreet is good.

I don't get the complaints about her when she was the president at time when president had no power

Poliittiset nimitykset.

Copious gibs and a cult of personality will do that

No. He was based.

Don't agree completely, but can understand. I can't remember any President in recent history who got us involved in so many wars as him, really amazing that he was able to compete with that Demon Bush.

He rigged the game by the middle of his second term, much criticism of Roosevelt centered on fears that he was heading toward a dictatorship by attempting to seize control of the Supreme Court in the Court-packing incident of 1937 and attempting to eliminate dissent within the Democratic Party in the South during the 1938 mid-term elections.

>lol let people starve cuz me like shiny rock

This bastard is the only and sole reason why we are the gringo's top bitch. And the reason why I dislike a lot of amerindians.

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If he wanted to keep his citizens from starving he shouldn't have taken their wealth

Listen well and good because I won't say this again, Juarez helped the U.S enormously, show some respect.

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This pacifist fucker, because he didn't listen to MacArthur and LeMay, so we didn't nuke the Chinese and Koreans.

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how do you even get through the captcha to post? it's really amazing.

I thought Amerindians hated his guts

Stalin (dekulakization collectivization, gulag and ogpu system, political repressions, Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and other shit)
Lenin (gommunism, civil war, red terror)
Nicholas 2 (ww1, japanese war, 2 revolutions, autism)
Yeltsin (oligarchs, corruption, chechen war, alcoholic)

It also says something about TDS that the media and public was almost unanimously against intervention in Syria when it started, but as soon as Trump takes a step toward withdrawing the entire media and half of the public out of nowhere start acting like it's the most vitally important mission of our time and frame it as a humanitarian crisis, and also start unironically and openly shilling for the use of Syria as a geopolitical pawn against Russia.

what about you-know-who?

OP said WORST leader not most based

Get fucked.
Oaxaca (the state with most amerindians) has hundred's of streets and parks named after him.

Probably our current one.

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He's definitely not the worst thing happened to this fortuneless land

the one who signed the civil rights act in USA.

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Nice questionable analogy with a false pretense.
Gold coins and silver coins had been the official money of the American people for more than 125 years. That was the official money established by the Constitution, which gave the federal government the power to “coin” money, not “print” money. The Constitution had also expressly prohibited the states from making anything but gold tender and silver coins legal tender. Some college professors today teach their students that the “gold standard” was a monetary system in which paper money was backed by gold. Nothing could be further from the truth. There was no paper money. The official money of the American people, as established by their Constitution, consisted of coinage — e.g., gold coins and silver coins.
Notice something important about FDR’s action: The Constitution, which provided for a gold-coin, silver-coin monetary system, can only be amended through the process outlined in the Constitution. Roosevelt did not go through that process. Instead, he simply used the emergency to justify his nullification of the Constitution by executive decree. His action is a perfect example of how crises and emergencies can result in tyranny and oppression.

Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937

FDR is the reason Stalin took over half of Europe. No, it's not because we didn't launch Operation Unthinkable, he treated the UK as an untrustworthy co-belligerent and insisted that Stalin be given all the demands and reparations he asked for. His cabinet was full of Soviet spies and he was absolutely a communist-sympathizer himself.