How to cope with non-white grandchildren?

I'm white and want to have kids, yet I know it's inevitable that at least one of my children would go on to have non-white children simply because mixed couples are incredibly common now in the UK in all the social classes.
I could think of nothing worse than having non-white grandkids but this just seems like an inevitably now.
I don't believe you can force your own views onto your child, you can teach and advise them the best you can but at the end of the day they'll have their own views and ethnics that could be wildly different to yours. I think it's how a person's brain is wired from birth much like sexual orientation (I would also feel sad if any of my children were bisexual or gay).

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Other urls found in this thread:–Somalia_relations

You can just tell them not to marry outside the group.
At least you try.

I can’t really say the thought hasn’t kept me up myself.

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just stop being racist

Move to another country.

Like where though?
Everywhere is now pretty much the same in terms of diversity in the big cities which is where people tend to go to for university and work.
I can't envisage going to say, eastern Europe. For a start I have nothing linking me to their culture or ethnicity (slavic).
I am western European in identity and mindset.
Secondly, eastern Euros seem to have some sort of identity/personality issues which is probably a legacy from communism. I wouldn't want to burden my kids with that eastern style mindset and upbringing for no reason. It doesn't even protect them from racemixing, as a lot of Poles and eastern euros in the UK racemix.

This is the future, deal with it faggot.

lol no, that's not how girls work. girls don't like being told what to do, so if you tell a girl to do something, chances are that she will do the exact opposite to emphasise that she's strong and independent

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Well, your disgusting race deserves nothing but total and utter annihilation. Be thankful that this is the way you will die out.

just stop being racist maybe?

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Uk will be Muslim majority soon

Why do you even bother thinking about children?


LoL Indians would probably lynch any white man with an Indian gf in India.

>white genocide is ba-

Same for boys lol Yas Forums is the results of parents/school propaganda about “racism is bad”
Millennials/“early boomers” instead grew up with their parents claiming that racism is good


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Girls and boys too.
You cannot manipulate a child to date their own race. Overzealous education can backfire as can not educating them enough.
Basically it's all random and we know that a lot of whites from varying backgrounds and social classes are open to dating outside of their race.

well if your non white grand children is half white and have a white wife/husband your descendant will go back to 75% white, you will probably be dead but it will give your mind some peace in the afterlife

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average brit


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No that's gay
A man should be allowed to be racist if he so desires

Thogh like this guy said It's the future, even in Africa, multiculturalism is becoming more of a thing as countries all around the world become more globalised and connected.
New races will come out of this anyway so it doesn't really matter.

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does it count toilet cleaning poles

its too late for me, i am the mixed grand-child.

Somalia unironically has a pretty interensting history.
These guys literally sailed to china in the 14th century.
Too bad the country is poor as fuck and is currently dealing with terrorists and isis.–Somalia_relations

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Just accept your fate and have peace, my man. It's over for (You)r kind.

What browser is that bruv

The new microsoft edge browser

Here in my country girls obey their fathers.

>Yas Forums will defend this

I'm sure your grandparents love you, but I couldn't if you were my grandchild.

You can't, least you can do is make sure you have no daughters (because then it becomes a meme)
rule 3.b
take your racist bullshit and fuck off back to Yas Forums

>Non-White Grandkids Kids
London is now 45% per cent Anglo-White
I say your chances are about 50%

I don't live in London but you're right it's a hub for people as are the other big cities.
I have to leave this country if I'm serious about having white grandchildren.

i feel like that white guy dont really love her and is in it for the president smoney

you just gotta be active during his childhood

unnironically poland
or hungary, plenty of white euros moved there since the massive barrage of refugees in 2015

god she's FUGLY, hypergamy confirmed again

only low iq.
indians are one of the most obsessed races with pale skin

If I had a daughter I would want her to get pregnant and preferably married at 17 by a local white boy.
I would probably encourage my kids to join a lot of groups with other white kids and be ok for my daughter to have sex so she could get pregnant young.
My white grandkids would be secured.

they're as british as you are (or even more)

>unnironically poland
It's uber poor though
>I have to leave this country if I'm serious about having white grandchildren.
Why do you care so much about white grandkids anyway?

pure races will retain value, mutts wont

Anglos deserve genocide for their miss deeds against KARA BOGA’S ancestrial homeland, Egypt
Yes your children will be BLACK
Yes you will be forced to love them
Yes if you don’t you will be pushed away from your loved ones and live a bitter life of solitude where you blame brown people for what your own beliefs have brought you
No KARA BOGA will not give you mercy
No you will not be remembered as that nice good gramps, you will be looked as that father that hated his own blood because it wasn’t wh*Te
No you will not get contemporary BLACK Cochise like your son did

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I just gave you reasons why eastern Europe wouldn't be a good option.

You know from experience, aint I right?

That's a PC term. Anyone can be 'British'.
They're not English or anglo-saxon.

> tf
> tp

>If I had a daughter I would want her to get pregnant and preferably married at 17 by a local white boy.
>17 and pregneant
I've seen this sort of shit all the time, will honestly never work out
And for the most part, thats waaay to young, people who do not have any life experience shouldn't be making kids because most of the time they will end up living in council houses acting like chavs.

Kara bora is Turkish dumbass
Turks actually claim they are white.
And many are white in reality too.
Niggers are so stupid they can’t even start their own movements

>pure races will retain value, mutts wont
In a sense yes, considering for all its worth at least africans didn't get genocided like the natives.
But then again brazil has value, not much but it still does even though they are mutts.

>he doesn’t understand its A meme
Fucking low iq terrone dumbass

>Why do you care so much about white grandkids anyway?
Because it's important and my genetic legacy? Also it's close enough in time to matter deeply to me.
A greatx10 grandchild, well that's so outside my life experience to worry too much about.

You think women should go to (((university))) and have careers?

>You think women should go to (((university))) and have careers?
I don't care but over and trying to support people having sex at that age, is quite stupid.
I've seen them all the time, they aren't fit to have kids, not at that age, and most of the kids just end up living like chavs in poor areas.
Most teenagers and by most I mean 99% cannot raise kids for shit and are extremely irresponsible.

The best answer is just to be a good parent who sets his kids up for successful careers. Maybe it’s different in the UK, but here most racemixers are poor white trash.

Well smart whites will marry 'smart' chinks, pajeets and niggers from their profession.
This racemixing is no different.

Where is China?

dude thats racis

Half of my friends are getting married to East Asian (mainly Chinese) women. We're all engineering/tech nerds so probably explains why. Can't say I blame them desu

this, young nerdy lads are marrying asian women en masse, its not suprising that many white women are going to marry blacks instead