/r/itsafetish edition
Using my phone because I’m not a two monitor light up keyboard virgin
/ck/ is full of wogs
why do you think that the 1% is pushing transgenderism so strongly?
mikey tries way too hard with this traveller larp
mikey did you ever hear your parents shagging in the caravan?
i imagine there's not a lot of privacy on a site
>making a new 50 posts early for a general you arent a part of to show off a reddit thread nobody gives a shit about
anyone else fucking hate yanks
fuck off gangstalker
>I’m not a two monitor light up keyboard virgin
you're just a normal virgin then?
yeah just a pakistani tranny sex offender instead
My thoughts exactly
this shemale obsession started with yanks im thinking. when you get passionate, you really get passionate
THAT was worth posting
Introduction to transhumanism
kek, no. You don’t all live in one you have a few.
ah yes why use 32 inch 4k screen when you just use a 5 inch screen that you can barely read text on
makes a lot of sense
when we all get gfs are you going to force them to take your surname when you get married?
Once met a black girl who had the name of the likes of Yewande O'Harahan (unironically). She was like solid black too, no mix. Never even thought to put 2+2 together to realise she had been Paddy'd.
>50 posts early
try 15 you sad case
fashion, pharmaceutical, medical, and cosmetic industries all stand to profit from it
you're not a part of this general either
Absolutely mental that Pablo Picasso is still alive.
to answer that tinfoil lad
>try 15 you sad case
fuck off to /cum/
hate everyone who does it. don't care if they're yanks or brits or something else
dont really care in all honesty
Have you ever even spoken to a traveller? Would you even know he was a traveller if you did? You’re far too removed from any of this lad.
occultism has a death ritual where firstly the penis is cut off and eaten
Have you boys been reading lots of books under lockdown? I'm gonna start on one today, maybe some Dickens
Disney+ should be performing well.
t. Two monitor light up keyboard virgins
honestly disgusting
to divide people
to destroy the white race
to normalise deviant nonces
for see medical research
for banter
Made at 270, posted at 280, thread limit is 310 and you
So 40
brown hands
thinking we'll hyphenate our names like true tarqs
What you mean force them? Isn’t this normal in your community? Jesus Christ ye people need to man the fuck up and put some control in your women. Fuck me pink
Like 60% of Disney revenue is from the parks it's mad.
>are you going to force them to take your surname when you get married?
what a dumb question
you make it out like that's a bad or oppressive thing to do
it's standard to do that unless she's a businesswoman or actress and thus changing names on everything would be silly
he might be the expat, but aussies are proto members of this general we have similar cultures :)
>brown hands
what? powerpoint?
BASED edition
made you look
made you stare
made you lose your underwear
oh nonononon
get a job please
I keep it because I'm bigger than them
I’m English born and raised, I live in a nation under Her Maj, my flag has a Union Jack (the most aesthetic flag) and I’m not a fucking yank so how about you try again
only a nigger would say this. sort yourself out.
George was always the best Beatle
i'm racist lads
don't believe me?
fuck niggers
again you keep pushing this projection because you saw that one stupid tweet about it
and for the record I have one monitor, my keyboard is from the 90s, and I've probably had sex more than you lol
utterly fucking delusional
the beatles were freemasons
keep the flute to myself and give them mine so they can all blow in it
What do you work as?
why are you oppressing gamers?
for me it's Faul
>tranny conversations on Good Friday, a holy and sombre day
really disgusting behaviour
this political """banter""" ie "okay mutt" "okay muhammed" "okay chang" is cringe. change the record
need a small desk lads
no wider than 80cm or so, any recs?
Child A pays Child B for it, while Child C asks their parents why they decided to have children if they can't afford one
Not initially, Paul was against joining but they killed and replaced him in 1962
B or C
me? my job isn't spending 8 hours every day namefagging on /brit/ for attention
so fucking pissed off, always thought /brit/ was a trans-inclusionary general where women like monica could post freely without being judged, instead it's full of fucking bigots
my mum didn't change her name
think it's far less common than you think
>our penis is actually even more feminine than a vagina because we choose it to be
Hello, Based Department ? We found your new CEO
Why won’t you answer the question
Niggas be sayin n-word like they on a school playground
Need to smell this one’s farts.
