For me its CANZUK

For me its CANZUK

Attached: CANZUK.gif (3100x1564, 298.17K)

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Pls take us back

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Sorry son this is the cool guys only club

Just move to Australia like all the other sudder wh*toids

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Kick Australia out they're cunts

Don't listen to them Francois you're still our friend.

more like CANKEKS, haha gottem

Hey fuck you

Without us and New Zealand, it's just the CUK alliance.

But with you and the kiwis we'll CUK everyone else.

It was so kino

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Based I'd let you in solely for how you dabbed on the Cubans

BTW, should I move to Witbank? Judging form the Wikipedia article it sounds pretty based

>Witbank, renamed Emalahleni in 2006,[2] is a city with lots of good people and lots of friends to be made.

It's okay there. All I know about Witbank is that there are quite a few gun stores there.

canzuk means nothing to me.
canadians are completely foreign in my eyes.
australians and nzers are too far away to matter to me.
no shut the hell up

rude 2bh

I miss when Great Britain was the name used for our country instead of the fucking awful "UK"

I just see you as completely foreign, which is what you unironically are.
in the globalised world how are you any closer to me than someone from guatemala?

>anglo south africa

>afrikaner south africa

He's has the same language, law system, head of state, parliamentary democracy, and values as you whilst someone from Guatemala does not?

brown hands pulled this post out of the void

This is probably true in your case, as you're clearly a JF.

Because I am an Anglo.
All of my ancestors were from England (except for dads mom from Ireland).

brown/black people uncritically love the commonwealth etc.
yeah but if a guatemalan can speak english so what?
>law system
so what, so does guyana but i don't give a flying fuck about them either
>head of state
so what, so does tuvalu but i don't give a flying fuck about them either
>parliamentary democracy
so what, so does india but i don't give a flying fuck about them either
this is a very individual assessment, i don't know what values an anonymous poster on Yas Forums has.
he might be into incest or shooting people, those wouldn't be my values.

only two of those matter on a personal level: language and values - which are not even entirely determined by nationality and probaly don't even correlate that strongly with nationality.

the others are completely superfluous and completely irrelevant to any interraction i have with an australian vis-a-vis a south korean

that's all good and fine but did that stop americans from shooting at british soldiers?
does that mean you cheer for england when the rugby is on?

i don't really give a shit where your ancestors are from, what does it matter to me? if you're a good bloke you're a good bloke, if you're a wanker you're a wanker.

>if you're a wanker you're a wanker.
You should know lel

>hurr you're a jf because you don't buy into cancuck sentimentalism.

i don't even like the people from the next town over because they support a different team, why the fuck should i pretend to be fond of millions of australians and canadians that i have never met?

So you don't believe in the UK either then?

i believe in it insofar as it is expedient to believe in it.
but not further than that.

Do you feel a bond with Europeans?

>Being able to speak English is the same as having English as your mother language
There is a reason that the UN defines ethnicity based off language, language determines how you contextualise things
>So what so does Guyana/Tuvalu/India...
Indeed but they lack all the other aspects listed
>This is a very individual assessment
Heh like pottery. When I say values I don't mean like if you prefer higher or lower taxes or if you like incest lol those are simply superficial preferences. Values are invested into us by the society we live in. The fact that you said "individual assessment" and "I don't give a flying fuck" proves that you are the embodiment of individualism rather than in a collectivst context like someone from China would due to the confucian values instilled in them since birth.
You are a sum of all your parts and your laws, government, ect are reflective of the values your nation holds. This is why CANZUK is a better idea than say UK, Northkorea and Angola union u mug.

I feel a bond with individual people whom i get to know and enjoy the company of.
I don't feel an automatic bond with people i have not had the pleasure of actually meeting.

If i'm in a room and there is an aussie and there is a turk, and the aussie is a prick talking about all sorts of inane bollocks, whereas the turk guy has some interesting ideas about things i care about, i will probably enjoy the turk's company more than the aussie's.

Very odd of you to come into a thread about nations when you don't believe in them.

>Let's Form a political union out of member states which are all economically dependent on distant and different continental power blocs.

This surely is a great idea.

yeah, to stop being so dependent on these blocks perhaps?

ok jamaica and the bahamas
language = english
law system, parliament, head of state, parliament democracy = same
values = same because they grow up on british education.

do i feel some great compulsion to be friends with a jamaican over a guyanaese? no not really.

>UN define ethnicity
so fucking what, ethnicity is undefinable, it's jsut a convention.
Someone who has read wittgenstein translated into russian and someone who has read him in english prbably contextualise things more similarly than their fellow language speakers who have never opened a book.

>collectivist context like someone from China would due to the confucian values
then why is there so many videos of Chinese people running over kids and then just riding off?

you are not the sum of your laws, gvernment etc. You're the sum of the experiences you have and information you've learned. These only partially correlate with nationality, but there are much bigger factors. nations do not hold values, individuals do.

