America why


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Would unironically be the only good foreign policy decision coming from America in decades.

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It's unironically gonna be hilarious when we invade and ruin a country based on false military intel, causing the deaths of millions of civilians, and nothing happens to us AGAIN.

>would provoke a retaliation from china
china is not a weak country
why are you so happy about this

w-we're still buddies right?

war with china is the only justifiable war of our time, something american's havent had since WW2

the CCP must be destroyed so that the true chinese government can take control

Amerigolems, you better start WW3 for real this time.
I wanna be obliterated by a nuke so fucking badly...

It's really the only choice you have at this point. The clock is ticking. If you don't destroy them soon, you may not get another chance.

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That's how the Royal Navy started, anyway

Thanks for the encouragement, it's going to be fun

>china is not a weak country
In this world the least shit giving psychopath wins.
And there is no country as psychotic or giving as little of a shit as the US.
When it comes to escalation, China will back down long before the US would because China cares about its continued survival, while the people running the US can do that just as easily from somewhere else.

Why are you daydreaming about war? Very autistic tb h

Probably because I'm stuck at home because of a chinese bioweapon

why are mutts like this...
I know you guys are dumb but this is just next level of dumb...

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That's one of the few things left burgers have going for them. They're so batshit they can basically play chicken with anyone, rogue state-style but with a first rate military and nuclear arsenal. They're a crumbling empire but that doesn't mean they have to go quietly.

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you are a coward

>don't know what privateers are
>google it
>armed ship with government commission
>a question below it ask what's the difference between privateers and pirates
>privateers have protection from their government
Holy shit. Basically US is calling for american pirates to steal stuff from other countries?

>China will back down
I really hope so, I really do

yep, i'm thinking based. gonna repurpose my dock to start constructing warships and sell it to PMCs for MILLIONS


americans aren't human

Fuck it, I want it to happen

gonna kidnap and impress ppl to join my crew. if you don't like it you can swim with the fishies.

we can pretend to be woko pirates so they'll think we're japanese not american ;)

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Containing China has been America's long game ever since they realized the chinks were on the fast-track to hyper industrialization. If anything, let's hope China has enough nuclear deterrent that both countries will have to rely on conventional warfare so they can play with their toys a bit and we can finally see what full-scale modern naval warfare would really look like.

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Even when they will use literal pirates brainwashed Americans will still think they are the good guys

Non-news. We've already been doing this for decades, this just means they want to formally announce it.

just empty talk from a crazed barking poodle. they're crying about a flu shutting down the economy and how china must pay reparations. if you're such a dumb shit you're whining about this flu and can't handle it then how could you handle ww3 and nuclear blasts going off over major us cities? if a flu grinds america to a halt then what happens when all major cities get erased and it completely collapsed into madmax world?

it's just losers venting impotently.

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We are the good guys until the CCP is dead

Holy fucking based I hope all Asian chink insects get blasted off the face of the earth for the virus. Fucking disgusting alien freaks

hell yeah, brother

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>We are the good guys until the Vietkong are dead
>We are the good guys until the Soviets are dead
>We are the good guys until Mossadegh is dead
>We are the good guys until (every Latin American democracy) is dead
>We are the good guys until the Yugoslavs are dead
>We are the good guys until the Taliban are dead
>We are the good guys until Bin Laden are dead
>We are the good guys until the...
You're never the good guys, fat

coming from a german lol

Only relevant one was the soviets and yeah that was true we became the bad guys once they collapsed

>it's just losers venting impotently.
Pretty much. The next 20 years will be China, Russia and Iran collecting their winnings as the US, the EU and the Gulf states collapse on their own bungling.

absolutely based

Like ISIS and Al-Queda? Good luck with that.

yeah, what could go wrong, lol

We've been funding terrorists for 70 years (including against them). This isn't new.


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we can reach an agreement where we won't pirate your merchant ships, if you give us something we want.

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A publication editorial suggests this and now the US is calling for it lol?


uhh is that pic real?

Like father like son.

We already did that Juan Pedro Sánchez de la Mata.

Well they have military bases all over their cucked countries, they are like the ticks on this dog of a planet.

Imagine if we fund uyghur separatists to tear china apart, and then in 30 years some uyghurs fly planes into freedom tower.

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t. armada lost to water

what will happen if he dies?

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hell yeah armada lost to water indeed, that's why we are all speaking english right now instead of spanish

It seems our superiority is once again causing foreigners to seethe.

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Dear america

we are going to fuck you raw unlike anyone in history has ever done. Were halfway there.

Its not a promise, its aforecaste.

preventing shipping to and from chinese ports would be enough for the ccp to implode lol

>Imagine if we fund uyghur separatists to tear china apart
dummy, we literally HAVE been doing that since the late Bush Administration.

bad bait, nobody will believe you are a zhang living in P*land, bwahahaha of all places a zhang could emmigrate to why would he choose that shithole BWAHAHAHA

Sauce pls

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Stay obsessed. This is literally the 5th thread crying about America I have seen in the past three minutes. Holy shit.

As an importer and exporter, I think it's about time I start buying some marine insurance for my shipments. Wouldn't want to get fucked by the General Average Agreement clause because of some gayass buttpirates.

>chinese sink american pirate ship
>pirates float on their own obesity
this is the military strategy of the century

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