trans women are women edition
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they're not tho
it's not up for debate
howdy incel
god dammit i was gonna post the new
it was gonna be a good'n too
when you shut down debate it signals that you know you're in the wrong
if you watch the twlight zone you will get even more simpson references
Might have a few drinks
They just absolutely aren't. They will be women as soon as scientists are able to make them biological grow their own female reproductive system
>born as a men
>game too hard
>go to settings
>switch settings to easy
>now a trans-woman
no, it signals that it's settled science and anyone arguing otherwise has ulterior motives usually driven by hatred.
I'm a Social Distancing Warrior
fuck off thread splitter
bit early
no, when you shut down debate it's because you don't have the facts to back up your viewpoint
It is isn’t it.
kill yourself threadsplitter
piss off thread splitter cunt
Indeed, encouraging individuals psychiatrical troubles should not be up for debate
nah, you can shut down debate on solved issues
there is no value debating climate change's anthropogenesis, for example. Past a certain point it only serves to further fringe views
for me, it's David Hume
okay, what facts disprove transgenderism? are you a scientist or a doctor? because they seem to agree on it being real.
Lads where can I sell masks? I have a bunch I want to get rid of
no issue is ever "solved"
everybody has different methods and opinions and lots of them could hold value if you give them a stage
bought 8 pint cans of stella to last me the long weekend yesterday and accidentally drank all of them last night haha. what am i like?
donate them to the nhs you kike
caught the missus sniffing my dirty underwears yesterday evening. it's been a bit awkward all day today ngl
hello alcoholic
Send any and all well endowed men my way
The roomie blames her nasty cough on her constant gravity bong use but I suspect she's smuggled in the 'rona
this'll be us soon
you must have been proper rat-arsed
>8 pints
>An alcoholic
State of yanks
Trans-"""women""" aren't even human, they're 100% sexual objects and must be treated so.
true that
is she hot
well, if you want to go into it then provide some sources of the scientists and doctors saying this and then we can do a thorough research on their character and who could possibly be pulling their strings
Any more than 2 is considered heavy drinking by the NHS.
nah they have to be approved
my ancestors :)
I had 5 stella last night and im hanging
The point is not to deny the reality of transgenderism, it is to socially act as if it was not a psychiatrical trouble or as if a male with such a trouble was a female.
why does charlie come here? he doesn't engage in discussion, just spouts off random slurs every minute he can post
like he's got some kind of mental illness or something
there sure are a lot of incels in this thread
Reckon we should round up every international student and ship them off on a boat to Antarctica with no supplies.
keep in mind he probably thinks our beer is like their weak pisswater shite
yh haha
NHSberg just wants to keep you alive so you keep on paying taxes
Isn't it curious how like 9 out of 10 transgenders are MtF? wonder why's that
nah thats retarded, think about what you just said
my opinion: transgenderism is a sexual fetish that has strong connections with occultism
it's not right that i should be treat this way
*raises paw*
mad that only incels thinks trans women arent women
VERY pleased that I didn't fall for buying the FF7 Remake. Will pirate it when it comes to PC in order to give them the support they deserve for that massive turd.
oh well thats fair enough then you nigger
Furious at this image
men are more likely to have literally any psychological disorder
I back up what I say
even if you think something is "solved" there could be an even more efficient method to it that hasn't been discovered yet
Why would you go and destroy your body like that for. Poor girl
yes and wildly unavailable
longtime girlfriend of an old friend of mine, who is my other roommate. Got my own thing going and tbf she can be a bit of a ditz
im an incel and i'd shag a trans woman if they looked decent enough
Mad that even with 190, mikey and Moni, you're by far the most boring and tedious cunt on here, pass paki
Sitting in the garden browsing /brit/ while sipping an ice cold drink
Who comfy here?
didn't ask