No germans this summer due to corona, i cant believe im saying this but... i will miss them

no germans this summer due to corona, i cant believe im saying this but... i will miss them...

Attached: germ in spen.png (1336x868, 439.77K)

LMAO this fucking pic
please post more BVLL POLICE beating the shit out of anglos and germans

of course, because your wallets will be empty

Attached: brit btfo by spanish police.webm (320x564, 2.37M)


Attached: GuardiaCivilbeatsbrit.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

bastante basado

Attached: guardia civil vs guiri.png (1100x566, 214K)

LMAO fucking based
>yes you can come here
>yes you'll pay money
>yes we'll beat the shit out of you scum uncivilized animals

Attached: 1584830485597.png (410x598, 148.25K)

>tfw my mother is German and fell in love with my dad in vacation here
>tfw literally a vacation baby

Attached: 158387365865258.png (633x758, 15.69K)

Literally die in a hole you retarded cancerous virgin pieces of shit. This is exactly why you will spend the rest of your days shitposting from your basement until your parents die from corona or stop supporting you. You will end up homeless spending all of the spare change, given to you by happy successful people, in internet cafes to shitpost more and jerk your tiny dick to northern europe hate threads. You're neither funny in real life nor in this thread, you are both pathetic excuses of a human beings and deserve to spend the rest of your days in a literal shithole. Yes, a shithole, a hole filled with shit, just like you. No one likes you or will ever like you because you are the most repulsive pathetic excuses of human beings I have ever interacted with. I hope that you have a painful death where no one will notice you fucking degenerate piece of shit.

You will die alone.

but these are not g*rms, they are *nglos


Attached: 1479058174517.jpg (250x250, 4.3K)

>Literally die in a hole you retarded cancerous virgin pieces of shit. This is exactly why you will spend the rest of your days shitposting from your basement until your parents die from corona or stop supporting you. You will end up homeless spending all of the spare change, given to you by happy successful people, in internet cafes to shitpost more and jerk your tiny dick to northern europe hate threads. You're neither funny in real life nor in this thread, you are both pathetic excuses of a human beings and deserve to spend the rest of your days in a literal shithole. Yes, a shithole, a hole filled with shit, just like you. No one likes you or will ever like you because you are the most repulsive pathetic excuses of human beings I have ever interacted with. I hope that you have a painful death where no one will notice you fucking degenerate piece of shit.
>You will die alone.

Attached: dutch posters.jpg (680x511, 74.21K)

didnt read nordoid LOL


Go back to morocco lmao

dutchoids are not people.

Attached: 554545.gif (190x119, 788.39K)

child of a literal sexpat.

nice pic

Attached: 1567404173583.png (797x448, 615.24K)

To us there is no difference. If you said Belgians and Dutch then well, one is civilized and the other is a swamp Jew, then ok.

brown hands typed this post

your dad was a based portuchad fucking a horny german slut

I jerk off to this.

did you got beat up by Spanish police during holiday?



based and SMTP-pilled

¿what do u miz mozt?

kek look like our cops

>fell in love
More like got horny and fucked without a condom

Buenas noches, una cerveza por favor. Donde es la playa?

Belgians and dutch are the same people.
Flanders literally speak a dutch dialect

If you have to deal with our tourists on a regular basis I hereby apologize for them

By speaking in spanish you are already better than 99.9% of tourists already.

Hola España :)

Where were you when found out that the Portuguese are the 4th largest ethnic group in the world? I for one underestimated their power.

Attached: LARGEST ETHNIC GROUPS.png (3437x1453, 483.98K)

Quiero mujeres morenas :^)

tres cerveza por favor
et un sangria

try again

Seething. No beach for you this year

I don't care about their nationality, i like when drunk normies get what they fucking deserve

donde esta

le videoteca

Sorry you failed again. We will have to move you to a room whose balcony has low handrails. I hope you understand.

¡Te lo dije, sin condón! ¿Quieres tus cinco euros? Bien, empieza a chupar.


can I jump straight into the pool?


wew jeroen how badly did fabio beat your boyfriend?

Germans here are a little better than the English though.
And my parents are both English so I'm not being biased.

we are legallY rEquired to Say no, please DOn't do IT

Your mum was a sexpat KEK

Attached: 1586250490201.jpg (600x502, 40.78K)

*does it anyway*

you can fuck off back to Gloucestershire-upon-tweed-up-yer-arse-tyne.

Seething swampnigger

Rate my Spanish skills, fagget

I'll miss vomiting on your beaches, fren.

come home, germanic man

absolute state of you

Attached: CTZcPoYUsAA_scx.jpg (1024x683, 247.16K)

Anglo's don't have balconies.
When they get drunk they jump off.

inte han men det passar bra din jävel.

Your spanish is perfect. You get the penthouse with sea views in Benidorm, and premium 130cm high handrails on its terrace.

But why is the German guy being beaten up?

because who the fuck wants tourists digging trenches at the beach? it's a joke fegget.

Drunk tourists who behave badly and puke all over the place get beaten up by the police often and then scream "m-muh police brutality". Also anglos (and northerners in general) don't know how to use balconies and fall from them. It's quite common.