
Attached: 800px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png (800x533, 878)

Other urls found in this thread:,5.7108704,3a,75y,286.3h,85.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sroqZwQ5KzeT3EriMA6xyMw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

I like them but they hate us, oh well

let me just get this out the way
>tax evaders!
>all posters are muslim!
>their women love black dick!
>small foamy beers!
>the sea will gobble them up!

you forgot your language hollandbro

Nah senpai u swamp jews we sea jews

They are based and one of the best countries in the world. 4channel memes and southron seethe will never change that.

>it's not true if I joke about it first

Attached: 245258848061882368.png (128x124, 19.19K)

They became very uppity recently and I think we should shut these turkish-moroccan mutts down a notch

>tax evaders
>all posters are muslim
>their women love black dick
>small foamy beers
>the sea will gobble them up

I don't hate you friend. I live 5 minutes from the border so I have a lot of experience with Germany and it's people.


Attached: SMALL.jpg (360x306, 23.01K)

I don’t like Muslims sorry

It's still larger than what Italy will ever carry.

what are you trying to say Mahmoud?




my ancestors

Attached: 1583891525942.jpg (1024x936, 91.19K)

One of the saner European countries.

fucking lanky wonky eyed wankers

Rate my town,5.7108704,3a,75y,286.3h,85.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sroqZwQ5KzeT3EriMA6xyMw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

Attached: LemmerMaps.png (1455x878, 2.53M)

Most autistic posters on Yas Forums.

He's talking about nigger cock

Is Eddie van Halen their national hero?

Attached: Eddie-Van-Halen.jpg (630x420, 268.67K)

No, Ali B is our national hero.

Attached: Ali-B.jpg (800x600, 114.99K)

>tax evaders
>all posters are muslim
>their women love black dick
>small foamy beers
>the sea will gobble them up

Complete wankers. All of them.

Small beer glasses are based and cultured.

Attached: koelsch-2f4bfb1c-a7af-4f57-8388-a47e692f307b.jpg (1440x1080, 833.63K)

As long as your not a Turk, we don't hate you

Are you that international student?

Attached: 1557360349235.jpg (716x724, 31.92K)

Made any Dutch friends yet? :^)

from what country were you again? Croatia or something?

Just went for a run in my beautiful country

Attached: 20200410_201100.jpg (4608x3456, 3.16M)

Based, waar?

Huh? Don't have much of those, sorry.

It's more like south euros got butthurt. The increase in threads is not because we suddenly turned stepped up our shitposting

haha, i heard that it is almost impossible to infiltrate a dutch friend group.

That's true, especially when there's an "intelligent" lockdown going on
You can always become friends with expats and exchange students though :^)

Autistic swamp Germans at the end of the day.

Where are you from??? ANSWER ME

They put peanut butter on fries which is pretty cringe.

That's not true :(

Oosterplas in de Kennmerduinen.

Satay sauce and it's delicious.



Cope Giuseppe

good argument

Een stelletje tyfuslijers

Where's yours?

there were a few dutchies who kept spamming the threads about covid in italy during its early stages and it's been a non stop chimpout between you and us since
you started all of this

Kom je uit Haarlem?


Better nation.

Attached: 450px-Flag_Groningen_city.svg.png (450x300, 1.23K)

It's not my fault you can't handle the bants. Just don't reply all mad.

Friesland ugh.

tax evaders!
all posters are muslim!
their women love black dick!
small foamy beers!
the sea will gobble them up!

Attached: Gigachad gun.png (1080x1266, 697K)

>"lol I hope the entirety of your country dies you good-for-nothing pieces of waste! I hate every single one of you and wish nothing but a miserable death for each one of you!"

kom morgen grote markt 13:00




word niet vermoord door kanker negers als je daar bent maat.


>zo hard proberen.