Hair of Yas Forums

post 'em

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My hair from 2017

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Ronald Rios?

disgusting olmec phenotype

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kek OP you're ugly af

how bout facial hair

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m8, that looks so thin and patchy that i would recommend to shave it off completely

I'm balding lads

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The hair

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did no one take the shave pill?

My hair is waist-length.
Fuck shaving.

What's wrong?

Hair or beard you mean? I usually clean shave

if you're balding just shave.

There are no hairclippers available anywhere. Going to try and cut my hair with scissors

Just don't.

but then I'd look like this

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Spanish genes are a curse, y'all muppets need some Amerindian in the mix

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I'm not at that point yet, if it gets too bad I'll shave and let my beard grow

how are you whiter than me

shaving is cope, just do the chad embrace

Attached: chad embrace.png (1326x1368, 50.26K)

why not

I got that that prediction too, but I'm still definitely balding
>over 50% amerindian
>med hair genes still cuck you over

those lips need to touch mine i bet you are really cute spaghettianon

my dad, grandpa, brother have full heads of hair even at 60 and he died at 89 but it was full and I was born with goofiest fucking hairline in the world at 18 its stuck at a NW2

Well if you were born with it you still might have luck and it won't recede further. Keep an eye on it

26 and its gone back maybe 2mm But my dad has hair like a rug and is 60, i was born with other great stuff but hair is not the best

I could post but I always post here...
Haven't seen new faces in a while.

it's going to turn into shit

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not sure what to make out of that lad.

if youre loosing it just embrace it shaving is cope

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baldie cope the image

nope, baldie cope is shaving. Literally the chad embrace

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>he just now realized argies are the whitest people on the planet

beats me. I'm half Italian half Hungarian. I shouldn't really be white


>half Hungarian

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Honestly I'm trying to post but the sun is making it impossible, almost.

Waist length is hard to maintain but I like it.

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tfw head full of hair but manlet and ugly

any woman would pick a bald euro without hesitation

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Just got back from jogging so it's a bit messy

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But seriously why tf he does his hair like that ?

i really hate my hair texture

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holy FUCK who is that cum demon?

if this is real loose weight and you would look good

Scotch-Brite sponge scourer lookin' ahhh

some slag kayyyleigh or something

sorry going for bear mode
i cant do that

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the angle just makes you look obese then, nice job keep up the work desu

Based metal guy


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that's not me idiot
im 320 pounds

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Do not allow yourself to become upset by People, Places, Things or Circumstances. They are POWERLESS, your reaction is their only power.

haha benis :-)
can you binch 4 plate tho?


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no shit you have muscle but your face one, it makes you look 500lbs

You look like bleached amerindian. Grow some facial hair.

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>You look like bleached amerindian.
That's what I am.
>grow facial hair
Used to have it, very long in fact, but don't want to deal with both long beard + long hair.