This quarantine made me realize how alone i truly am, i have no one, i'm so sad right now, i just want a beautiful girl to love me so i can love her back, i want to feel female human warmth, i am 32 and i have never even kissed or held hands with a woman, i don't even give a shit about sex at this point i just want someone to care about me...
This quarantine made me realize how alone i truly am, i have no one, i'm so sad right now...
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but you are from muslim cantry
>Isis supporter
>literal incel
I'm not surprised
Come here bro ill take you to my favorite prostitute
yeah so what? no woman will marry me either because my face is very ugly and i'm socially retarded with 0 friends and a shit job.
Jesus that sucks bro. What can we do to get you happy?
nothing, i will never be happy.
Buy wife for 30 camels
Your mother?
lol just buy her lmao
I know that feel bro. Not having someone to live for, someone who cares for you and you care for back, it's all too much. I''m 26 but can't see anything changing
get okcupid girl from Lithuania but make sure to fill out many questions and a long bio so you actually get matched
i wish that's how it worked
Well at least try some things, you have nothing to lose if are so very miserable. Try things
But that's how it works, loser
try things like what? its not like i can just approach a girl and ask her out like in the west, she will call her entire tribe and they will kill me, or maybe tell everyone i harassed her and im fucked.
do you miss going to chess club to get bullied hahaha
at least you're in australia you can always find someone if you try hard enough, here its impossible i will be an incel for life.
can your friends and family not introduce you to some fellow loser?
We all know you're into men baljeeki, stop pretending to be a khv
>friends and family
True, but I'm not OP.
faggots: the thread
where did your family go?
then you need to make friends if you want gf, even the most pathetic internet nerds will do. really put yourself out there, not messaging girls but just getting to know lots and lots of people, even on discord or whatever. I know it's really hard but this is the best bet in my opinion.
نحن لا نستحق السعادة
نحن لا نستحق الحب
الموت هو الحل الوحيد
كل شئ انتهى قبل ان يبدي
Okay, then what can you do to obtain your goals?
And what have you tried?
>Okay, then what can you do to obtain your goals?
>And what have you tried?
>where did your family go?
they are here but dont give a shit about me, i live in an apartment alone, how do you even suggest making friends? i only have my shitskin low IQ cousins, there's like a hundred of them.
fuck you
Do you think anyone can obtain his goals while walking around with a flag like ours? Kek. There's no hope here, you just have to make sure you breed a woman to make children so that they can be more miserable than you were as a last fuck you to the world before you go down.
الحقيقة توجع
لكن الكذب على النفس يوجع اكثر
This is pretty grim and disturbing, so the underlying issue is a general disdain for your own nation and culture? If so relocation may be something to strongly consider
the grass is always greener on the other side. what makes you think australia is any different?
اريد حب
كيف احصل على الحب؟
>what have you tried?
because the worst thing that can happen to you if asking a girl out is getting rejected, here i would get beat up, sometimes even killed, or my reputation would be ruined and my life over.
Just bee yourself, bro!
I don't know how it works in Jordan but internet friends are always good, even if you can't obtain a gf directly from the internet you will still practice your social skills somewhat and might end up meeting some lonely nerd who wants to move to a faraway country or bring you to yours just for companionship. okcupid is good for this stuff if you're an interesting person and learn to take pictures that look interesting.
you could also try getting closer to your low IQ cousins and see if they have any parties going on, or hang out with them and try to meet other people who might introduce you to lonely females.
would you an Israeli gf for example?
لا تستحق الحب
الحب فقط للطبيعيين
نحن مرضى نفسيين و معقدين ننشر ضفادع على منتدى سويدي للكتابة على الاحجار
no. I will stay here and plant fitnas and struggles between these subhumans and ruin the place. If I'm going down they all will go down with me, I'm not pussying out and leaving this hellhole.
relocation to where? and how exactly
>would you an Israeli gf for example?
i would a donkey at this point, what are some good sites for lonely retards like me to have conversations and talk about shit?
ارجوك توقف
forget it, stay right where you are ;)
lol, funny but you should focus your energies on something that benefits you
Canada, the US, Australia, Western Europe...really anywhere that has values that are more in line with yours
hmm, it's true that I'm not considering the more socially conservative countries. Are you in Amman? Maybe try meet women in the more liberal areas?
>Western Europe...really anywhere that has values that are more in line with yours
Shut the fuck up americunt we have enough of those muslim incels
Bro..... how the fuck? as i said im socially retarded so i literally dont know how to do anything, i would love to go to yurop.
yes im in amman, but the liberals here wouldnt look at me twice because im brown and ugly and cant talk for shit.
>lol, funny
>i want a beautiful girl
>don't give a shit about sex
Yeah uh huh, shut the fuck up you superficial bitch
okcupid. don't go on tinder, it's for whores only. don't take the pictures like a typical arab guy trying to look like a chad, try to look like an artsy guy, answer lots of questions and fill in a long gramatically correct and sincere profile so you get matches (and don't write how sad you are unless it's vague depression/anxiety that everyone can relate to). don't open with bobs and vagene, write something about their profile. the site has gone downhill recently but there are still interesting people on there who want to talk to all sorts of people.
i want a girl with a face that is pleasant to look at, you know what scratch that i want a human female that is my age and that isn't too ugly.
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch
we're arabs
everyone hates our guts
you don't know how it's like
you don't know shit
slav animal living life on easy mode
so this okcupid is international? do the girls there even look twice on an arab profile or they just want white or black chads?
if you seem like an intelligent and interesting guy people will look twice, I know a guy who met his Lithuanian wife when he was in actual fucking Afghanistan.
I doubt anyone would swipe on cause he just doesn't sound nice to talk to
Thank you man i will give it a try, i will set up an okcupid account, in your experience girls of which county are most open to arabs?
You have Jesus, Jesuchrist love you. But remember he will only love you if you are Catholic.
are you memeing? has Yas Forums racebait gotten to you that you think 99% of Arab women wouldn't prefer Arab men?
not sure, the artsy and nerdy girls would be open to anything and the thots either hate them or love them because they think all Arabs are rich and will bring them on expensive holidays to Dubai. try to answer your questions more "liberal" to match with the tolerant girls. as I said, a long and sincere-sounding profile including your hobbies and philosophy is key.
hey dumbass, 60% of arab women are 400 pound ghouls, the ones that resemble humans are either already taken or only want marriage, the small percentage who look okay and are up for a no marriage relationship wouldn't even speak to someone like me.
Alright, long and sincere liberal leaning profile, i'm working on it now and if i get a match i will think of you.
i know no one will ever love me and i'm content in it
t.incel assyrian
I genuinely feel bad for any girl who ends up in a relationship with an Arab
Arabs don't have a theory of mind for women at all
ok but what's the point of trying to match with people who are hundreds of kilometres away? sounds like you have to make the best of what you have unless you want to move country
i think being too serious in profile is bad also i doubt okcupid has a lot of people in other countries besides US.
>a theory of mind for women at all
do you happen to be a female by any chance
I'll give you my sister if you give me yours
do you Yas Forums brah
I do not
well, to me sincere also includes humor, I should have mentioned that. then again, a lot of people don't understand humor at all. there are a lot of people on okcupid in Germany, for example, but it generally is pretty exclusive and selective. honestly I'm super grateful to okcupid for a lot of things in my life and wish it was as big of a meme as tinder
interesting, i used it a couple times but tinder is better imo just cuz of sheer volume