won't be reporting this post, because it is extremely based
B , It's hers and you cant take from other people in any justifiable way
we just don't subscribe to what the 1% try to force down out throats
if there's anything we are known for here in /brit/ is the ability to think independently
The person i play games with is pretending to be offline on steam but i can see he's playing because his account is linked to discord! REEEE PLAY WITH ME I'M BORED
core and such
trannies are literal demons Jesus warned us about
you're not hard mikey you spend 9 hours a day shitposting on a racist anime website get a fucking grip
Confront him
literally everyone I know has done it
you're probably some londonoid tarquin specimen
how the FUCK do i quit Yas Forums
I have one monitor and my keyboard has no lights
All me
won't die happy unless the main 1980s economic reforms are repudiated by people in power
won't ever happen though, or knowing my luck the good ones will be abandoned and the bad ones will be embraced a second time just for kicks
try alt-f4
Why do I intimidate you? I don’t even know you. Grow up lad.
block it
noticed all these virgins obsessed with shemales dont pick up on irony and sarcasm all that well and take every post thats clearly a joke seriously. autism?
maybe you should take the hint and fuck off?
take him with you
you don't
big dave looking like a ponce in comparison to are boris
delete your system32 folder
do one tranny
Hes probably hiding from someone that doesnt have discord not you
Message him idiot he wants your dick
what do you play?
imagine being a girl like this, you literally have to do nothing in life, everything will be presented to you on a plate
why does he hold his hand like that?
>that hand
incel alarm on the fritz
jesus just imagine what they look like under those pounds of makeup
i want to touch her hair
SHE is a WOMAN btw
I've messaged him and he won't reply. he's plying 1212 mod for Atilla Total War and won't come back to our campaign on it Vanilla because he's autistic about losing and the early game is a nightmare you try and stabilise the empire
yeah I'm an incel, what you gonna do about it tough guy?
Daisy Ridley probably does some vile braps. Imagine the smell.
my essential tremor is really bad today
this looks shooped
[spoiler]you don't[/spoiler]
been on Yas Forums since highschool, went to uni, now graduated and with a job. never fully quit and would only spend a few hours at the weekend on Yas Forums, with this whole corona lockdown I feel like I'm back in by neet days lmao
mad that human history goes back 100 times longer than between now and jesus
mad that white people didn't even exist 10,000 years ago
it's a sad state of affairs
working class girls' best ticket out of poverty is looking pretty
why would C's life improve if he gets a flute that he cant even play
beat you up
Stop deadnaming Monica or you'll have to deal with me (and you most certainly won't like that)
with him mostly total war but otherwise mount nad blade Napoleonic, l4d 2, rise of flight, ss13. generally older games
he's posh
dear oh dear oh dear
the years that I should have been shagging I have spent working on my mind and body
I could defeat you without even laying a fist on you
great. keep it like muh 40's 50's society
why can't amer defend himself
finna dow the coalition lads
would do very bad things to the one on the right
>15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
>16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth
In this verse Jesus describes the church at Laodicea as lukewarm. It was customary for people in ancient times to drink hot or cold beverages at their feasts and in their religious sacrifices, but they never drank a lukewarm beverage. Such liquids are distasteful, and for good reason: they are more likely to harbor diseases. Today, on a hot day, people find a cold drink refreshing, and on a cold day they find a hot drink invigorating, but no one ever enjoys a lukewarm drink.
Laodicea did not have its own water source. It depended upon the nearby city of Hierapolis for its water. Hierapolis was constructed around numerous hot springs, so it enjoyed an abundant supply of hot water that it sent to Laodicea by way of an aqueduct. However, by the time the water reached Laodicea it had cooled to a lukewarm temperature. It would need to be cooled or re-heated prior to being fit for consumption. The lukewarm taste of the Laodiceans' religious life made Jesus feel so sick He felt like vomiting the church out of His mouth.
This presents a useful analogy for evangelism, as well. Those who are spiritually "hot" are engaged in their faith. Those who are "cold" have an opportunity to be influenced in a powerful way by the gospel. But those who are "lukewarm" are actually in a worse condition that those who are "cold." They know "just enough" about Jesus, so they're not resistant, but they're also somewhat calloused to His voice. From Jesus' perspective, it's actually better to be spiritually "cold," since that means you're more likely to notice the calling of God.
On the topic of gender, women can be hot and men can be cold, but the androgynous, the genderfluid and the transgendered are lukewarm, and thus ultimate abominations. This is why Satan is viewed as a hermaphrodite
Because she's a woman
i love tranny stories, it's so fucking obvious that these dudes are just unhinged coomers with zero self-control but everyone else is busy acting like this is a normal thing to be doing
check out this british boomer retard who becomes a boomercoomertranny and makes his entire life about his fetishes despite having a wife and children. the wife is just trying to salvage whatever may be left of her marriage/family.
