/brit /

YOU edition xx

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mikey fight me you big dosser

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why is Dave angry this time?

kmfdm..... doin it again

Why is it "our NHS" but not "our BBC"

A certain resurrection?

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i will love you forever

can we be nice to each other for once?

BBC isn't funded by taxes

aren't we always


evening lads
how do I into private health care?
I got shit that needs dealing with, dont need the NHS fucking it up, especially considering the pressure theyre under now

i dare say dominic cummings has a sort of master plan where we can leave the transition period next year and bounce back faster than everyone, but im somewhat doubtful that will work out and the end of the transition will only worsen whatever economic catastrophe this virus has caused

and then theres the boomers who want war and sanctions against china...

Are police and are highways agency

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Need a crossover episode with 190 and Pubes of brit/pol/

>Telly loicense isn't a tax

>I don't like the BBC!!!1111
>So let's privatise it so it can be like ITV
top fuckin kek

drug mongs fucking love their drugs

Need Emma Watson’s bum in my face pronto.

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imagine unironically paying for a tv license

No, it's funded by a mafia-style extortion racket instead.

Really appreciate 190kg's contribution to these threads, but if I had to make one small complaint it's that he doesn't spend enough time talking about what drugs he's taken or what drugs other people should take

virgin mongs fucking dont know anything about drugs LOL

heavily armed nurses seen clashing with hordes of house party goers on the outskirts of Cheadle

You still seeing your help helper, in these trying times.

BUPA is the way to go

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coughed up a golfball the other day

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ITV is genuinely better than the BBC.

Might watch The Passion of the Christ today in penance for not live-streaming any Good Friday mass

Did a sketch

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Why would it need to be like ITV?

will life ever be the same again?

I love sniffing pills on my third redose


The pain makes me feel something

The high isn’t as long as oral, meaning can move onto the ket with the lads instead of pinging till 7am

More intense high

how's your bollock lad


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what's a help helper?

do we pay underpay nurses, just had a look and it seems they earn 25k starting and it quickly goes up to 30k then caps, seems like good money for a non-degree job to be honest, so why does everyone complain we underpay them?

>good money

no one asked

They do a degree I think

anyone else hate normies and druggies pretending to be normies?

someone who helps you, social worker, that kind of thing.

my grandad has been tested and confirmed positive for covid19 and placed on an end of life plan in a hospital ward where we cant see him

the thing is he was living in a nursing home with 60+ patients...

ITV is complete garbage.
Because that's what the market wants.

>the runt nobody likes is talking in the groupchat again

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And there's a huge number of people who want to do it

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She’s right though. Women aren’t pieces of meat. I would treat Emma with respect and dignity.

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'ate brits me
luv englishmen, welshmen, scotsmen and irishmen

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>The Canary told me that Laura Coons Berg is a Tory mouthpiece so it must be true even though the dumb bitch will swallow any wank political party spin an PR feeds her

ive never had a social worker

you guys are cunts, but still much better than g*rmans

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I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it

Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:

Various speeds
Rhino ket
Thc pills
Bath salts
NOS Cannisters

Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.

Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?

Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.

tl;dr: I fucking love drugs

nurses need a degree

Based grandad, taking another 60 with him

Stupid question. Life is never the same ever. Life just means change. Death means no change. You're stupid.

>non degree job


thanks pal
not good
cant get em out so I have to hold my wizardry close
buts time is getting on now, I need a bird...

They really don't.

mood right now

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A fellow big brained man. It’s an honour

What market?
And that's not answering the question.
The BBC could remodel the way it is funded and still be nothing like ITV

Fuck off yank

>Still pretending it's possible for a tory to be journalist. It isn't they're shit. End of>.

bog sim blowing a gasket

Since the football is off - footballers should unironically give doctors and nurses their wages



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Good lad, I watched it earlier. Very difficult watch, harrowing pain, it's almost endless suffering, but a good reminder of what the J man endured so that we could be saved

the market is not always right


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Top tier tune.

That’s next level black.

love you kimey we should smooch

my condolences lad

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More like Peter Oborne who is a fine Conservative journalist who has written for The Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, Daily Mail and The Spectator.
All Conservative publications yet still critices Kuennsberg for being a Tory mouthpiece.

>In the News at Six report, Kuenssberg said she had asked Mr Corbyn "if he were the resident here at Number 10 whether or not he would be happy for British officers to pull the trigger in the event of a Paris-style attack".

>He was seen to reply: "I am not happy with a shoot to kill policy in general. I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counter-productive."

