Þedish Þread

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Post samples in your Germanic language.


sample texts not lists of words.

oh you mean sentences

Attached: Germanic tribes.png (590x591, 31.11K)

Gud bevare Danmark.

Guid hain Scotlan.


Mauger-o yeir unfarrant gab I winnae dae ilk ak till ye.

Attached: vegetalachs.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Scandinavian proverbs:

Det finns inget dåligt väder bara dåliga kläder
(There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing)

Bort dör din hjord,
bort dö dina fränder,
bort dör ock du en gång.
Men ett vet jag,
som aldrig bortdör:
domen över en död.

Your cattle shall die; your kindred shall die; you yourself shall
die; one thing I know which never dies: the judgment on each one dead."

Bättre fly än illa fäkta
(Better to flee than to fight badly)

iþ afar þatei atgibans warþ Iohannes, qam Iesus in Galeilaia merjands aiwaggeljon þiudangardjos gudis

>Bättre fly än illa fäkta
We have one.
Bettir a couart nor a mort.

Thoughts on folkspraak everybody?

Iek bid fur fargiving, dog ek vil nit are de verlds herskar — ek ar nit solk en man. Iek vil nit beherske er neddrüke et man, insted ek vil helpe de maner alvan on alvar: De judisk, de hejdisk, de farvig, de vit, …. Vi al skal helpe en de ander fur at vi kan leve inan en beter verld. Vi vil nit hate er farakte us. Dis verld hav rum fur al maner on ur erd ar so rik, at vi al kan ete nog. De levrid kan are so fri on skön; dog vi hav farlatet de veg.

Yeah that seems to convey pretty much the same meaning.

>Thoughts on folkspraak everybody?
>Iek bid fur fargiving, dog ek vil nit are de verlds herskar — ek ar nit solk en man. Iek vil nit beherske er neddrüke et man, insted ek vil helpe de maner alvan on alvar: De judisk, de hejdisk, de farvig, de vit, …. Vi al skal helpe en de ander fur at vi kan leve inan en beter verld. Vi vil nit hate er farakte us. Dis verld hav rum fur al maner on ur erd ar so rik, at vi al kan ete nog. De levrid kan are so fri on skön; dog vi hav farlatet de veg.
Looks too much Norse.

Nah, it looks halfway dutch to me

post tongue twisters from your cunt

>Zehn z'quetschte Zwetschk'n und zehn z'quetschte Zwetschk'n san zwan'zg z'quetschte Zwetschk'n
Ten squashed plums and ten squashed plums are twenty squashed plums

>Zehn zottate Zigeina zahn zehn Zentner Zement zam zau zuwie.
Ten shaggy gypsies pull ten centner cement to the fence

Sju sjösjuka sjömän på sjunkande skeppet Shanghai sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor.

Sex laxar i en laxask.

Flyg, fula fluga, flyg och den fula flugan flög.

Packa pappas kappsäck.

Too lazy to translate lol

Monie a mikkil maks a mukkil.
Lang mey yeir lum reik.
It's a braw bricht muinlicht nicht the-nicht.

Norway is a celtic nation, please remove us from this picture if you plan to post it in the future.

I tried to guess
>Many a ? makes a ?
>Long may your ?
>It's a ? bright moonlight night

It is.
All Norwegians have a Pictish grandad.
Many a much makes a much.
Long may your chimney smoke.
It's a beautiful bright moonlight night tonight.

interesting. reik could be related to the german rauch

I love how Scotsmen and Swedes are the only ones in all of Europe to use that word

A likely cognate.

>reik could be related to the german rauch
In Old Norse it's Reykr. Hence modern Norwegian Røyk and Swedish Rök.

Yes. We took all the words from Norse, Dutch, French and old English to their perfect form. Completely monosyllable basically apart from morpheme boundaries.
It would be possible although would look uncouth to write a book using only monosyllables.

Based thread
The Lord's Prayer (Vaterunser) in High German and my dialect

Vater unser im Himmel, geheiligt werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme, dein Wille geschehe. Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden. Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen. Denn dein ist das Reich, und die Kraft, und die Herrlichkeit, in Ewigkeit. Amen.

Vadder ejjene Hömmel, Dinge Nam sall os heilig siie. Die Rich sall komme, Dinge Well sall jelde ejjene Hömmel än open Eäd. Jevv os et däjelich Bruet än loss os de Schold noeh, wie ouch vür dön verjevve welle, die aan os schöldig wooete. Loss os net vür der reähte Wejg avkomme än erlues os va de Schleähtigheät. Denn Du alleng hat et Sage, die Kraff än de Praach. Ömmerzou. Amen

Make some monosyllable phrases to demonstrate.

Insa Vådar im Himö, ghàiligt soi werdn dài' nåm. Dài' ràich soi kimma, dài' wuin soi gschegn, wia-r-im himö, aso àf dar eadn. Gib ins hàind insa täglis broud, und vargib ins insar schuid, wia-r-à mia dene vagebm, dé an ins schuidig wordn sàn. Und fiar ins nét in d vasuachung, sundan darles ins vom ibö.


Fact: Old Norse, Norwegian, Swedish and Islandic are the only aesthetic germanic languages. Others have throat cancer inducing sounds or are muttified beyond recognition.

fuck off with your retarded attempts at meming, Sutre

Fader vår, som är i himmelen.
Må ditt namn hållas heligt; låt ditt rike komma;
ske din vilja på jorden, såsom i himmelen;
giv oss i dag vårt dagliga bröd;
och förlåt oss vad vi hava brutit, såsom vi förlåta dem som hava brutit mot oss;
och för oss icke in i frestelse, utan fräls oss från det onda

Very nice

Damn, some Germans have learned to use å?

