Will the third world become gay like the west is?

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It is not already?

>the west

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Once China takes over, they'll ban this shit in the entire world.

this is cope, very small % is like this, all research points to second and third gen muslims in the West becoming more religious
my parents are fierce fedoratipping secularists who didn't want me to go to the mosque. i am much more god-fearing.

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>It is not already?
No, most people in third world countries aren't as gay as the west, nor as flamboyant

I love how Euroids try to defend themselves. They are the epicenter of homoshit on this godforsaken earth.

It isnt

>that hand
What race are you, are you white?

ما شاء الله


imagine getting upset at this.

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lol imagine regressing

closet fag

Nice race moron.

just love and fear god, simple as

*Western Europe and others[1]

[1] includes America

Not the same at islamic countries

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The spirit of Islam lives on in the suburbs of Amsterdam.




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cope, you just larp as a muslim to show how not european you are. Literally kys

All women are whores.

You fear a Bedouin moon idol.

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third picture will be her boiling in hell
i am muslim because it is the true religion and i hate gays, fags, trannies and prostitutes
i hate alcohol and drugs

and that's a GOOD thing

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Mashallah brother, may Allah guide you and give you strength


i wonder how your dad feels knowing his son is such an ibne

just ask your own if you're so curious

>all research points to second and third gen muslims in the West becoming more religious
l've known many young muslims and this isnt true at all

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that's genuinely cringe

my dad told me he doesn't know you
but he doesn't like homofags so it doesn't bode well for you piç
for every LGBT """muslim""" you post in the UK I can post 1000 extremists in the UK so stop playing this game you putrid pig

I'm one of those non-religious but do you really believe they were able to do a survey in Yemen? Not even food goes there


The ''muslims'' here drink alcohol, party and have premarital sex. They're muslims in name only, just like how the christians here are in name only.

depends on the country really
diaspoors in germany have huge identity complexes for example

>he doesn't like homofags
no wonder he never liked you then

I think it will be hard for there to be a white awakening or whatever Yas Forumsacks think might happen 10 to 20 years down the line.
The west has already given up on morality and conservative values, and no matter what memestudy from a think tank says or whatever youtube videos say, there won't be a rise in conservatism.
Even if there is, no one and I mean it when I say no one, not even in china will do anything about globalization, no matter how much they whine about foreigners, they know that nothing will be done about it and usually just resort to whining on the net, and the ones that do do something about it in terms of terror, will just be viewed as crazy retards.
The ones calling for war or anything stupid like that have never been through a deadly war as a civilian nor do they know how shitty one is.
Globalisation is inevitable as cultures are more connected then ever and mingle round with eachother all the time more than we did 100 years ago or even 50 years ago and will become all the more true in 2050 and onward.
Also even then conservatism is just becoming more pussyfied day by day, not to mention that the world is becoming more globalised then ever and the way we view race will change dramatically in the upcoming decades where people may form new cliques based on common interest rather than race.
One of the only places that isn't totally effected by globalization (because the continent is quite poor) is africa and even then that is changing as living standards rise, africa in a sense is being pushed into this new globalised world, though it still as a long way to go as they still have very conservative values that many third world countries dropped.
For example this Muslim Asian guy lives in Nigeria.
Or Chinese people living in africa and Chinese students going there.
Not to mention the millions tourists going in various places in Africa despite the continent being poor.

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Why are Muslims in the first world so brown and ugly
I live my entire life in the third world and I feel never met anyone nearly as brown and ugly as this guy

Ebba was dilapidated for sodomy and apostasy the next day. Alhamdulilah!

>There is only one God, that is Jesus Christ

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Racist shitheads BTFO.

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How much do you want to bet that in 20-30 years all our muslims are going to be completly westernized. Almost every muslim person I know becomes less religous overtime and more left wing and progressive. I have no idea what goes on in Europe but it's clearly not the case here, the iranian and lebanese people who have been here mutiple generations don't practice their religion at all and till this day I have never met a white person convert to islam

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Mate all the young muslims l've known either drink, do drugs, have sex or dont care. Even a lot of the older ones l've worked with are pretty chill and arent extreme at all.

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>Kebab rolls not gender rolls


This guy
>For example this Muslim Asian guy lives in Nigeria.
Not to mention white guys living in Ghana

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l've known one white guy who converted to get married. He was an annoying twat

Typical diaspora

iranians and lebanese are shiite pigs
they never were muslim
i dont give a fuck what you think or what you experienced you rancid swine

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Yes. Gay space communism is the only way forward. Resistance is futile.

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I knew a moroccan that lived in Netherlands borderline isis supporter during 2014-2016, open taliban supporter, ended up becoming an atheist, confessed his parents really didn't practice Islam and threatened to kick him out of the house during his zealous period

nice fantasy

Lmao @ the moroccan-dutch seething his soul out

Nah, what will happen to europe in the next decade will show the world the consequences of being mentally retarded.

>diaspoors in germany have huge identity complexes for example
l know a daughter of Turkish immigrants here and she's a massive whore and drug user. Still pretty cool girl though

pick one and only one

I hope gay space communism will kill all m*slims in future
fuck liberal freedom shit

Iranians and lebanese in the west are secularists who left their countries precisely to escape the muslim way of life. North Africans and others like them on the other hand leave for economic reasons and would rather keep islamic traditions, if allowed.

>pick one and only one

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>Nah, what will happen to europe in the next decade will show the world the consequences of being mentally retarded.
If brazil didn't show the world the horrors of multiculturalism, the decline of europe as we know it won't

if you think all second and third generation muslims are super religious you have high functioning autism

Based tunisia.

Brazil isn't multicultural you 10 iq retard, it's multiracial

Will take a few decades.

>Brazil isn't multicultural you 10 iq retard, it's multiracial
true but still

Communism has failed, capitalism is failing. Islam will fill the void. This is evident.

How does it feel to be one of the most hated diaspora groups in the world?


Islam is part of capitalism/other classcuck society
learn the historical materialism and dialectical materialism

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