>The actual question Kuenssberg had asked during the interview was: "If you were prime minister, would you be happy to order people - police or military - to shoot to kill on Britain's streets?"

Drugs are British culture

And you know what I fucking love about Britain compared to Europe and the world?

We fucking love a sesh and fucking drugs.

Name a country that has created people like Paul Gasgoine or Ozzy Osbourne?


No country comes close to us in the sesh.

A quiet night for us is a mental night to them

I fucking love Britain and it’s sesh ways

We are the home of DnB, Bassline, Dubstep, Trance and Garage.

Fucking hell lad

We are the sesh capital of the world

It’s in our veins, blood and dna.

You think of a brit you think of a 5am rave in a warehouse off his fucking cunt on drugs only to go work at 11am.

We fucking love drugs and a cheeky scrap, look at our world class firms back in the day.

The dream Saturday is literally going out to football having a scrap with the lads, showing off your battle scars to the lads, laughing about the fight, smashing some lines and pills then going to a rave with the lads and pulling a slag who’s interested by the masculinity of your black eye and grazed knuckles

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with football hooliganism

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Fair enough did not know this, still do they get paid enough?

no we should restart the league but replace all the players with nurses and then pay them using the MPs' expenses while the footballers wipe coronoid arses with the bankers

nurses are required to obtain a certificate that proves they are capable of drawing blood and wiping arses

can't beat Hugo singing

Give us a kiss then


So why is my mum having to do a nursing degree then?

my watch from watchgang has been shipped de laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads

They are, while the billionaires give nothing

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some abos are like that, ngl they blend in to the dark at night

so no meaningful difference then

Idiot Goy get a cold, go to hospital and are injected with jew drugs. the old and the unemployed are killed, the workers are left requiring regularly doses of jew chemical for life.

There is no virus. It's a plot to make you slaves you fucking servile, brain dead service animals.

Oh dear. Mboko literally fucking up yet again

You can beat the wife you can beat the childer but you can’t beat Hugo. Him, Paddy Reilly and Luke Kelly. The best

A mix between pornhub user, fumagalli-brambillia and unknown shitposter

where does 5g come into this

Why? So American and Arab billionaires can pay themselves larger dividends?

tedious schizo cunt

me and t'gf

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maybe not in
*hovers over flag*
hong kong but they do here

Me: User1488
Dad: Piero
Mum: Michele

It doesn't. Nor does a virus.


*sloppy kiss on the cheek*
getting rather erect over this

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I'm incredibly similar to Furmagalli-Brambila (even the picture), except I'm doing PhD work rather than regular smarty working

Reporting a question different to the one you asked is indicative of a bias and goes against journalistic ethics.


I wish I had a life

kek, how’s life

man, the chinese will take any job.

none of those, I am me

looks like a happy woman

>the canary
leftypol genuinely thinks this is a legitimate news source kek


big one

Part of the education scam.
The older nurses didn't need a degree, the Philipinoes they hire don't.
The sisters don't need a degree.
Thirty years ago you didn't need a degree.
Alas, now you need a piece of paper.

Braindead goy monkey. Go outside you fucking subhuman lump of jew shit.
there's no fucking virus

everything is fine, you have consented to house arrest at the whim of the jew elite. You have literally made yourself a service animal.

i see it wasnt only prisoners they released early

Need to reply to the ~10 girls I'm currently chatting to on the ol' dating apps but I cba. Left some of them hanging for the days which feels a bit rude, but as I may have mentioned already I cba

just wanna say im really angry at the non-existent people who are wishing death on boris johnson
can you like or retweet me now please???

going on a nigger hunting trip

going to play some gta5 youre boring me again

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>being a shit journalist and reporting a question differently makes you a tory mouthpiece
Owen, you're a fine one to talk.

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i'm gonna create the next great pepe variation

Lads, I've finished the work but my head is hurting help. Should I drink a beer to celebrate?


so they do, thanks

Oh father why are you so sad on this bright Easter morn

no filter on my life #livingit

There is no virus little service animals. You can go out of your pens and you won't die.

had a piss up tonight, but it's piss poor at the moment. night isn't even over and the ol' noggin is already starting to pound

On Raglan Road

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leftypol thinks Mohammed split the moon in half. They're mentally unwell Rasheeds. Pay them no attention.


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Have you got schizophrenia? Where in my post did I mention being a Tory mouthpiece or shit journalism?
Are you on drugs? Who is Owen?

id rather lick the plane's toilet

only fems play gta5 now bro
we moved on