Eagrán Cory sa Teach.
I just wanted to thank you for helping us in the Civil War!
>East Yank thread
And I was being given out to for "West Brit" editions?
How often is she mentioned in your household?
Cory is more of a Yas Forums meme than anything.
Trying to learn the guitar but my hands are too small to use more than 3 frets in a row
Alright lads see if you can help me out here. Years ago my telly had a problem with all of its brightness and contrast settings and whatnot resetting every time it was turned off, so I took pic related to remember what the setting was. But I can't remember what the ad in background is. It's driving me mad since the picture gets stranger and stranger the more I look at it. I think it was an ad for biscuits or Jaffa Cakes but that's all I remember.
president trump?
huge ballsack
Fuck off
You'll learn that you can stretch your fingers to inhuman limits. Keep playing.
do you know wonderwall?
I don't know any songs
While playing Kingdom Come the thought popped into my head that with the isolation, repetitive tasks (copying manuscripts), and strict schedules (youtube.com
kek, fearr oraiste go dona na taoiseach gmeireach lamh beag
none of you are irish but i am
That exact thought has been brought up many times on /éire/.
Mór má fíor.
the lads who kept Christianity alive kept literacy and writing alive and united Europe thru Christendom rather than everyone being illiterate divided aggressivepagan tribesmen? Yeah I think they were severely mentally retarded and ate glue, lmao
Even the lowest functioning autist is still miles above you yikesanon.
dunno what that means
big if true
I suppose I should cook a bit of dinner.
hello coombrain
Anybody else find it sort of surreal that people are dying in large numbers right across Europe and we're just reading about it in the news as if it was just any other news item? A literal Happening is occurring right on our doorsteps, and yet we're still just shitposting on Yas Forums and mindlessly watching Youtube videos. It's unsettling in a strange way.
no use in being worried about it tbqh. all we can do is stay indoors and hope for the best.
It's not so much that I'm worried, I just find the whole situation to be a bit surreal. Even if you ignore the virus itself, its consequences are unprecedented. Schools have been off for weeks now, the Junior cert has been cancelled, hundreds of thousands of people are now unemployed, non-essential travel has been outlawed, etc.
true, its mad lol
>hundreds of thousands of people are now unemployed
I never thought this point is really important. Practically all of those people are unemployed because the shutdown has made it impossible for them to work. Once this ends they'll all be back to their jobs as usual.
>Once this ends they'll all be back to their jobs as usual.
Not necessarily. The longer this lockdown goes on, more and more companies will go under and never re-open. Debenhams Ireland is the first major casualty. Although it's true that they did enter the crisis in a weaken state, many other vulnerable companies may be in the same boat.
Is there a reason why the Gardaí don't wear masks even though they interact with the most people outside of doctors and nurses?
if anyone comes too close they can use pepperspray
I've been wondering that myself. Probably an optics thing; not wanting to cause panic. But if I was a Garda I'd certainly be anxious.
It's very warm.
I think so too
Do you guys celebrate the Good Friday Agreement?
Been thinking I might want to join the army when all this is over. Got fuck-all else to do in my early twenties, might as well do something I might like. Can't imagine the parents would respond well to hearing about it though.
I think normies will be blindsided when it's not honoured.
What is it about /éire/ that attracts people who want to join the army?
Under normal circumstances I'd agree, but in this post-Brexit era the UK would be retarded to violate the GFA considering the US Congress has said that such an action would trigger an immediate block on any Anglo-American trade deal.
Increasingly considering taking the 2D Pill. I think it could be the only way of stopping myself from progressing further down the path of degeneracy. After all, it doesn't matter if they're not real, as long as they're actually women, with no penis of any kind, right?
I'd probably enjoy it but I'm too unfit, probably too old, and I've got too good a wageslavery asking price to be happy with spending even just a few years in it.
I also don't really politically agree with what the state stands for either tbqh.
Maybe the reserves at some point.
The US is on track to be full "mask off" mode more and more these days. And believe it or not unless we had a government willing to play chicken with nuclear weapons there'd be no way to force the issue if the US and EU weren't willing to impose Iran tier sanctions on them for it.
While the 2D Pill can lead to great enlightenment, be forewarned that the number of fetishes catered for in the 2D realm far exceeds that of the 3D world, so there is no guarantee that your descent into degeneracy will cease.
Very true. So far the boundaries of reality have thankfully limited me. I can't ever see myself getting into tentacles or parasites or any of that stuff, but at the same time, what's the chance that I won't just end up watching the same faggot-lite stuff but in a dimension less? Does that make it less gay?
>The US is on track to be full "mask off" mode more and more these days. And believe it or not unless we had a government willing to play chicken with nuclear weapons there'd be no way to force the issue if the US and EU weren't willing to impose Iran tier sanctions on them for it.
I don't think it would come to that. While the Democrats are unlikely to secure the presidency for some time, their control over the House of Representatives seems fairly secure. Bill Clinton's legacy in Northern Ireland will weigh on the party as long as he lives, so that should buy us some time at least.
>what's the chance that I won't just end up watching the same faggot-lite stuff but in a dimension less? Does that make it less gay?
That depends on how far down the rabbit hole you go. Would you consider futa gay for example?
I don't know honestly, and I'm not one of those schizos who's going to fight to the death to prove they aren't. If they objectively are gay and I'm a homo for liking them then so be it. I have always told myself, and probably always will tell myself, that no matter how many >girls and no-doubt-about-it men I masturbate to, I'm not REALLY gay and I'm only forced into this because of loneliness/a masturbation and porn addiction/some other convenient excuse.
God I really should kill myself
did not read
What is it that even makes it attractive/arousing?
was browsing the international board of a finnish imageboard and the worst poster there is an irish guy who's obsessed with jews
don't like em simple as
(jk it's mixed feelings)
As much as I expected from an animenigger. It's brainless drooling retards like you that make me way about taking the 2D Pill
Probably that it's different? I think everyone knows that you can't be aroused by the same stuff forever and eventually you're going to move onto something else
>It's brainless drooling retards like you that make me way about taking the 2D Pill
If the big anime tiddies don't entice you, nothing will.
Well that's just from porn consoomption. In real life sex is sex, it's only getting very mentally abstracted that you start treating sexuality like it's an RPG with a class system you have to spec into and encounters that no longer show up because they aren't exciting.
>and encounters that no longer show up because they aren't exciting.
Good description of porn addiction.
It's not that the "encounters" "don't show up", it's that I have no reason to them because they're not fun anymore. Why go back to the level one area when I've exhausted all the content there?
Now let's please stop using this awful metaphor
an anime nigger already responded to you
why cant they just kill themselves lads
we are actually better than the english since they're incredibly thin-skinned on this website
I'd like to agree but some Irish posters here are just awful. Half the time when I see another tricolour in a random thread I feel like I have to apologise on behlaf of the nation for them being a jackass.
your own insecurities
nah we're pretty cringe in general and every notable personality other than howth and trinity in /éire/ we're absolute dogshit cringe and mentally unhinged, if irish posters exclusively posted the worst brit's posts 24/7 like done a poo lads the level of posting from us would actually improve
The Irish flags that I see outside of /éire/ always seem to suffer from extreme cases of either Anglophilia or Anglophobia. And while the latter would normally be fine, the lads outside of this general always express it in the most cringey ways.