I disagree, the culture is similar at best, far from the same
just because some things are taught in schools doesn't mean that can change the whole culture

I mean i also think canzuk is a waste of political capital from an economic and political point of view too.

CANZUK will net me very little.
Australia and Canada are relatively small markets, very far away that have much bigger trading relations with nearby economies that are bigger than ours.

CANZUK won't let us migrate freely there.

so what are we getting out of it? besides being able to post pictures of our flags next to each other?

>nations do not hold values, individuals do.
Excellent self aware post my fellow individualist, you'll fit right into canzuk

guys...please come back...

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well canada is even less similar. at least jamaicans play the same sports and have a population in the UK who comes back.

Canadians are culturally completely american. there is nothing more linking me to a canadian than to a jamican.

EU vassal state

US vassal state

Chinese vassal state

>New Zealand
Chinese vassal state vassal state

So this, uh, is the power of the Anglosphere?

Good point well made.
Alright lads lets add Jamaica to the list.

it's a drab argument. If we're individualistic as a society, why would the notion of union with an abstract set of countries far away and of little economic worth be even considered?

what individualistic consideration does canzuk satisfiy?

>Northern Ireland vassal state

right freedom of movement for jamaica then?

the US is also in the angloshpere

This, the reign of norn iron terror will last a thousand years

Interesting, you said we weren't having free movement here.

>Implying the UK isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying the EU isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying Canada isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying America isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying Australia isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying China isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
>Implying Australia isn’t a Five Eyes psyop
All of the political organisations I have listed serve to make the leaders of the Five Eyes richer. That is their sole purpose and goal. The inhabitants of these nations slave away and sell off the resources of their land to make the Five Eyes richer. Countries don’t exist. The Five Eyes and the class of people it serves are the only people in control of anything. Everyone else is just a pawn.

You're not understanding what it's means to be individualistic or collectivist. The idea that the fundamental unit of society is a very unique and western outlook, Anglo countries do this even moreso than European countries (think US cowboys). This is the position you are arguing from and I agree but you're not getting that other cultures don't view the world like this. Someone from China would say that it is not individuals who embody values but the state, and as such the government is viewed from a paternalistic perspective, in China this is a civilizational state where the government is Chinese culture.
As such CANZUK would be a good union and trading block because we all hold equal views on being individuals, even moreso than the EU.
These values are also reflected in how countries companies do buiness (see Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory) and as such we would be able to work better with countries that have similar values rather than what we see with the EU where divergent values leads to Brexit, coronbux crisis, and disagreements on integration and the budget.

i don't think the governments would agree to freedom of movement.
i do think that the canzuk advocates are seeking freedom of movement. i just wonder whether they'd seek it with loyal old jamaica

Attached: Jamaica.png (800x400, 36.75K)

It doesn't matter if it's not going to happen does it?

i disagree.
an individual from a country can be either individualistic or collectivist.
while a country can have individualistic or collectvist policies, when it comes to an individual they will tend to their natural inclination towards individualism or collectivism if the situation allows.
a complete cowboy living in north korea cannot afford to be individualistic, but an anglo person living in the wild west might actually create a big community revolving around a church where children and looked after together and one for all and all for one is the way they live their lives (and this has happened several times).
The thing is that culture is a tendency, but individuals are not automatons of culture. Chinese people can be incredibly individualistic, as i pointed out with the videos of kids being run over and no one offering to help.
>As such CANZUK would be a good union and trading block because we all hold equal views on being individuals, even moreso than the EU.

in trade terms it defies conventional econmic logic on several fronts that CANZUK could be a more economically beneficial trade bloc than the EU, so i will be generous and presume you didn't mean to say this.

>how companies do business
do you think that CANZUK would mull over these same differences though?
Australia has a different culture to the UK where deference based on social class is relatively alien.
Canada has an entire french contingent that wants to remove itself and has positioned itself as a post-national country.

Australia and New Zealand's economies are far more reliant on resource exploitation, whereas the UK's based on the service sector. I can well imagine pretty massive budgetary disagreements btween these countries.
Let's also consider that you cannot even hold a meeting with new zealand during working hours. That probably undoes some benefits of having english as a common language, as compared wih negotiatng with say sweden.

>canada and newfoundland seperate

Did I miss something in history class?

Newfoundland stuck with us until after WWII.

based king kong

Most common nationlity by provience

BC- English
Alberta- English
Sasketwchwan - German
Manitoba - English
Ontario- english
Quebec- french
New Brunswick- French
Nova Scotia- Scottish
New foundland- English
P.E.I -Scottish

thought newfies were irish

Here's your flag

Attached: muslimunionflag-vi.jpg (369x272, 28.9K)

in newfoundland 43% english as opposed to 21% irish