>At his worst he was trying to bully me into sleeping with randoms on the internet or from his approved list, so that he could dress up as a maid and serve us tea. When I told him no he threatened to kill himself.
what is his name again, i forgot
i saw him on a buzzfeed article
It's all rapidly downhill after 25
>As a measure to combat COVID-19, all bars will be closed...after 8pm
Ah good because the virus can only spread at night.
thinness is a social construct. All bodies are beautiful and BMI doesn’t measure individual health. Current beauty standards are Eurocentric in nature and devised by the patriarchy.
lying in bed posting 16 hours on /brit/ is one of the methods they used in mk ultra
First Instagram itt
is that austria and venice together in a coalition?
sexist chivalry virgin freak incel fuck off
emmett garcin
You don't need to sign your posts boyo
we are all in lockdown yet not one of my "friends" are responding to my messages. sent them a funny picture too and still nothing
>innovative ideas
You should be vassal swarming the HRE with influence ideas
*nods with zeal*
im gonna snoooooze
it's only sad because i can't participate
i don't know how to meet or talk to working class women
Another 950 dead in uk
my name's not fuck off
bars are still open over there?
the fuck is wrong with him?
can't see whatever this picture is of
my anti-virgin filter blocked it
insanely grim thread. feel bad for the femoids. trannoids should be banished
Lads, what does cock taste like?
What does cum taste like?
Can any women here explain?
you don't. this place sucks but everything else on the web is 100x worse
they wrote an article about him??
would be a tranny but im just too manly to pull it off
This bloody thing is making the rounds on twitter and I promised my MP that I'd share it with you lads.
picked up one of these bad boys today
will report back in a few hours with my taste rating
Schizofrenia innit
>get fucked incel white knight and women hater simultaneously
ah yes, love this logic
no but look at #1 here:
America leads the way
simp cuck incel boomer tranny cope
if i had to guess yea
spoons greggs maccies
im not a wog so its an ez choice
Maccas, Nandos, KFC
Don't @ me
Almost everything is. Restaurants, bars, almost all businesses still going to work even in Tokyo which is supposed to be under a 'State of Emergency' there's only been a 40% reduction in commuter traffic. It's going to tear this country a new arsehole it's the oldest country in the world.
none because they're all (mostly yank) chain stores that produce processed muck that makes you a fat cunt
For me, it's wagamamas, pret and costa coffee
>Spoons, Greggs, Maccies
Literally the only acceptable answer
Live opposite a public park that has been shut recently with the lockdown so see joggers regularly dong the perimeter. Past week or so there's this black lass with the most amazing arse I have ever seen who'll pull up outside the flats I live in and do some stretches.
Get the ol' binoculars out
is that really the fast food selection across the pond? atleast the buildings have soul ig
he's a paranoid schizo so probably a lot of things
found this on my daily walk, dashed it into a lake christcucks are pure cringe
undercooking eggs is way better than overcooking
>delicious yolk
>yolk goes green
wasn't asking la, was telling ya
bet you burst a fucking blood vessel whenever Lenny Henry pops up on tv you big brexit bastard
They're all shite
how the fuck did it end up there
fuck off
spoons greggs KFC
no idea
feel like shit just want him back
>every answer has a yank chain
expected spoons greggs nandos
imagine the pregnancy test getting all pooey when he pulls it out
t. Southerner living up North
you are mean
the gf
nandos is literally from portuguese colonists in africa what does that have to do with anything
nah wasn't really going for a powerblobbing campaign
was gunning for pus but i've yet to get one
bollock the size of a pepsi can
just deny reality bro
I tried to follow Varg's advice
I'm stuck on the first step
dont @ me
post the one when he wrote janny on his big bollock
well if it isn't my old friend mrs mcgreg
interesting decision to say the least
KFC is better than macdonalds in every way (apart from the chips), don't @ me
That is obviously his penis
black hands
is a british chain
why do whores have a penis size requirement?
War of Spanish succession is always likely to fire, avoid Austria becasue they get some mad buffs for PUs, plus nations like Bohemia, Hungary and Russia seem to have a higher chance than usual of not having an heir.
wont read it
This is that Lauren Harries crank right?
Snaggles my willy to say the least in macdonalds the shite posh booble specimen
spent £3500 on a new gaming PC just to play CSGO lads
virg alert
what's the thread when it was posted for the first time
Overly big penises are painful. If you're doing sex for your work, you don't want to be in pain. Small penises aren't going to pleasure you but at least they won't physically hurt you. So she prefers medium
Traditionalism is dead in 2020
The best thing you can hope for is a woman without STDs