Why do Americans love macs so much? Every American I have seen irl uses a mac. How come I barely see any in Europe...

Why do Americans love macs so much? Every American I have seen irl uses a mac. How come I barely see any in Europe? Do they think like Dobson?

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Materialism and looking like they have money is key for americans.

Vegetables are cheaper than mcdicks

The only people who do not like Apple products seem to post on Yas Forums or /r/gaming

>How come I barely see any in Europe?
Grand majority of my university lecture halls are full of MacBooks. imacs not so much but that's because nobody except for gamers still have a desktop

coonsoomer propoganda
they also like c*nsoles, DRM, Drmed music in itunes, pay sony/microsoft to play games in multiplayer

Materialism is not about consumerism and rich shit, low iq mutt


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Because they are cheaper there also I think most American Unis offer even lower or more discounted prices to get people to get used to using it

Also fwiw I see a TON in Europe too

Imagine being at computers

Rent free

whatever you say retard

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That’s not how the meme works russoshit

>Materialism is not about consumerism and rich shit
are you saying that wanting material goods is not materialism...? niggers and normalfags would flex about having androids, or fucking $40 prepaid payment plan phones, whatever they can get if it meant the person they were talking to didn't have it. they consume in their material interests, not willy nilly jesus christ.

Is dobson ever going to go away?

In Europe I guess it's 50/50 between apple Samsung and then maybe 10% for Chinese products.
Apple is dogshit I don't respect people who own apple or go to Starbucks.
It's screaming "I'm middle class but I want to look rich so badly I don't care how hard I get fucked in the ass"

literally everybody has macs here except like one geek and the exchange students from eastern europe and germany

picture very related, the only windows pc present exploded into an inferno of fire and all macs are totally fine

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Dial 8

Because they cost a lot and it's a status symbol among western hipsters

>are you saying that wanting material goods is not materialism...?
inb4 matter
matter is not about this
>would flex about having androids, or fucking $40 prepaid payment plan phones

>Apple is dogshit I don't respect people who own apple or go to Starbucks.
Poorfag cope

He is right tho. Cope > rent fee

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>"Materialism tells us to seek instant gratification of our desires"
that sounds like americans to me kek

I've seen a bunch of mac users in gymnasiums, mostly girls and gays

Зaдилaтил шмoнкy твoeй мaмaши-шлюхи, пpoвepь.

How did you know they were gay? Did you ask them for a kiss? Did they give it to you, tenderly?

I looked at it only right now heck, a bad source, I admit

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Because their cocks smelled like shit when he was sucking them

Some of them said they are

Dumb comment why did you make it?

either way, alot of americans buy whatever they can afford at the moment for their sense of gratification/want/whatever. consoomers are materialists, consuming is materialistic in nature.

Why do people keep saying this?
iPhones gives absolutely 0 status here since half the people have then and everyone has them on some dumb €50/month plan. It's like bragging about owning some Toyota on a lease.

Did you ask them on grindr?

>consuming is materialistic in nature.
Nope. We can assume that some spirit is primary and he created the second - matter
And still be a consumer I'm not talking about only Abrahamic religions

>why do americans *spin the wheel* love macs so much?
perhaps you can't afford them in shitgary

Are [spoiler]lol[/spoiler] threads banned on Yas Forums now?


Gamers/techies in 2010
>Apple gay overpriced hipster Starbucks dag lol
Gamers/techies in 2020 (10 years later)
>Apple gay niggers overpriced hipsters Starbucks fags


What he tells you is that materialism is a philosophical position where what the reality is is essentially matter and that what we call spirit is only but a material epiphenomenon.
Consumerism has nothing to do with such a position.
Most Americans, being christians, are not materialists but loosely (I won't go as far as to say they hold any philosophical view on the world) dualists, ie they tend to believe that reality is both matter and spirit combined.
And they're all consoomerists nonetheless.

i don't give a shit about your russomumbles, they consoom cause they want, the want is material, this spirtual shit is an excuse to consoom or something? they're not thinking about that, all their wants is material, their spirit goes as far as church once every 8 weeks.

>ie they tend to believe that reality is both matter and spirit combined.
why am i not surprised foreign flags are telling me things i've never heard about americans kek

>they're not thinking
On that we can agree

Do people really?

forced to buy a macbook pro for school because lecturers use mac software and normal macbooks are too shit to run it
$3600 gone when people are struggling to survive

Pic related

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Italians should win every time then...

ill end it here because that's not an argumentive point and a shitpost i'd like to go to bed now. young american spiritualism is dead, only scraps remain. the iffy niggas are here now.

