Would you rather live in Italy or France?

Would you rather live in Italy or France?

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really depends where in France and where in Italy
I'd argue the best place in France are equal to the best parts in Italy, but I don't know about the worse places of Italy

not on either capital thats for sure

Terroni vs muslim niggers I dont know whats worse

France is better

Rome is comfier than Paris I'd say

Probably France but Italy is also really nice

Bordeaux for France because it seems nice (havent actually been there yet)
Tuscany region for Italy because I'm a Etruscanboo

Neither Latins behave like gypsies

Both have kino architecture and shit people. I would rather wipe their populations out and split my time between the two.

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I want to live in Italy, period.

South Tyrol in Italy because they still speak German there, they don't do that in Alsace
also South Tyrol is more beautiful than Alsace

Italy, there is more than one city in Italy.

France because I don't want to move

France because it's a shorter journey to escape back home.

I wanna live in Tuscany

based and alpine-pilled
also south Tirol is austrian clay

South Tyrol is French clay just like the rest of the Alps

Italy, there are more historical sites


say no more, fren

if you're not living within the red line,
I feel sorry for you

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Very nice region except for Provence, don't know why you included that hellhole

What's special about the area within the red line?

rich and comfy

Imagine thinking that living in Gr*noble is better than living in Florence

Based, you tell him

>acces to maritime, geography-wise is great for economic and warfare
>high income of estival tourism

we alpine, fren

No. Really, no.

France, 110%

Florence is a shithole

and it's still miles better than fucking Gr*noble

It's also full of subhumans

Probably the most developed area in continental Europe

Based and jurapilled

Italy and its not even close

South Italy if you managed to get a job

If paris was French I would have loved to live there

wtf france I thought we were friends ?


South Tyrol is germans
Fuck South Tyrol

fuck you

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France because Italy is literally Portugal 2.0
It fucking scares me.

Why you even want the double citizenship lol

Also your first language is german probably and you speak Italian with a German accent

Not even among the most developed areas in France except for Lyon and Savoie.

it is better

France no doubts

Gotta go with France. I have cousins who live there, it'd be nice to say hi. I'd probably end up in a more obscure area though, moving to Paris sounds like a nightmare

>Shit people

Depends where you go, but god fucking damnit If you're not a retard, literally almost all of the world thinks italians are hospitable peoples

Paris doesn't represent France, everyone hates Paris even parisien

which part of France would you live, user?

France without blacks

How is Italy Portugal 2.0 lmao. Italy is the birthplace of civilization, Portugal is the birthplace of Brazil

portugal is very nice place, don't be rude to portubro

I'd have to do more research, but Lyon or Normandy seem interesting

Don't tell me what to do Pietro

Just a classic portuguese post.

Italy because I can't speak French

Italy. French people are straight up cunts. I mean Italians are too but somewhat less.

>This guy too

Why int and pol have made this idea that we are cunts in general?


Because I've been to Italy, lol

That's just what they tell you desu. Everyone considers Italians to be as rude as Parisians basically

Normandy is comfy
Lyon is becoming Paris MKII, blacks and arabs in the suburb but the city itself is still nice in a small scale

And what was your experience?

france ofc brittany or normandy

Lol no, only on Yas Forums bullshit like that is believed

I would rather die

bring srpski mummie

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Parisians are not even as rude as saying goes

It was ok, you could have less niggers trying to scam you on every corner though. And what's up with carabinieri standing on every corner doing fuckall while some guy is selling fake Gucci handbags 50 meters from there?

where were you?

they are very snobbish and look you down their noses
parisien on vacation are the worst, imagine milanesi with attitude

In Rome and Palermo so far.


>they are very snobbish and look you down their noses
I never experienced this, and I've been to Paris many times. In my experience you just have to dress nicely and speak French.
In Paris I have received help even when I didn't ask for it.
Berliners, on the other hand are actually rude.

Blame our incompetent government letting immigrants do what the fuck they want

at least in france they make them work