How do low class people get pregnant so fast?

How are low class people so fertile? You see British chavs and ghetto blacks and other such folk who average around 4 kids per family.

Yet the more middle class and upper class are having to use fertility clinics to get a child. You've never seen a poor person needing fertility treatment to conceive.

How are the lower classes and the poor able to breed on command when they take in much poorer nutrients and diets than affluent folk?

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because due to them having less money to spend on other shit like the middle class does, they have to fuck often without a condom cause they don’t bother buying them

creampie the one on the left
tittyfuck the one on the right


>breed on command

they don't have proper acess to birth control. Rich white girls are all on the pill, lower class people are never on it

See Idiocracy intro.

Those are top quality slags.

anything you can do by accident is not a mystery
hence why mass murder happens so often

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Fucking is the only fun thing poor people have. And it's not like they understand the underlying biological mechanisms.

middle class only have children in the 30s plus age so naturally they struggle.

Middle and upper class men are often low T. S black bull could get your wife pregnant in the blink of an eye.

they are more impulsive

But keep trying to close Planned Parenthood while complaining about how many minorities there are
That makes sense

They don't spend their youth on reddit and Yas Forums. Simple as.

>How are low class people so fertile?
They aren't more fertile.

They just fuck more, they're at a higher risk of high-risk behaviours (drugs, alcoholism, unprotected sexual intercourse, drunk driving, physical violence) because they struggle to consider the future consequences of their actions. For them what matters it that if feels good right now at this very moment in life regardless of how shitty it's going to be tomorrow, in a week, in a year.

It's a consequence of the same thing that makes them "low class" in the first place.

The poorest people in the UK actually have almost as few children as the richest. The lower middle class has the highest fertility rates.

>That makes sense
it does when understood within a larger context ... planned parenthood must close down so white people don't have such easy access to contraception, if you just expand it to brown people it does nothing to fix white birth rates
on the other hand, fixing brown birth rates must be fixed by other means (more prisons and laws, gun rights, legalizing drugs)

t. muhammad

can speak for France
>to look good in front of their friends (girls mainly)
>want a real life doll (then regret if)
>want to tie down a man

I fail to see how more unwanted white children solves any problem here

wish I was low class...

The one on the left would be a 7 here easily

They move out earlier. Spend less time in school. Don't wait for their financial.

>unwanted white children
all white children are wanted, it doesn't matter much if they are lower class or raised in public institutions and so on

*financial situation to change

So effectively they have more fertile years where they have all their basics covered.

they just want kids at an early age, nothing wrong with that. by the time they are 18 they have finished whatever shit education they started, got a minimum wage job and some cheap housing, its only natural for them to have kids then. if you think about it its the career women who waits untill they are 35+ that is the problem, they should be grandmothers by then.

Dubs checked
I would let her buy me a drink perhaps.

i never use condoms and have at most 5 baby worries at 27. fucking pussy without condom on is just better and they were all wealthier than me so it wouldn't matter if they got pregnant or not.

your an idoit, only on Yas Forums and white nationlist echo chambers do people give a shit about white birth rates. No 23 year old women in college is going to want childern before she can finish school and have a stable two person income home. When I want kids it's to provide a solid life for them not for memes off pol

Isn't that available for free over there? Here it is but an overwhelming majority don't bother to use it.

either too stupid to understand contraception or stupid intentional shit like "tying a man/woman down"
the pill is super cheap virgins

is that british lower class?

Kids are fun and sex is fun, also having relationships is fun. Try it.

Because upper class people think about their education and career

The chavs have neither so they say fuck it lets have kids

They have more sex and they have it younger. Pretty simple.

ok, lets try it user

Maybe you should stop wasting your tax moneys

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>No 23 year old women in college is going to want childern before she can finish school and have a stable two person income home.
Yes and that's a problem that must be fixed. Sending women to do humanities in uni does nothing to make them contribute to society, i say we stop doing this first.

I'm not him, but in the Netherlands everyone can get free airtime and funding, if you have enough members. So all political and religious directions are represented with their own shows.

every academic jounral on this will agree with what I just said

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Ok cuck

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your opinion on the matter is not important because you have never and never will have sex as evidenced by the fact that you've read studies on the subject and yet don't know condoms are handed out or that the pill is dirt cheap.
have sex, incel.

>Yet the more middle class and upper class are having to use fertility clinics to get a child. You've never seen a poor person needing fertility treatment to conceive.

They're just thick as shit mate

Plan B is $50 here a box of condoms are like 3 bucks.

> read studies on the matter

Yeah because I care about actual answers to this question unlike retards who come on here and spout pol memes


>Kids are fun
O rly?

>quality of the dress
>the more her eyebrows are square and drawn the poorer she is
>high heels/plateau + short skirt

based elegant frenchie

Can we have an Ebola epidemic on top of the current one?

bend over

Is this considered low class in Britain?

Also the lighting is shit and the room is a mess + shoes on carpet

Black men

Penis in vagina
No birth control
Middle class losers also wait to have children when they're in their 30s, which is way past the breeding age

They're based as fuck.
Hedonism is the ultimate redpill

The Netherlands are beyond fucked. I don't even think they have a chance of coming back.

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there's no such thing as degeneracy. The body wants what it wants

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