
christcucks are faggots edition

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narkotik kal

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isn't uk an islamic country

credit score is on the up. wont matter though will it


Some would say the jews deserved the 'caust

why do chavs always blast early 2000s trance music from their gardens when we get a bit of sun

had a UTI for a few days and it's quite literally annoying the piss out of me

reopen the clubs

>its an early new reddit yank edition
Ah yes
Miss our symbiosis with Janny
Snyone else just fucking hate Americans

Come to England so I can kick your brown Colombian head in you black bastard

cant stop thinking about saddam and what the jews and their cucked lapdogs the american people did to him

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I just can't believe they're never coming back

had a UBI for a few days and it's quite literally annoying the piss out of me

yes we live under sharia law.

alri deano hows the lockdown treating you

so lonely
so alone

All those "people" God killed were irredeemable sinners

why are you so mad bro

Shut the fuck up.

Yes it is.

ive still been meeting up with the lads don't tell boris x

why doesnt he kill them now then

do one you stinky abo

didn't care the first time

Demiurge: 2038354

Don’t respond to me you subhuman handicap bastard. I’d break your two black jaws with one dig


yes but only ironically

Just organised the wine cellar, fucked lads its cold down there at least

>Implying mankind doesn't deserve to die

He is. Who do you think caused corona?

what phenotype is this?

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more like jews btfo . that was all old testament

I miss them so much. Can't still taste them


mikey on fire today

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remember when everyone was sperging out because kim's hair doesnt blow the way its meant to in the music video

cucked lapdog for the jew?




close the streets to cars

good man
hows smithy

why are you so cringe bro

fuck lads, might get fired, fuck

the sooner you realise this plane of existence is actually hell the better

The Greeks? Romans? Egyptians? Every other ancient civilization? Wrong about religion, but we've got it right this time. How do I know? Well, because this book says so.

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dead of rona

What happened to Amir Khan?

Let me answer that for you.

Initially did well as an up and coming boxer, had British support with him


Started alienating the white working class male (majority of British boxing fans) because of his support for Islam and Pakistan. This alienation was furthered by making the USA as his boxing home and fighting mainly there for financial purposes.

History books will look back kindly on Amir Khan however, he fought the best, is an Olympic medalist and multi belt world champion. He’s achieved what the British public thought he could and it wasn’t because of his ‘glassjaw’ that made him less of a presence here.

Grow the fuck up you soft cunt. Acting like you’re the only person in the world with problems. Stop feeling sorry for yourself you weak willed cunt

mikey is a very short and very angry incel feel free to ignore all of his posts



dont care

Before the lockdown started, my Dad got us all to come stay at his villa. We have enough wine here to last a few years.

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Convert to islam and allah will always be with you

amir khan has brown nips

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someones got a BBQ going
have informed the police and the sharia police

>The Greeks? Romans? Egyptians? Every other ancient civilization?
invented gayness, midgets, desert people, peasants

froch is polish btw. so close yet so far.

that answer is correct

wish the mum would stop asking me what im up to via whatsapp messages

he also has brown eyes

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alri gnostic

Why are you such a black bastard bro. Oh right yeah, your ancestors were black as the ace of spades running around a jungle until the Spanish raped and enslaved them all. Then they spawned you. That’s where you come from. Get the fuck out of here. The Africans have more pedigree than you people

next door have one going too
dads gonna do one on sunday

I've not worn pants in 7 days.


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is mikey alright today

Canny be arsed shaving ma pubes so I'm jist tearing them oot with ma bare haunds

>190 is on the Yas Forums train these days

He really has gone horrendously down hill as a poster since he started his drugs gimmick, he used to be quite good

we need some vocaroos mikey

the mikey larper is writing spicy words for attention again

the spanish did rape and enslave south americans

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20.7k likes 14.3k retweets

i wear boxers

If any dirty mongrel black brown monkey wog bastard has a problem with Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales then I’ll gladly break his mouth. It’s that sinple

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cant get the image of a bollock the size of a coke can out of my mind is that lad still alive

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And it was based.


If you think share prices are going to go up then you're feeling bullish and you buy now to sell later.

If you think share prices will fall then you think we're in a bear market. Shorting means selling shares you don't own to buy them back when they're cheaper and giving them back to whomever you borrowed them from.

Shorting is really risky. Normally all that you can lose is the value of your investment and no more. But what happens if you borrow a share at 100 to short it and instead the price goes up to 1000? You now need to buy it back at 1000 to give it back to the person you borrowed from.

In reality short sellers put a stop on to automatically buy back the share if prices rise or they have some kind of purchase option to hedge their risk and make money on the margin.

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need some flashing lights or summet to get the club atmosphere going in my room

>froch is polish because his paternal grandparents were, but not english despite his maternal grandparents being so
Hate this retarded Yas Forums logic.

michelle malkin

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Fuck off Trance is British culture and I fucking love it

You know what I fucking love about Britain compared to Europe and the world?

We fucking love a sesh and fucking drugs.

Name a country that has created people like Paul Gasgoine or Ozzy Osbourne?


No country comes close to us in the sesh.

A quiet night for us is a mental night to them

I fucking love Britain and it’s sesh ways

We are the home of DnB, Bassline, Dubstep, Trance and Garage.

Fucking hell lad

We are the sesh capital of the world

It’s in our veins, blood and dna.

You think of a brit you think of a 5am rave in a warehouse off his fucking cunt on drugs only to go work at 11am.

We fucking love drugs and a cheeky scrap, look at our world class firms back in the day.

The dream Saturday is literally going out to football having a scrap with the lads, showing off your battle scars to the lads, laughing about the fight, smashing some lines and pills then going to a rave with the lads and pulling a slag who’s interested by the masculinity of your black eye and grazed knuckles

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with football hooliganism

just sucked a nigger epic style

shropshire blue

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take your plastic nose and fuck off back to poland

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Is my crush on Priti Patel racist?

love her

father's side is the one that counts most for men

fucking hell imagine marketing these rags

Didn't he murder someone because he was texting while driving?

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I thought you weren't racist


currently crimping

john lennon was a twat