Are you Jomon? or Yayoi?

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OP and me

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I am CELT.

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Jomon = wet earwax, use cotton ear buds

Yayoi = dry earwax, use bamboo ear pick

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Pure olmec

the fuck is dry earwax

Don't you know?
Asians don't have ear wax, their earwax is fucking SOLID

Why the fuck did I had to be born as a chinese looking Filipino, I am envious of my brown brothers.

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>his earwax is wet

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Yayoi look jomon earwax
How cuck am i

>Wet-type earwax is associated with armpit odor, which is increased by sweat production.

>While East Asians and Native Americans are more likely to have the dry type of cerumen (gray and flaky), African and European people are more likely to have the wet type (honey-brown, dark orange to dark-brown and moist).

>why yes I am Jomon how could you tell?

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whichever one this is

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>prominent nose
>prominent brow ridge
>facial hair

wtf gray earwax that can't be real

I am a white sexpat student with wet earwax

my ancestor :)

Why, yes, I am Jomon, how did you know?

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>African and European people
kek they are one race


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They all have black eyes.
Non black eyes are white features.


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>97% of Japan's population is that abomination on the right

How did the CHAD JOMON BVLL get wiped out to near extinction by the Yay*i?

Earwax is wet and body hairy

i have dry earwax, am i honorary yayoi?

Paternal lineage is all that matters. The stats proved that the Japanese are descendants of Ainu men / ancient Korean women.

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No you have to look at overall similarity and you are far closer to Koreans in terms of DNA than Tibetans.

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Sorry, Jomon is a scientifically proven fact. Ainu men bred the fuck out of Korean women, which is why 40% of the Japanese today are D, not O.

yayoi are literally mongol rape babies lmao

>muh ear wax muh double eyelide
i swear this jomon autism is literally no different from sudaca saying theyre white n shit, holy pathetic

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>muh ear wax muh double eyelide
islander asians be like

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Are olmec proto jomon?

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secretly gay?

>Why yes I'm Jolmec. How could you tell?

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ainu share more genetical background with africans than whites

Jomon. I am hairy as fuck.

they share more genetical background with the sentinelese which are more distant to the africans than white to the africans

Sucks to be you

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i am part amerindian therfore i'm gook yayoi
i wish i was jomon

>Have bushy eyebrows, hairy arms and earwax that is like cement

Yep, I'm thinking that I'm 100% Jomon.

in reality you're just the red guy but browner

>japanese racial politics


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t. olmec

Sorry, Jomon is the one and only race on this earth. Guys like this only observed in Japan.

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or the middle east


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Jomons are like a living cartoon character. You never see a guy like this outside Japan.

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Some Ainus could pass as locals here

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Star Wars ripped off Jomons, because a hairy man in Japanese traditional clothing looks super cool.

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Sorry, Yas Forums is Japanese-owned, we are the imperial master, you are a colonial slave. Slaves can't backtalk to the master.

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What? ching chong? Sorry I don't understand an insect language. Speak human, you chink corona?

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>P-p-plz don't kill me, Japan! I-I-I don't wanna dieeeee, ching chong chang aiyaaaaaaaa!!!!!

What did chinks mean by this?

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What? Ching chong? Me super enraged on behalf of China? Me protecting muh China at all costs?

You chink insect?

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These california 5 cent chinks are spreading coronavirus all over the US.
Be cautious of them.

Attached: we wuz Asian Auschwitz, MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li.jpg (2890x2020, 3.15M)

Is that deformed crippled chinko an outcome of Ishii's experimentation in the Unit 731 lab??

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>Why yes, I'm an outcome of Mad Doctor Ishii's experimentation in the 731 lab, how could you tell?

Attached: MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li (6).png (528x353, 468.67K)

Damn, Ishii is so sinful, dude literally made all chinkoids look like deformed retards. My fucking side. kek

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