I have 3500 hours in team fortress 2

i have 3500 hours in team fortress 2

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>2900 hours in TF2, 2100 in Gmod
>400 in CSGO, made it to global at 200 hours and only play with friends now (NEVER)

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>ganker level 5
how much $$$ did you actually spend on this game?

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dota 2 is free to play, like Indian beaches.

I have 3081

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>tf2 stopped being fun recently
ill swing back around eventually... always do, last time took me a year and i played consistently for 2 months now cause of 'rona.

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>Why yes I spam techies every ranked game. Did my sub 3k behaviour score and inability to type in chat give it away?

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do you become brain dead after that many hours of rage-inducing dota matches? the same shit happens with CSGO players

I expected a russian to make a post like this

>do you become brain dead after that many hours of rage-inducing dota matches?
Why do you think I play techies? So, I induce rage in 9 other people.

Sirgay, your country is like 50% of the dota population


in CSGO, made it to global at 200 hours
Did you actually though?

i see, like a broken man it's about seeing those who caused him to lose so much lose themselves

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I'd say about 500-800$ + a poster.
I mean after playing it for 10 years, you just gotta buy something from it

russia not my country, i am ukranian by hearth and alien by nature

never played dota 2 in my life, should i download it?


It's too late to get into but why not.

why yes I reverted to the old steam UI how could you tell

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yeah i rounded it was more like 230ish
i only had about 150 matches. i was shit at spraying but had real good reaction, crosshair placement and positioning. so i was le generic awper man and okay-at-rifles
im not nearly as good now. my reaction time is dogshit against DMGs and I'm finding my crosshair to be lazy as fuck, same with my sprays but that's not new.

>I have 1300 hours in Fallout New Vegas

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Why not?
why is it too late?

There hasnt been newer players playing the game these days. It's still worth trying out.

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It's too late cause the game has a lot of experienced enraged people who have no patience for new guys. The same starcraft 2 effect.
Also don't play it cause it's addicting, like they no doubt psychologically engineered this game to be super addicting which is why dota 2 has the biggest prize pool tournament.

Thats great. Do you have any history with other FPS games?
I reached global at around 175-200 hours, 50-55 matches, mostly solo'd. Been months since then and did not bother after that, might switch to other 3rd party platforms, heard its more sweaty out there. Was mostly bad at spraying too, its overrated anyways, having a good 5 stack gets you to places.
Theres honestly nothing more satisfying than outplaying people who spent their life into this game and they accuse you of smurfing lol...

is it fun? is it pay to win?

isnt there rankings? like if im a newbie i play with other newbies?

Go back. Unless you re a terrorist

This is true, I played my first match a couple of months ago.
>"Hey im new, what should I pick?"
>"Are you serious?!"
>entire team leaves the game

Besides valve doesnt advertise it and the moba genre will be dead in a while, considering how fps and br games are going free anyways. I mostly got lured into trying it because of the prize pool.

At 5000 hours, playing Dota is the equivalent of smashing my head against the wall but I still do it because it's fun
Nope. Everything is FREE.

>Do you have any history with other FPS games?
As a child console games like Halo. Before this it was nearly 2500 hours of TF2 before I touched CSGO, which I had since it came out but y'know it was dead at one point...
I play mostly scout and my aim is mostly twitchy flicking and okay tracing while shooting slow classes like heavy. it explains why it translated so well to AWPing
>Theres honestly nothing more satisfying than outplaying people who spent their life into this game and they accuse you of smurfing lol...
this plus hacking. its been so long since ive been acused, i miss the feeling.

>2000+ hours in counter strike distributed over 3 different accounts
>never got past gold nova

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>2800 hours in tf2

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Are you an invite player?

for me?
8100 hours in dota 2
1500 in tf2
and another 5000 in the original runescape + osrs combined

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Teach me how to become an ancient player


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>entertaining yourself and not being productive like working

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>1000 hours in eu4

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Did you go pro?

3200 hours in Counter Strike source (zombie mode and surfing)

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>and another 5000 in the original runescape + osrs combined
rookie numbers. my main account alone had over 100 days played and that was in 2012. all my account combined would be around 40k hours


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2600 in tf2

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>why yes i am sub-open and obly occasionally pug
>what gave it away?

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>1700+ hours in a shitty pre-alpha game that I will never touch again.

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everyone plays videogames you arent special

>everyone plays videogames you arent special

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I tried it out a little ago. it's funny, the game placed me in matches where it said that the other guys were new too, but they had all played loads already, like 100s of hours.

can we add friend each other?
i have zero friends on steam :(

>thw still occassionally play zombie mod in css

100s of hours with botgames probably

>Poured tons of hours into Fallout 3
>Replay it
>Barely have any fun, even with the best mods installed
It's remarkable how strongly youth can colour your perception of quality