Are old cars a common sight in your country?
No. Cars on the roads are usually not older than 2010 models but Mercedeses tend to be older.
It probably has to do with that everyone wants electric cars these days.
Are old cars a common sight in your country?
No. Cars on the roads are usually not older than 2010 models but Mercedeses tend to be older.
It probably has to do with that everyone wants electric cars these days.
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Average car on Dutch roads is some 2003 Renault.
Volvo 240 masterrace here
Some more junkyard pics from Norway
where tf did you get that from? These values are literally reversed
Where the fuck do you live? I see lots of cars from the 90s and 2000s on the roads
No. I'm always fascinated when I see cars from the 80s and earlier, whether it's a classic or a shitbox.
wtf? we have some of the oldest cars in europe. my daily is a 2000 and my second one/project car is a 87
He's an autist who makes threads claiming everybody drives the newest model BMW/Audi/Tesla whatever in Norway while peddling all the old shitboxes to Sweden
Top kek do swedes actually think that norwegians drive old cars he he he . No we junk them
Not at all, uneconomical road tax.
Same as Oslo then. The toll for driving a diesel or gasoline car in Oslo is insaine.
Doesn't Oslo have a total population of like 12 ?
12 ethnic Norwegians, sure
down to 7 now because of corona
6 of them are counted as Norwegian because they are third generation immigrants
Keeping using your car for longer is more ecological than buying a new car
Oslo municipality is 700 000 and actually second largest in the nordics. Only Stockholm is bigger and Copenhagen is the smallest one
Cars over 13 yeas-old are taxed more heavy so 90's are rare
Yeah heaps of old cars in the road. My first car was a bit strange 1976 Chrysler centura. Then a couple of Holden commodores
A huyandai excel for uni
A corolla or two.
Last car was a Subaru forester before I moved here.
I’ve owned other cars but those ones I probably had longer than 6 months so I remember them.
Everyone drives in Australia cos it’s massively spread out compared to Europe. Cars are cheap and parents don’t want to play taxi driver for their whole lives.
Tell me what it's like to own a VL Commodore
We are the junkyard of Europe. Looking forward to cheap diesels once the west bans them.
>Fun fact
Oslo region is the place in Norway where people junk the newest cars. It's also the place where village people buy used cars from. That is why village inbreds drive old cars in Norway
Ethnic Norwegians??? Everyone in Norway is Norwegian, including afro-norwegians
Yes. You see many 90's cars on the road still, and many old American cars from the 40's up to the 80's.
I drive a 1978 Volvo 245. It's reliable, roomy and fun to drive.
??? Lots of old cars in Norway and in Oslo
t. Oslo citizen
and that's a good thing, we got public transport for a reason
you can also use a bike
>Volvo 245
Went to Perth once, turned abbo.
Here's a pic. Daily driver and long cruiser during vacations.
I mean, you can still see a ton of 2000s cars and a few 90s cars on the road, but most will get sold off to eastern Europe at some point. Can't remember the last time I've seen a junkyard either.
Based, looks nice.
eastern europe is our junkyard
that stock tailpipe
>yeah lets just put two 90* bends right at the end there instead of going straight
Helps stiffen up the pipe and also provides some exhaust pressure, that's not a bad thing.
Average car here is a 15 year old Volkswagen.
Nothing wrong with that. I'm planning to buy a BMW, pic related.
>Are old cars a common sight in your country?
Yes. Brazil still has tons of Beatles running up and down.
Based twingo.
Next time you see old cars in Norway remember to also check the license plate. Usually it's swedish or some eastern Europe license plate
looks nice, but it will not be too expensive to maintain?
damn savage
exhaust backpressure is a huge myth, its never good for any 4stroke engine. not that its relevant here since the bends we talk about isnt anywhere close to producing any backpressure, its just a little weird they did it like that and i greatly appreciate that you keep your volvo this close to original and dont turn it into a clapped out raggare
So you can stand behind the car and access the cargo area without fumes blowing directly at your trouser legs.
I know, just talking shit. I've had the entire exhaust replaced, from the headers to the tip. The original one was rusted away pretty bad. Luckily for us, there's nos (new old stock) parts everywhere for these cars here. Think I paid 2800 kr for it all, new muffler included.
It all depends on how well maintained it is.
The one I found was in a good shape, I expect to not break down all the time. In case it becomes expensive, at least I can expect to run for quite a while without issues.
Furthermore, I can repair it and not spend too much for service.
It was fucking sick till someone stole it. Mine was ex-police chaser 3L turbo.
VK and VL together and another silver VR in the background.
VK and VR both 5.0L V8’s
damn, what a wasteful and anti-environmental mindset, are Norwegians really this consumerist?
Last and most sensible car I’ve owned.
I miss driving but have no use for a car these days.
Still lots of cars from the 90s and 00s here in London, though not many older than that.
cool, ty
there was a time when you could buy a volvo piece by pice from biltema and assemble it yourself
i miss thoose days
that's what the pick 'n pull is for nowadays, at least in my area
lots of clevelands, 350s, and 454s sitting in rotting trucks just waiting to have their heads ported and valves backfaced/lapped
All of those cars in your pic related are at least 15 years old, that basically looks exactly like a junkyard in america
is canadian junkyards are anything like the ones in usa? we got them but everything just rust away, and the cool cars are always parted out and sold on facebook before they get junked.
No it isn't, lots of Norwegians drive old cars
I want a Volvo 240 with one of those under the hood.
lol everytime I go to Norway every car on the road is a Toyota from 1998
i think a regular 350 would do. weight and power wise the smallest 265cid was well within the specs of a standard 240, there used to be "inspection engines" going around thar people used to get their v8 swap legal, once it was written in the papers they put in a buildt 350 and sendt the inspection engine to the next guy.
worse selection since we have a far lower sample size, but still 100% worth going to, especially if you got a pre-2000s car and/or need trim pieces.
Newer cars go to private salvage auctions, they're open to the public but you gotta know where to go.
Listen, for about $200 and an afternoon, you can rip one out of a 1/2 ton chebby. If you go to the right places in Arizona during a special, you can get one in pristine shape for like $50, it's beyond retarded
I'm a small block shill, if you're gonna keep it NA try and get your hands on a 400 sbc and bore it over to 406ci, you can make an unreasonable amount of power for incredibly cheap from those especially.
Yes comrade! Enjoy your guilt-oriented self induced poverty! Onwards, to the people's utopia!
Aye, 350's are pretty common in older Volvo's here in Sweden these days. I know of two in my town alone.
Aaaand we have cars like these
Street legal, believe it or not. They count as "ombyggt fordon" so the normal vehicle classification is thrown out the window.
Pretty much stock.
no it's just to reduce noise.
t. had 9 volvo 740/940 in the past 8 years, modified all of them.