O wait we always win or semi-win

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Only girls and boomers do because they're idiot proof.

They always were, jannies are more crazy now and prune even on topic shitposts(like time jannies from ff7r), dumb wojack threads are safe for some reason.

Apple products pros:

- aesthetic
- comfy
- silent
- basic things are easy to do
- pretty decent OS
- less virus/security issues
- long lifespan
- status symbols

Apple products cons:

- expensive
- some software not available for Mac
- limited configurability
- no direct access to your own files (!)
- you have to go though Apple official or third part bullshit to do pretty much anything
- mostly proprietary software (for those who care)

Apple products are basically a golden cage where you can spend a comfy time but you have to adhere to the guidelines set by Apple with pretty much anything that you want to do.
If you don't know/don't care and just want to do basic stuff like email, browse the internet, use photoshop, etc. your user experience will be most of the time significantly better than on other systems.

The average hipster graphic design student doesn't want to be in trouble with driver issues when printing in order to be using mostly free software.
That's what Stallman and other software purists fail to understand.

In reality even Linus Torvalds used to own a Mac because it was very silent.

I've been usign my MacBook for 10+ years.
The main issue I've had was not being able to transfer some videos from it to an iPhone because I was unable to update to the latest version of iTunes.
Despite being very irritated because of that (wtf? just let me access the file system and move them manually!) I must admit that the I still enjoy using my Mac because it's so comfy.

Apple is like a sugar daddy that it's hard to part with once you're addicted to the extra benefits that it provides.

If you ask an American if worldly phenomena are of material or spiritual nature, he'll stop right in the middle of the Wallmart, drop the burger and go: "Well, I don't know that. I mean, I never thought of it that way but I sure have a soul as my mother told me every proud American had one ; and damn am I proud! Yee-Haw! And I sure as hell have a 350lbs which I must feed with American corn-syrup based products! So both I guess!"

>they're not thinking about that, all their wants is material, their spirit goes as far as church once every 8 weeks.
If a person goes to church, he by default believes in the god who created the matter and is primary, and he is already an idealist
Materialists deny it
>i don't give a shit about your russomumbles
thats ok, low iq redneck cant into basic philosophy


that's just shitposting, jean.
>If a person goes to church, he by default believes in the god who created the matter and is primary, and he is already an idealist
those are the minorities btw, go to any church in america at any time. its all grey heads
why do euros have such a shitty understanding of american views? why are you sugarcoating this in spiritual nonsense...

People post pics which are years old, when was last time you seen any new content from him?

You know it's true Billy
If a poll was made on the subject, most burgers would say that the universe is both spiritual and material

Just put mac on your brand and amerilards will eat it up

>dumb wojack threads are safe for some reason
That's "board culture"

my name is gordon retard

Sure Billy, sure.

alright jean, good argumentive point, talk about how americans interact thousands of miles away from them, it sucks that nobody takes your military seriously despite its might because americans made a couple jokes.

>of american views
This is your ignorance. Or, if in America thinks that materialism is
>niggers and normalfags would flex about having androids, or fucking $40 prepaid payment plan phones
I have bad news for your, your society is cancer and really really dumb

Someone post the I eat computers edit

americans do not give a shit about this, please stop rambling.

words can have more than one meaning, it seems pretty clear he wasn't talking about this kind of materialism

Are you gonna deny that the USA is more religious than your average western european country?

That's materialism for you! Ya dense?!

>it sucks that nobody takes your military seriously despite its might because americans made a couple jokes.
Same for your brain, bro, do not let anyone tells you that you're retarded.

nigga he's obviously talking about economic materalism

No, you're talking about economic materialism which is a faulty use of the notion anyway

That's because your whole population is comprised of hipster, so you've come full circle

Imagine ultimately using a laptop with 'butterfly' keys.

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some are more religious than others, same with various locations in America. It's pretty diverse honestly. I don't know how you can generalize an american when theres 50 states and their own ways of living.
Yes, that's all I've ever been talking about, Russo decided to mumble about spirits I am talking about CONSOOMing americans. That is all this about is consumption of products for satisfaction. There is nothing spiritual in it. Its desire to enjoy, to please their boredom, their cravings.

sorry jean you gotta proofread first

>the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life

>bragging about knowing the rules of his mother tongue
Ok mate


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