poopie for a roopee edition
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Dead general
everybody is schleep
Why is that fag posting such shit?
self-hating guy who wants to make your flag look bad
not him but i love white boipuccies
That retard is posting his family. Can subhumans there stop him?
what was his endgame?
lol wtf
he's for sure the gayboy in the top right
That sandnigger is being cringe af.
what a freak
He even posted his name.
You forgot: BTFOs Indra the Aryan cuck
Its probably the person he wants doxxed
Apparently he kept posting on Yas Forums too.
yeah probably
I think he's larping.
Funny. This reminds me of aditya the autist.
>Do it. Pajeets are a menace and must be shamed into behaving nicely. It's oly going to get worse as the internet penetration in India rises and more Pajeetlets get exposed to 4channel
Holy shit. Kill me.
I have much more respect for muslim Indians now to be frank.
>that Mallu nasrani posting his family photos
Holy shit guys I apologize and I swear to god most of us are not like that. Upon first seeing that thread I got hit with second hand embarassment but I also couldn't stop laughing at the shit going on. I hope that's actually not him and is just a troll or some shit
Apparently his family founded this church. Any more info on the founder
Are you that same Goan Chrisitan in the thread?
It's probably some troll there's no way someone that rich lacks self awareness
I would like to take this moment to show my appreciation for the dutch Afghani and his efforts to create generals for desis. Thank you.
>seethe harder. dindupoorfags. India belongs to the Christians
It's not about the numbers. It's about wealth, power and influence. Yes, brahmins do posses that but Christians are even superior at that at least in Kerala.
Saint Thomas Christians are the most based community in India per capita along with the Parsis.
*forgot to greentext his reply
OK bro we don't need to keep bumping his thread or linking it here. Just move on.
Sorry. But I'm just aghast at his audacious behavior.
for you i'd do anything yaar
the 10 and 11 panel need some more text in them.
t. creator of the original
Add south Indians are more developed and educated than naarthie Aryan streetshitters.
add one about afghans pls sweetie
Na I'm the same group as him not the Goan but he seems like crazy rich fag though
Watching The Family Man. Redpill me on Balochistan why do they want independence.
Da thendi ne onnu cool down cheyavo ? Eneku evede Nanam kettu vya . Ne eppo paryunna karyam ok ya but wellakarane santhoshippichathu mathe please
Because you normies and newfags invaded this shithole en masses after the lockdown.
Its just him retard.
Alright no more posting in the retards thread. Just me and my afghan nigga chilling out.
>another day another microwaved meal
i need a wife to cook me food bros..
It's pretty evident there was huge influx of you faggots from reddit, quora and whatever other shitholes you dweebs hangout in. That mallu negro is just more insufferable than the rest of you
whats up with the guy in the other thread, such a self loathing sperg
Would you marry the kashmiri user if he was girl
why not just learn to cook
He's retarded kike
No idea what you're saying.
What have I done? I hate whites. Also I'm not him. Also I've being here much before the lockdown.
Imagine sucking up to wypipo on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Guys hahaha... Not all of us are like this you know rigth hahaha
Poda ausmallu. That guys a pure psycho payyan
He tries to imposee his radical Christian values but also shows a apparent lack of basic Christian values.
Guy on the bottom-right looks gay tho.
me in the back
depends if she is hot
maybe so
i am not gay
That's just the mallu look
>cooking is gay
come on dude
Cooking isnt gay bro
You don't have to suck anyone's dick but you also don't have to be a bitter cunt. Just be normal, not everyone is an autistic Yas Forumstard
maybe you can even impress a girl with bro
learn that shit
Tamil annons post some high t bangers like this, I need some after reading the other thread
I haven't seen a guy like that before. Agreed It's not even been a year since I'm lurking. Has this happened before.
Whats up with this show "Friends" everyone of my faggy normie friend watches that shit
I even loathe hearing its cursed name