Attached: reunited-spanish-america.png (650x620, 61.44K)
My dream
Noah Miller
Dylan Garcia
Colton Lee
you forgot spain bro
Robert Gomez
>not failing at anglo propaganda for once
pick one
we wouldn't really care.
Colton Jones
falling for*
Joshua Gray
Based, japanese are cool people.
Chase Peterson
Hola si shur bienvenido no te ralles ese error le pasa a cualquiera, en nada te acostumbras al ingles y al board, mucho animo tio y espero verte por aquí mucho.
Jose Ross
Brayden Garcia
Fuck no to the hell no lmao
Hunter Phillips
Imagine if Spanish colonies formed their own version of United States after gaining independence from Spain. It would be so kino
Jonathan Bennett
La educación manola seniores
Justin Adams
Quería escribir otra cosa antes me confundí dejadme en paz coño.
Sebastian Roberts
That's just Pvt. Lopez shitposting from the barracks, puto imbécil.
Eat a dick, armynigqer.
Ryan Perez
I don't understand why you faggots would want that, if we were to do that we would have the same third world problems as the US, with a hundred of thousands of lazy niggers leeching on our backs and shit tier healthcare.
No, thanks.
Besides, we are too culturally different, congolombia, central america, and mexico are closer culturally to the USA than to us. They can merge with them for all i care. (implying they are not doing it right now lmao)
Hudson Cruz
Sorry, but you were missing something
James Scott
Kill yourself
Luke Taylor
juntos pero no revueltos compadre
Kayden Butler
No pls, we don't like socialism
Nicholas Garcia
la unica vez que se juntaron algunos fue para dejarte arrasado :(.
Michael Jones
The thought is still based. Why are you so angry?
>with a hundred of thousands of lazy niggers leeching on our backs and shit tier healthcare.
Wrong that only happens when you have disfuntional welfare system, the healthcare in most Latin American countries is already shit, just shit in a different way.
>we are too culturally different, congolombia, central america, and mexico are closer culturally to the USA than to us.
Wrong, nationalism makes people think they're special snowflakes, but that's wrong, we Spanish speaking countries are more similar than we often want to admit.
Also, something that big couldnt be a single state, it would have to be a Confederacy, so regions would be mostly autonomous
Jason Morris
Alexander Rivera
no entiendo porque el LARPeo. si ya tenéis a los americanos.
Dominic Clark
It's has nothing to do with socialism.
socialists are the main ones that take this idea and run with it, but in itself it can be anything you want.
Parker Murphy
Cartels, violence, gun loving culture, gringo cock sucking behaviour, nigger worshipping population, and self hate are all Mexican, congolombian, central american, and American culture.
We have nothing in common but the language.
Benjamin Rivera
>gringo cock sucking behaviour,
we have that in common tho.
William Miller
>gringo cock sucking behaviour, nigger worshipping population, and self hate
sounds pretty chilean to me
Carter Flores
Austin Taylor
>Patria Grande
Nope, thanks, probably that "country" would be ruled by leftists
Aiden Hernandez
>they think being big is good
Thomas Bennett
lmao dicklet
Jeremiah Campbell
Luis Harris
por eso güevón
Grayson Cox
Lucas Clark
>Cartels, violence
That we have in common Mexico, Central america, Venezuela and Colombia.
>un loving culture
You're just making shit up, there is no fun loving culture here
>gringo cock sucking behaviour, nigger worshipping population, and self hate
No, Chile has than in common too.
Jace Watson
They tried. All of them tried
Charles Cox
Leave my country alone, viado
Michael Smith
Why chileans think they're better than everyone else?
Matthew Reed
Gavin Hall
There were attempts for a confederation, but not everyone was on the same page.
It certainly didn't help that Mexican tried a cucked independent monarchy at first while everyone else was doing based republics
Hunter Fisher
Jace Kelly
It is.
You can just steamroll your enemies if you want
The whole "quality over quantity" is what caused the german defeat, and the rise of USSR as a superpower
Chase Allen
Is part of their gringo cock sucking behaviour
Angel Scott
>while everyone else was doing based republics
almost everyone turned their countries into dictatorships
Luke Murphy
Gay retard
Jason Cooper
The problem is that you elected a fucking austrian as king.
He had no legitimacy at all, so of course it fell apart
Austin Turner
That won't happen they're too retarded to unify they they are different countries when they're not even real countries
Jason Brooks
>It is
>You can just steamroll your enemies if you want
lol fucking no, if brazil had a war with venezuela, half of the country would allying with maduro, because they are their socialist brothers, we have no union and we are at the edge of a civil war
Ethan Price
Like father, like son
John Wilson
*they think
Cooper Edwards
Of course, only a fucking retard would start a war with Venezuela for no reason.
This has nothing to do with what I said.
Charles Morales
This, fuck off hirohito-kun
>That flag never fails to mention us
Nice, keep going shill
They truly live in an alternate reality. It's actually only 1 user tho, the lot of them are actually quite down to earth
Matthew Russell
You just agreed that quantity is the issue though.
Angel Morris
Te olvidaste de la Autonomía de Santo Domingo
Benjamin Phillips
That's the most retarded comment I've seen on Yas Forums by far, congrats
Evan White
yes people are the same here with muh independentism they can't deny their spanish blood
Leo Jenkins
My dream is for an Italian speaking nation in the Americas.
Kevin Rivera
My dream is for an welsh speaking England
Jaxson Garcia
There's violence here, but we don't have cartels tho
Jordan Watson
To be fair, these countries at the top are very nice to live
Christian Gray
Funny how spanish behave the complete opposite from poortugal, you actually recognize spanish blood on the latins, while the autistic, useless and irrelevant poortugays are butthurt over us
Jace Howard
That was the second monarchy. After we had already been a republic for some time.
The first one was a Spaniard that switch to our side last minute during the war of independence.
Either way, monarchies are cucks.
Of course they were, it couldn't be any other way after so much destruction during the war of independence, but that's irrelevant, the monarchy (church and aristocrat rule) were incompatible with Republics/dictatorships (state and business elites).
Blake Jones
All the old cartels fell apart?
Who produces the drugs now?
Robert Thompson
prove that i am wrong macaco
Adam Evans
Just like America knew it was too far away and isolated for anyone to feasibly invade, our cunts are too far apart and diverse for us to feasibly unite. There was a gran Colombia but Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela each have different cultures and problems which means centrally administrating it wouldn't be efficient and allocation of resources would be impossible for a fair representation.
Cameron Phillips
Yes we also consider Portugal Spain but they prefer to side with the eternal anglo
Lucas Evans
Parker Cook
I support that, you deserve that territory mroe than those retards do
Dylan Garcia
You showed a deep lack of knowledge of history and geopolitics
Jack Jones
I'm sure you do, just not as big, also the guerrillas are basically the same so I was counting them as such.
Dominic Mitchell
>if Brazil went to war with Venezuela half of our country would ally with them.
Complete autistic, what can I expect from salnorabo supporters?!
Camden Scott
your post already proved my point, i am not a supporter of bolsonaro and you automatically supposed, you hate half of the country, the people that voted for him
Ethan Jackson
Cartels are large structures, the ones that existed here were dismantled in the 90s. All the drug business here is now managed by a bunch of low profile people whose names no one knows, don't know each other, produce in low scale, and live among the rest of people without anyone suspecting a thing.
Btw violence here is stupidly localized. The worst type of violence 99% of people worry about here is about not getting mugged on the street late at night, other types of violence are extremely unlikely, especially in cities