My celt brother.... you deny our lineage? Sad!

I'll post the Lord's prayer in different Folkspraak versions below. Is any "dialect" easier to understand to you guys?

Ons Fater,
whem leven in der Himmel,
Mai din Name werden helig,
Mai din Konigdom kommen,
Mai din will werden,
in der Erd und in der Himmel.
Geven os distdag ons Brod,
Und forgiv ons sindens,
samme Weg als wi forgiv dem whem
eren skuld to uns.
Und test os nihte,
men spare os fraum der Sind.

Usser fader,
in de himmel,
wes dain nam helig
dain koningdum schall komme
dain will schall wese dan,
so upann erd als in himmel.
Giv us disdag usser brod,
end fergiv us usser schuld,
als wi fergiv dem weh
schuld gegn us.
End lad us nit in fersyking
doch mak us fri fron yvel.

User Fader
wae is in de hevel,
din name schal wese helliged,
din rik schal kom,
din wille schal schee,
so up erd as in de hevel.
Geve us dis dag user daglig broed
on forgeve us user skuld
as wi forgeve dat
af anderes.
On late us nik wese forsoeked
doch make us fri fran oevel
fordat dines is de macht
on de herlighed antil in everighed.

Onser Fader
in de hemmen,
Werde heliged din nam,
Kome din rick,
Gescheje din will,
Hu in de hemmen, so up de erd.
Gev ons hidag onser daglik brod.
Ond fergev ons onser schuld,
Hu ok wi fergev dem
onser schuldern.
Ond led ons nit in ferseuking,
Aver erleus ons af de yvel.
(Als din er de rick ond de macht
Ond de herlikhed in eeighed.)

It's commonly used in bavarian to describe the darker a sound (which is often falsly transcribed as o) that doesn't exist in standard german. I'm not sure if that's the same sound in swedish as I don't speak swedish.

They all are rather easy to understand, the first one is the most easy to me personally.

Why did you do thedish and thread? Vowels are backwards.

Swedish/Scandinavian Å is pronounced as "o" in "floor" or sometimes as "o" in "off". Depending on whether the consonant is long or short.

So you use "å" in kinda the same way?

yeah pretty much i guess

Based Skandinavische Östareicha

Nothing strikes fear into the Yorkshireman's heart like the Barghest of Troller's Gill

What dastardly beasts stalk your regions, chaps?


The list just goes on and on honestly. Nordic mythology is great.


People in my village legit believed that you could meet Odin and his kinsmen hunting in the forest up until maybe a few decades ago.

You could tell it was him when you heard them coming by because he has two dogs, one barks louder than the other.

In my city, there's the Bahkauv, basically a deformed calf with fangs that jumps on the back of drunk men.


Are you þedish?

Troller's Gill is a name that obviously originates in Old Norse


Likewise many local villages and geological features such as Skyreholme, the River Wharfe, Ulleskelf, Yockenthwaite, etc

Are you from the north? Learn a Scandinavian language, get in touch with your ancestors

I wish I could meet Woden :(

Black dogs are most common here, but in some places they appear as cows, horses or in at least one case as a donkey (called Shagfoal - don't laugh). Sometimes they're friendly beasts defending churches from blasphemers or helping lost travellers, other times they're evil beasts with eyes as red as burning coals

I wonder if evil cattle are a Christian legacy, a response to the many cow and bull rituals of the pre-Roman world. I know there's a Pictish stone with an image of a bull sacrifice, depicted in a negative way as a kind of warning against pagan rituals



I suppose English is already Scandinavian enough, though it's a shame a lot of local dialectal words are being forgotten as they reflect Old Norse influence more

Sounds logical, but I admit I don't know.
The Bahkauv is the most popular of several mythological creatures that are said to roam the region, specifically near hot springs (who probably are the reason for my region ever coming to relevance). The other one is the "Stüpp", a certain kind of werewolf. Both the Bahkauv and the Stüpp are not necessarily malevolent spirits, they both jump on the backs of people that come by. Only few stories note people being killed. In some cases, the Stüpp partly is similar to the Aufhocker, a kind of cobold that jumps on your back and gets heavier and heavier until you break down.

We also have various tales concerning the devil and his attempts to destroy the city. If we take the entire region into account, it's almost to much to put into various posts. The most popular I can think of right now is the Drachenfels legend of Siegfried from the Song of the Nibelungs.

>The most popular I can think of right now is the Drachenfels legend of Siegfried from the Song of the Nibelungs.
Or that of the Heinzelmännchen: Little house gnomes with red hats that appear over night and do all kinds of work so that the people of the city (Cologne) can be lazy during the day.

Interesting. We also have a black dog ghost legend here called Malcanisen. It supposedly roamed/roams the entrance area to the heart of Akershus Fortress.
This is most likely something brought over from the British Isles at some point

Attached: 8720458322_758914f2c8_b.jpg (1024x768, 188.58K)

Sadly people stopped believing those stories in the beginning of the 1900s, now nobody comes home and says they've met Odin.

At least speak with a thick NORF accent to show your allegiance with the danelaw. Make those half French southrons seethe.

Just passing by to say: please revive the Gothic language, that shit was aesthetic as fuck.

>Just passing by to say: please revive the Gothic language, that shit was aesthetic as fuck.
I come from Götaland, homeland of the goths :D.
