Whats your university

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Simon Fraser University, I hate it

based japanese datamining frog thread #456


osaka which don't lack sense of humor

Which one? I have two degrees.

>IP address
>phone number
>credit card number
>shoe size

Catholic University of Leuven

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'uni 'f 'zona 'chool 'f 'edicine

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The buildings are all outdated concrete slabs and the campus looks like Silent Hill when it gets foggy

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you can put too

I want to go to osaka again

scary and cool

Tell us why

I attend NEET university

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too bad my department doesn't look like this

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do you have job?

Aesthetic as fuck

Penis girth too.

His job is NEETing

why what

it is my belief all anons should apply for this job.

Tokyo University :^)

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It's not very good

You tell me your university first.

Tokyo University :)

University of Tokyo

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Zoom university at Zoom campus


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Durham, discount oxbridge

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My university (York) has an exchange programme in economics for Lund. Should I do it?

Zoom University of zoom Campus Formerly University of Phoenix

That picture is so fucking American.

It's a comfy historical town and the student life is great. Close to Copenhagen if you get tired of living in a uni bubble. I'd consider it

Baltic state university

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best toil hard for goldberg or else his economy will get sad

the university of life

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>fucking my mom
>1564 2232 1199 4575

reported for underage posting

Try University of Texas. Coulda went pro if I hadn't joined the navy.


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KCL. I think they're shit tier now but haven't really tracked since I left

honestly makes me quite jealous ngl.
Wish I had the money and luck to study in universities like these.
Fucking first-worlders

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reported for announcing a report

>money and luck
i got neither lol

Most people here don't have the money, but they get a loan from the government, and most of them never earn enough money to have to repay the loan so it's basically free.
But desu, where you study is less important than what you study. You can get a first-class education at a shit university, and a shit education at a first-class university. It's all about how hard you work. Just pick something that is employable and will definitely pay off in the future, like economics or engineering or statistics.

student, making video games
french 40, i think it's a US 9.5 or 10

>But desu, where you study is less important than what you study. You can get a first-class education at a shit university, and a shit education at a first-class university. It's all about how hard you work. Just pick something that is employable and will definitely pay off in the future, like economics or engineering or statistics.
Yep that's true.
Although I think you didn't get what I was saying. I was just jealous that certain colleges have great history and learning environment. It gives off a completely different feeling.

>Prager University

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discount UBC

What uni do you study at then

No. If you want to study in Sweden you should go full retard and go somewhere cold as fuck up in the north. Lund isn't going to be much different from your home (excluding the whole different country-thing). That means you should either go full South with sun and beach parties with retarded southrons, or full North with no sun and cold snow with autistic northrons.

Tell us YOUR university first!

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Still studying!! I want to go to 東大!

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University of Santo Tomas
Oldest University in Philippines
Older than Harvard


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It's also has the Oldest University Charter.

Full title being: The Royal, Pontifical and National Catholic University of the Philippines of Santo Tomas.

^Santo Tomas has the Oldest University Charter among the Universities in Asia.

reported for announcing a report of someone announcing a report


>one (1) chance at life
>go to university of exeter


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is it so bad? I lived in Exeter for a few months and the city was rather comfy